Rebirth of MC

Chapter 33

From A City to Z City, each of the twenty-six cities have their own military district. The only difference is the closer it is to A, the higher status their military is. Hence, it is pretty obvious that Z City's military district is the lowest of them all and doesn't receive much attention or has great importance attached to it. This is also one of the reasons why Huo Zaiyuan decided to past the last few months before the end of the world in this city.

In order to prevent the sound of the car's engine attracting more zombies, they get off the vehicle in one of the two-way streets without any undead presence a distance away from the military district. Long Zhanye opens the driver seat's door and exits, eyes scanning the surrounding area carefully. Although they haven't seen any zombies here yet, it is better to be safe than sorry. A hand reaches beneath his military jacket to wrap around the pistol, about to remove it from its holster.

"Don't use your gun." Huo Zaiyuan, who has also gotten out of the car warns quietly as soon as he sees Long Zhanye reaching for his pistol. Then he hands over a steel sword. "The zombies' sense of hearing is very acute. The sound of gunshots will draw a large amount of them. Using knives is better. You only need to remove their heads to kill them."

Taking the sword, Long Zhanye swings it around a few times, sword eyebrows wrinkling. "It's a bit light. Little Yuan seems to be really familiar with zombies."

"That's how things usually playout in zombie apocalypse movies." That year, when the famous zombie apocalypse film first hit the market, it caused a global sensation and trended worldwide. Huo Zaiyuan went with a few of his close friends to the cinema to watch it. But he doesn't know if Long Zhanye has seen that movie before. Either way, he cannot admit that his knowledge comes from his rebirth.

After he starts cultivating the "Mysterious Nine Dragon's Heaven" technique, he becomes increasingly calm and even-tempered, expression unchanging as he spouts lies. Even Long Zhanye is not able to tell, which is just as well.

Both holding swords in hand and heading towards the military district, they don't go through the alleyway between two tall buildings as that path is wrought with unseen danger. Yet, circumstances seem to be a little off the further they walk, for not a single zombie can be seen on this entire stretch.

"Something's not right." Reaching out to pull Huo Zaiyuan back, Long Zhanye squints to see further ahead, putting a wall at his back to face the tall military building opposite, only to discover the outer courtyard's large steel gates have been tightly shut.

"It's a little too quiet." Huo Zaiyuan frowns lightly, peeking in the direction of the military district before gazing at Long Zhanye. "The atmosphere near the military base is also not quite right."

"Un." Long Zhanye acknowledges his words with a nod, whispering. "Follow me."

Now knowing what exactly Long Zhanye wants to do but knowing the man is not some reckless person, he silently follows. Leading Huo Zaiyuan in a detour around the district and the tightly closed gates, they arrive at one side of the high perimeter wall. Next to the wall is a tall tree, a sturdy branch coincidently extending over the wall and beyond.

"Can you climb trees and scale walls?" Long Zhanye asks, looking at the person beside him.

Expression unchanging, Huo Zaiyuan nods. "Climb trees, scale walls and play truant."

"Un, very good." Long Zhanye displays a pleased expression, then lifts his hand and drives his sword into the tree trunk, the strike so forceful it sinks in a whole three inches. A black military combat boot braces against thewall, the other pushing off the ground. Using this upwards lift, the lean figure leaps up, somersaults midair before again pushing off the sword sticking into the trunk, the momentum enabling him to ascend a little more. In just a matter of a few seconds, he has already reached the top of the several meters high wall.

Really skilful ah.

Staring at the man currently atop the wall and bending over to retrieve the knife, Huo Zaiyuan exclaims in his heart.

After removing the blade from the tree trunk, Long Zhanye stretches his hand out. Understanding the gesture, Huo Zaiyuan hands over his own knife before proceeding to climb the tree. Of course, his movements absolutely cannot be compared to Long Zhanye's nimble and fast motions, but he is not clumsy. In two minutes, he has already climbed up the tree and step on the extended branch to reach the top of the wall.

Lowering his head to look down, he sees a smattering of black-haired individuals inside the perimeter wall shaking back and forth, a non-stop growling emitting from them. What else could they be besides zombies?

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