Rebirth: The Villainous Young Master Doesn't Want to Follow the Script

Chapter 128: The Clandestine's Founding Patriarch


Out of the young masters and young ladies that would participate in [that trial], Young Lady Rheina is the oldest amongst the participants as she is in her mid-20's but her appearance somehow looks like in her teenage years because of her youthful appearance.

Also, the one who is looking forward to her participating is none other than the current Patriarch himself.

'However, it seems like the Patriarch would be disappointed once again. Ha! Like father, like daughter, indeed.'

Iason thought as he sighed because he could tell that this would be a problem if word got out about Young Lady Rheina's [token] that she relinquish her rights to someone else and Iason could bet that those people would do something about that person.

"You know if this news got reach to those people, something might happen to the person you gave the [token] for? Aren't you worried about that?"

Iason said and thought that person would be caught in trouble if words got out about this matter since that person is an outsider and had no connections to begin with.

"I believe in him, Iason. Also, he isn't an ordinary guy if you have the chance to meet and observe him from your perspective. I tell you…. He is worth it."

'For the Young Lady to praise that person so much, it means the person she relinquish her [token] is someone that is worth within her eyes and not only that, but also she believe in that person's capabilities without hesitation.'

Iason thought as he looked at the Young Lady in front of him.

Rheina Clandestine.

The current Matriarch of the Clandestine clan and the Leader of Arcanum De Fleur within the Cranus Continent. The Clandestine clan doesn't have an official territory within the Cranus Continent since most of their members had scattered within the whole continent and they were the ones who ruled the Underworld Realm of this continent.

Although she is part of the direct lineage of that household from Cliffton Empire of Vertum Continent, one of their forefathers settled within this continent and they casted away their original last name and change it into Clandestine and right now, Rheina Clandestine is the twentieth generational Headmaster of the clan.

'As for the reason they settled in this continent, I don't know either. There wasn't even a record about that but Rheina's ancestor, wasn't wipe out of the household's records and that's why they were still part of the household and had the rights to participate in [that trial].'

Iason learned some of the information regarding the household's founding patriarch's background because his mentor told him some of the information that he had learned.

The household's founding patriarch had three wives. The first legal wife gave birth to four direct bloodline children for the founding patriarch. The second one is a mistress and gave birth to two children and the last one is the second mistress who gave birth to three children.

According to Iason's mentor, Rheina's ancestor is the third child from the founding patriarch's first legal wife and that makes their lineage comes from the pure direct bloodline of the household.

However, there is no clear record within the household about the reason for Rheina's ancestor to split off within the family and choose to settle in this continent, even going so far as to change their last name and they were now known as Clandestine.

'Although there was no record about the full details on why Rheina's ancestor decided to split off within the family, but I could only think that maybe due to internal conflict inside the household.'

Since the household's founding patriarch had a total of eight children then, there is no doubt that the main issue lies within conflicts between sibling rivalries.

Maybe, Rheina's ancestor decided to back off and never join the disputes amongst its siblings and forge a new path for himself.

And that's how the establishment of the Clandestine clan begins.

However, even if Rheina's ancestor decided to back off and split within the family, they were still part of that household no matter what happened and also had the right to participate in [that trial].

For centuries that had passed, whenever [that trial] begins, Rheina's ancestors never participated in [that trial], no matter how much their ancestor guardians persuaded them, but it all went for a naught.

Because of that, over those centuries since then, Rheina's ancestors and their descendants are being mocked and ridiculed by the descendants from other branches but not the descendants from the direct lineages because of their ancestor's teachings and only them had known something about the third child from their ancestors.

'My mentor told me that the third child is a special case, but I couldn't confirm that much and by judging the woman in front of me, the descendant of the third child from the founding patriarch's first legal wife, although I admit that she is strong but I couldn't sense something about her being special though.'

Or maybe, the Clandestine founding patriarch is hiding some secret or something else?

However, according to the history records that Iason had learned from his mentor, Rheina's ancestors haven't participated for a long time until the seventeenth generational Leader, Rheina's great-grandfather, decided to participate in [that trial] however, at the middle of the [trial]….

He decided to withdraw from the [trial] and that almost cause a huge uproar because of its sudden decision but before he left the [trial], he delivers a message to all of them….

« ... "An unknown mixed blood outside would soon change the course of history and if that happens, whether it will be their light or the darkness, who knows." ... »

After that, he left the scene and they no longer participate in [that trial] and right now, it's the Young Lady's turn to participate however, she relinquish her rights to someone else outside….

Wait a minute. Outside of the family?

Iason snapped from his thoughts as he looked at the woman in front of him; "A-about your g-great grandfather's message from the records, I-I…. mean, the seventeenth generational clan leader…. Do you perhaps…."

He couldn't speak properly because it seemed like he managed to connect some dotes along the way.

However, he snapped once more when he heard the young lady chuckle at his misery and then, she went back to her seat and spoke.

"Are you thinking about the message that my great-grandfather left when he withdraw from [that trial]?"

Rheina said as she took another sip of her tea that served to her for the second time and Eden had reheat the tea for her to drink and the Lotus Killer hummed at the aroma that she scented from those blended tea.

"Hmmm…. Who knows. Maybe or maybe not that I knew he was the person that my great-grandfather had spoken off. If you want to find that person, he is already at Cliffton Empire and as for his description? He has snow-colored hair and a pair of radiant lilac-colored eyes. If you happen to meet him, just tell him my name. That's all."




Silence had reigned inside the office after Iason had left minutes ago after the discussion between the two of them.


Rheina looked up at Eden who called out for her; "Hmmm?"

Eden felt conflicted to ask some questions regarding about that man her master called Iason and even though she stay silent at her master's side and only listening to their discussion, she couldn't help but to be curious about that man.

Especially when her master addressed the man as "guardian" or something about the title goes by "the void" and like that.

She cleared her throat as she calmed herself and spoken; "Master, who was that man actually? What's his real identity?"

After she said that, Rheina place down her cup of tea and then stood up from her seat as she walked around for a moment and Eden noticed that her master was frowning from that moment.

"A-ah…. It's alright if…"

Her sentences were cut off when Rheina raised her hand and stopped her tracks as she looked at Eden and said; "Iason of the Void. He's one of the Guardians under the direct orders from the household patriarch in Cliffton Empire of Vertum Continent. The reason he was here is because of [that trial] that would start soon."

Rheina explained to her and Eden suddenly remembered some of the histories of their clan and about the trial her master was talking about.

"B-but…. In order to participate in [that trial], you need the [token]…."

She stopped mid-sentence because she suddenly remembered about the [token] that was now in the hands of a certain someone they knew.

"So, that's what Claire was talking about when she told me that master have given that [token] to Sir Eclipse before they had left in this continent."

Rheina nodded and sighed as she looked outside of her window in her office and said; "From the founding of the Clandestine clan, from the notes of our founding ancestor had left told us that there will be a time that someone would have benefited from this [trial] and he knew it wasn't from his descendants."


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