Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 377: Poisonous Blood

Chapter 377: Poisonous Blood

Several days later ...

The news of the coming tide of beasts was spreading through the city with fire, all those who went out to train began to return. On the high walls of the city, you could see a huge wave of creatures running toward the city, on the front, it was possible to see thousands of extremely large creatures fifty meters high, there were also extremely large flying creatures flying along.

It was only days before the arrival of the tide of snow creatures.

In these last days, Yan Yu stayed inside the room training her blood control skills, despite the few skills, each of them was extremely powerful and had unique effects.

She managed to control poisonous blood from a strange snake she killed during her trip to Frozen Mountain City to make lethal weapons. Yan Yu realized that as long as it was blood in liquid form, she could control it, it did not matter if it was poisoned or mixed with something else.

Another interesting thing about this ability was that Yan Yu could separate the blood from other things like poison. If there was venom in the blood, it could separate the blood from the poison, but it depended on the potency of the poison, if the venom were extremely powerful, it could not separate. Because Yan Yu was very weak at the time.

After Yan Yu reached level 100 and rank 1, she gained a skill, and then at level 150, she gained another skill. The first skill she gained was called the Blood Explosion, this ability allows Yan Yu to use her blood or others to create a sphere and blow it up causing great damage.

If Yan Yu used her own blood, she would lose HP in the process, and blood of others, the destructive power will be less.

The second ability was called Blood Clone, using large amounts of blood to create a clone made of blood that could help in the fight. The clone has the ability to absorb the blood of others and heal itself when Yan Yu absorbs the clone, it would recover a certain amount of HP, MP, and Stamina depending on the blood that was absorbed by the clone.


The next day, those who were sleeping comfortably were awakened by the sudden extremely loud sound of the city bell. This sound signaled the arrival of the tide.

There were those who were already awake and those who had just woken up when they heard the sound of the bell. They became frantic and quickly arranged to go to the gates of the city.

Yan Yu was also awakened by the noise, but she preferred to go back to sleep because she had understood some things about the tides of creatures or any other kind of invasion. When Yan Yu organized his memories, she saw some advice that Herman had received and given on the tides of creatures: Never be anxious to go to the front row during the invasion.

These words contained some special meanings, Yan Yu understood the meaning of these words, she also saw the images that proved her thoughts. She realized that those on the front line at the beginning of the tide clash had the best chance of being the first to die, as they were the first to hit the tide directly.

Yan Yu decided to stay inside the hotel room sleeping and resting for a few days before going to the battlefield, not only she had this intention but also other tens of thousands of people.


Several days later ...

The battlefield was totally blood-stained with bodies of creatures and fallen people. With every passing second, bodies were destroyed, whether of person or creature, the blood did not have time to freeze because there would always be a body falling dead. The scene was extremely brutal and bloody.

Yan Yu was at the top of the walls looking at the battle, she was wearing the black cloak that completely covered her body. The sight she was seeing was incredible, a gigantic tide that had tens of millions of creatures, the forest that existed near the town was totally destroyed by the creature's run. Millions of people were on the battlefield battling the millions of creatures.

After some time looking at the battlefield, Yan Yu came down from the wall and went to the battlefield, this was her first great battle between life and death that she would face.

Before Yan Yu went to the walls, she went to the Adventurers' Guild to buy the basic survival skills she wanted.


The battlefield had an extremely thick blood smell could be felt, those who were not accustomed to that smell could vomit the moment they smelled it.

But Yan Yu was not like these people, as she was a blood manipulator, she always felt the heavy smell of blood. She became accustomed even more after she received Herman's inheritance, where various kinds of blood energy entered her body and strengthened her blood and vitality.

This kind of battlefield was perfect for Yan Yu to use her skills because there was blood everywhere, she could control the blood and attack the creatures. Since she was wearing a black cloak, no one could recognize her, and nobody cared as well, for there were thousands of people dressed in black on the battlefield, and there were still tens of thousands more in the city.

Yan Yu began to race toward the tide creatures, one creature always died, another five took its place. As she ran, Yan Yu was manipulating the blood that was spilled on the floor subtly so no one would find out.

Her weapons were not of the highest quality, so every blow would not kill the creatures. As several days have passed, the weaker creatures have already been killed and thirty percent of the tide has already been defeated.

Using vision skills, Yan Yu saw that the creatures on the scene were at levels 70-100. she wanted to kill only those who were at level 100, but saw that it was impossible, she would have to kill any kind of creature possible to level faster.

Yan Yu was like a slaughter machine on the battlefield, with every cut she took with her sword, blood mixed with deadly poison was injected into the body of creatures that would die seconds after its felt agonizing pain. Because the poison would destroy the nerves and the organs of the body, this poison was obtained when Yan Yu killed an extremely dangerous snake in its adventure in the forest.

She also bought various types of liquid poisons and powders and mixed them in the bottles of blood she had in her space bag. Yan Yu's sword was bathed with drops of these poisoned blood. Yan Yu's killing was extremely brutal and inhumane.

The older generation who was accompanied by the younger generation, they realized that the figure of Yan Yu killing on the battlefield, at first they did not know what was going on, but after some time, they realized that she was using poison to kill the creatures. It shocked them, for it was rare for a person to use this sort of thing unless it was for murder. They began to think that Yan Yu had a class related to the use of poison.

Yan Yu was like a shadow on the battlefield, at every cut, a creature was dead. But for the bad luck of those who were trying to steal these corpses, these people were poisoned the moment they touched the creature's body. This shocked all those around and immediately turned away from the creatures killed by Yan Yu.

The person who was poisoned had to cut off his hand to keep the rest of his body from being corroded by the poison. Looking at the creatures and his hand, that person shook because it was too cruel to kill creatures in this way. This person was forced out of the battlefield with a pale face because he knew that he had missed a good chance to level.

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