Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 493 Chu Kong's Countermeasure (1)

The laboratory was filled with many things, but today it seemed messier than usual. Chemical substances with questionable color filled the flask, and many post-it notes were pasted on the wall. She couldn't read what was written on it.

Dirty rags and food wrapper paper were scattered around a stack of books placed haphazardly on the floor. It seemed Chu Kong had no time to clean before they came. Those chemical substances better not be dangerous.

Chu Kong prepared some chairs for them to sit on, and Li Caiyi was curious about what he had to say.

They were all waiting for him to speak, and Chu Kong looked inexplicably burdened by their stare. Yet no one could explain it better than him, so with shaky voices and his eyes on the floor, he began to speak, "Uhm, g-good afternoon."

Li Caiyi tried not to let her surprise show on her face. This was her first time listening to Chu Kong's voice, and she had to say, he had a pleasant voice. It wasn't too loud or too mellow; it was just right.

"U-um, w-where are my notes?" Chu Kong anxiously felt his clothes, seemingly searching for something. He looked extremely nervous with how much he was sweating.

"Kong, calm down. I know you already remember everything, so there's no need for notes, no?" Detective Tang said, but it only made the poor guy more flustered.

Taking pity on his lost self, Li Caiyi stood up and smiled politely. "It must be an important note for you. Can you remember where the last time you put it? Let us help you search for it."

Chu Kong was surprised. Unable to look at her, he cast his gaze on the floor again. "I-I had it in my pocket just a moment ago, but then, it's gone."

Li Caiyi smiled. "Then it must still be in this laboratory."

He nodded hesitantly. Li Caiyi wasted no time and started scanning the place.

The first thing that caught her attention was the stack of books. She walked over and quickly noticed small-sized, black leather notes. It had an antique feeling to it, with the edge of the strap looking like a stamp used in old times.

Li Caiyi picked it up with a smile. "Is this what you are looking for?"

Chu Kong perked up, immediately rushed over, and took the book from her. He hugged it to his chest, and suddenly he didn't look so stiff anymore.

"This must be an important item to you."

"Yes. It's very important."

Meng Renshu, who watched the whole spectacle, felt a bit annoyed. No matter how harmless he appeared to be, wasn't she acting too friendly with this researcher, whom she didn't know very well?

"If you have found your notebook, can we start talking now?"

Chu Kong almost shrunk, hearing the domineering tone in his voice. Li Caiyi glared at Meng Renshu in displeasure. He didn't even try to help, so what's his deal?

However, Chu Kong didn't seem offended and quickly returned to his original spot. Li Caiyi followed behind him and concentrated on the matter at hand.

"Sorry for the delay. I will start explaining now. First, I think it's imperative for you to know the exact thing we are dealing with."

Unlike before, Chu Kong no longer stuttered and tensely talked in front of them.

"We are currently dealing with a mysterious drug created by a mysterious organization. There is not enough information on how and when this drug was produced. Still, the purpose is clear: It's to create artificial geniuses."

Li Caiyi clenched her hand tightly. Her eyes never left Chu Kong for a second.

"After researching, I discovered that the most crucial factor that made these drugs dangerous is a particular component. It still has no official name, so let's call it component X. At a glance, this component didn't seem dangerous and had no difference from the component used for painkillers. But it actually consisted of a modified virus.

This is a little complicated, so I will simplify the explanation. This modified virus has a significant function. If it was ingested and came in contact with the brain through blood, it would let out a certain effect that would confuse the brain, making it believe that the owner is in a life-and-death situation.

The procedure is complicated, but in that situation, the brain temporarily improves its ability to deflect danger. The virus could even temporarily remove the limiter in the brain, giving an illusion of an extraordinary genius. The purpose of the project is to prove if the effect could be permanent if the drugs were taken regularly. Though, in my personal opinion, they are really stretching it."

