Rebirth: The Villainous Young Master Doesn't Want to Follow the Script

Chapter 146: The Chosen for the Succession



*******AUCTION EVENT******

******VIP ROOM #09*******

Silence had reign inside the room as both of them are now staring with each other when Xylon questioned the snow-colored young man about the [token] he had within his possession.

'He got some good temperament as he didn't immediately lash out when I questioned him about the [token]. I could already tell the reason why this young man had been chosen to have the [token] within his possession.'

Not only that, but Xylon could also sense that this young man possess incredible abilities that no one could ever imagine, take it for example on how he demonstrated himself earlier.

While Xylon was lost on his own thoughts, Eclipse, on the other hand, didn't give away any signs of discomfort the moment he was questioned about the [token] within his possession as he just crossed his arms around his chest and raised an eyebrow back at his unwanted guest.

'It seems that he knew something about the [token] Rheina had given to me and when he was questioned about the [token], there is no malice on his words and only pure curiosity can be seen within his expression. As if he just wanted to confirm something.'

Although this person wouldn't dare to harm him in any way, the world-hopper is still wary of this unwanted guest who just suddenly trespassed to this room.

'His ability to sneak inside proves that Xylon Sanders isn't just some typical genius from some typical noble households, like how those usual characters from those worldlines that I have visited as a world-hopper.'

This means that he acquired these strengths and abilities through hardworking alone, given that he mastered the signature technique of his household from a young age that makes him hailed as a genius spearmaster across the lands.

'Given his reputation, I don't see the reason why he seems interested in the [token] within my possession but one thing I could guarantee is that this man didn't harbor ill-intentions against him. Just merely curiosity on his part.'

Eclipse thought as he took a deep breath and spoke for a long time, he had been stayed quiet for a while.

"It seems that you knew something about this [token] in my possession. Care to share it with me?"

Xylon snapped from his own thoughts when he heard the question coming from the snow-colored young man and Xylon frowns at the moment and later on, his eyes got widen in shock as he realized something.

"W-wait a moment! Y-you…. Don't know what that [token] means for?!"

Forgive his outburst but Xylon couldn't help but raised his voice because he noticed how clueless the snow-colored young man upon looking at his face that screams [he doesn't know anything about it!].

'Just who in their right mind not even explaining these things to him?!'


Somewhere at the border of Stellarus Empire where the Arcanum De Fleur's headquarters is situated, inside the office, Rheina suddenly sneeze and for some unknown reason, the woman's sharp intuition tells her that someone is cursing behind her back…


After that outburst, Xylon immediately shook off his head and then sighed to calm himself first as he looked at the snow-colored young man and saw how oblivious this person was about the [token] within his possession.

"Ahem! I apologize for my sudden outburst but…. Can I ask you something first?"

Eclipse shrugged off his shoulder as he said; "Fine with me. Also, aren't you afraid that this [token] within my possession might be something that I stole from someone else?"

With those words coming from the snow-colored young man, Xylon could only sigh in defeat because of how clueless he is about the importance of the [token] he possess and at the same time, cursed the person for not even explaining things before relinquishing its rights to the other person.



Once again, Rheina sneeze even further and one of her subordinates noticed how their master might have caught a cold, but the woman just waved her hand and said; "This is nothing. Just do your assigned task and leave for now."

'I think there is one person that I knew who might have cursed me behind my back. If I get the chance to go back at Vertum Continent, he is the first person that I would find and skin him alive for his insolence!'


For some unknown reason, Xylon got chills down to his spine and he feels like his life is now in danger.

"Well? I'm waiting."

Xylon snapped once more as he shook off his head to focused on this snow-colored young man who doesn't have any idea on how he got involved in this situation, not knowing anything about it.

"That [token] you have within your possession isn't an ordinary token that can be taken away or stolen that easily because those [tokens] have the blood pact from the direct descendants of [that household]."

He paused for a moment and then continued; "In order for an outsider like you to take possession of that [token] is for the previous owner to relinquish their rights at will and now that you have that [token] within your possession, you are now a chose participant to take the [trial] for the succession battle."

Now, it seems like the world-hopper caught his attention at the last sentence that Xylon stated.

"What do you mean by succession battle?" – Eclipse's voice screams warily and anxiously as he looked back at Xylon as if the other person is telling him something ominous.

Xylon, on the other hand, groaned in annoyance as he covered his face with his hands and refrained from cursing out loud because of how clueless the young man is in front of him.

'Godd*mn it! I think I know who's the owner of the [token] he had and to think she didn't even explain the basics to this young man! How careless of you, Young Lady!'


For the third time, Rheina sneeze once more and the Lotus Killer clenches her fists while restraining herself for not shouting and gritted her teeth in annoyance.



'I'm dead! I knew it! I think I need to prepare my own burials first but before that, I need to explain to this young man about the [token] within his possession.'

Xylon shivers as he cried internally because of his upcoming impending doom that he knew whose [token] that the snow-colored young man had.

"First, may I take a look at the [token] you possess?"

Eclipse raised an eyebrow at him and said; "And why is that you need that for?"

Xylon smiles at him and said; "There is something that I need to confirm first before I could rely on the information that I had in regard to that [token] you have."

After he said, Eclipse frowns even more but with no other choice, he sighed as he raised his hand on the side and took something out of thin air that makes Xylon had a shock expression on his face.

'Space magic affinity?! I knew from the reports about him that he's a [Combat Mage] with high proficiency in mana affinity, strength and defense but for him to have a support type magic affinity as well….'

Xylon didn't dwell that much from those thoughts as he waited for the snow-colored young man to take out the [token] he possess.

Eclipse, on the other hand, pulled out the [token] from his system inventory but he didn't dare to let the other man to touch the [token], but the world-hopper only presented it by opening his palm for the other person to see the [token].

"I still don't trust you even though you bare no malicious intent towards me, and I won't let you touch this [token] and if you dared to do anything funny, I will make sure that the name Xylon Sanders would be wiped out its existence and the people around you will follow its master's footsteps, are we clear?"

As the world-hopper stated those words, Xylon knew that the snow-colored young man wasn't joking at all, and his instincts never failed him, and Xylon isn't that stupid to pull that kind of stunt in front of such a monstrous being in human flesh.

'That might be a harsh description but that's how I evaluate him. Even though this young man conceal some of his powers, but his aura is still leaking out within the four walls of this room.'

He thought and snapped from those thoughts as he took a look at the [token] presented in front of him and without touching the said [token], Xylon immediately saw the symbol of that household.

{ …. A three-pointed star with an eagle symbol at the center ….}

However, that's not what Xylon was looking for.

At the center of the [token] where the eagle symbol lies, Xylon managed to look at the other symbol that he was looking for.

{ ... The symbol of lotus flower….}

'There is no reason for doubting it. This young man…. He is the one who the Clandestine clan had chosen.'

With that thought, Xylon immediately withdraw his eyes from the [token] and then, what comes after is something that Eclipse would never imagine.

"By the decree that bestowed upon by the previous owner, as one of the chosen ones, I, Xylon Sanders, would be at your disposal and would serve you until the end of time….

Your Imperial Highness…. PRINCE ECLIPSE LILAC ZEPHYR."


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