Meng Renshu raised his hand to stop Chu Kong from talking. He looked like he had a hard time believing everything. "Please wait. I get that the virus is of an unknown origin, but such a procedure will undoubtedly burden the brain. Xiaohua can still act normally even when she consumes those drugs regularly."

"That's because she took it with the smallest dosage. I have already heard that Li Chunhua shows brilliant results in her academics. Although the drugs may contribute to it, it also makes sense if you think it was just her natural ability. Meanwhile, the burden is still there, but it will not damage her that much. However, if she keeps taking it, there's no guarantee what will happen."

Li Caiyi dreaded to find out what would happen if she didn't find out about this.

Chu Kong glanced at Meng Renshu, and when the latter didn't show any sign of rebuttal anymore, he continued, "I get that this is very confusing and shocking to you, but humans are constantly challenging the limit of their imagination and logic by doing experiments. Rather than thinking how 'impossible' it is, I believe you will have an easier time if  you change your thinking to how 'it can be possible' instead."

The solution was simple, but it was hard to put it into practice. If they wanted to help Li Chunhua, there was no other way than to face reality head-on.

p "We understand. Can you please continue? You haven't explained about the damage it will bring." Meng Renshu said.

"The extent of what the virus can and can not do is still uncertain, but this drug has a big downfall. Since it gave false signals, it forced the brain to work multiple times harder, pushing the limit of what the owner could withstand."

Chu Kong trailed a bit to stare at Li Caiyi with inexplicable gaze before continuing, "In the long run, it could cause permanent brain damage, turning someone into a vegetative state. The owner will slowly lose control of their emotions, movements, and five senses. In extreme cases, it can even cause an immediate brain failure, which results in death."

All blood was drained from Li Caiyi's face. She already knew about this, but when she heard him explain it so thoroughly, it sent a chill down her spine.

How could someone be so cruel as to do experiments on human beings like that? And out of all the people in the world, why did it have to be someone she knows? Someone very close and dear to her?

"Xiaoyi!" Meng Renshu exclaimed in panic when he saw her about to fall to the floor. Her eyes lost their focus, and her whole body was trembling.

It was hard to see her like this, so he put his arm around her to calm her down. "I'm here with you, don't be afraid. It's better this way. As long as we know the problem's core, we still have a chance to solve it. We have to be strong for Xiaohua's sake now."

He tightened his hold on her and made a solemn vow. "I promise I will never let Xiaohua be harmed, and I will see to it that those people who put her into this won't have a good end. Please have faith in me."

Li Caiyi took a deep breath and gathered herself together. As Meng Renshu said, she couldn't break down just from this. Li Chunhua was still suffering, and she shouldn't stop just because she was scared.

"I'm sorry for losing control of myself. I'm fine now." Li Caiyi smiled as she slowly separated herself from him. Her expression turned serious as she turned at Chu Kong. "Please continue."

Chu Kong slowly pulled out a small plastic bag inside her lab coat pocket. Inside the bag was a small red capsule.

"After deliberating and researching for weeks, I finally found some new discoveries. An interesting one, if I could say so."

"What is it?" Meng Renshu asked curiously.

"I found this surprising myself. From Li Caiyi's blood, I found a tiny amount of the virus residue. However, the curious thing about it was I found them in a frozen state."

"Frozen?" Li Caiyi tilted her head in confusion.

"As for the cause, I couldn't say for sure, but it seems you have natural immunity for it. It was almost like a miracle."

"Wait, so you mean that if I give Xiaohua my blood, then there is a possibility that she will be completely cured of it?" Li Caiyi asked with a hopeful gleam on her face.

Chu Kong cleared his throat. "That would be the best ending, but I'm afraid I have to break it to you. Technically, your blood somehow developed a resistance to it, but I can't say it'll work the same when it faces a higher dosage. We can't be too positive about it just yet."

Li Caiyi couldn't describe the disappointment she felt. "Then, are you saying there's nothing we can do?"

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