Realm of the Night God

Chapter 224: Birth of the Malevolent Spirit (1)

Today, a crowd gathered around the Ghost Building, a place usually avoided by people. Though the Ghost Building of the Zhong family in Lecheng was well-known, few who entered it ever emerged alive. Normally, the eerie atmosphere could be felt even from a distance, as if countless pairs of eyes were watching in the shadows. This reputation had gradually formed around the Zhong family's Ghost Building.

It's often said that when a house loses its vitality, it becomes dilapidated and may collapse at any moment. The Zhong family's Ghost Building, lacking any vitality, appeared incredibly worn-out. Despite this, it stood resilient in the face of storms. It was said that many children who grew up seeing it had moved away, yet the building endured.

However, last night, this Ghost Building, standing for countless years, unexpectedly collapsed without a sound, attracting many onlookers who enjoyed such spectacles.

"Do you know that I heard some noises around the Ghost Building last night? But I didn't dare to come out and see. I never expected the Ghost Building to collapse last night," a middle-aged man lowered his voice, sharing with his friend.

"Noises? Haha, if you had bravely come out at that time, you might have witnessed the Ghost Building collapse. Then you'd have something to boast about," his friend responded with a laugh, seemingly not taking the man's words seriously.

"I'm serious. I'm not lying. The sounds at that time seemed more like people fighting, not like the noises a collapsing house would make," the middle-aged man continued, trying to convince his skeptical friend.

His friend, not believing him, mocked, "People fighting? Are you trying to tell me that a master came to the Ghost Building last night, fought with the fierce ghost inside, defeated it, but the building couldn't bear the burden and collapsed? Is that the scene we're seeing now?"

Detecting the sarcasm in his friend's words, the middle-aged man became displeased.

"The Zhong family's Ghost Building has stood for who knows how many years without collapsing. Now, overnight, it's gone. It doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't make sense? Just because the Ghost Building has stood for a long time doesn't mean it couldn't collapse anytime. This incident happened just last night, a coincidence. You're making it sound mysterious. I think you've read too many ghost stories."

Unhappy with his friend's response, the middle-aged man looked at him with disdain and said, "Some people usually dare not pass by here. Now they have the nerve to mock me. No shame at all."

His friend's expression soured, wanting to explain, but the middle-aged man impatiently waved his hand, saying, "Believe it or not, I don't feel like explaining to you."

Similar conversations were happening all around, with people discussing the collapsed Ghost Building. Though the means of communication varied, the topic was consistently about the fallen building, without exception.

Among the crowd was Yang Haoran, standing next to the middle-aged man. Like other onlookers, his attention was drawn to the collapsed Ghost Building. With his utterly ordinary appearance, he was just an average bystander.

Yang Haoran heard every word of the conversation between the middle-aged man and his friend. Although the friend didn't believe him, Yang Haoran was certain the man spoke the truth.

Due to the Yin Thunder Array, the commotion inside the Ghost Building didn't reach the outside initially. However, after the array was broken, the sounds of the fight should have leaked out. Yet, as the subsequent battle wasn't as intense, and the area around the Ghost Building was sparsely populated, not many people heard the commotion.

A cordon had been set up around the Ghost Building, and several police officers seemed to be inspecting something inside. However, Yang Haoran didn't spot Wang Yiming or even his girlfriend Chen Ying among the officers.

Before leaving the Ghost Building last night, Yang Haoran had called Wang Yiming. Although he didn't go into detail, Wang Yiming couldn't be oblivious to what happened here.

In Yang Haoran's view, the police had likely sealed off the area to protect the curious onlookers. After all, the Zhong family's Ghost Building was a cursed place. Even if it turned into ruins, it didn't guarantee safety. If curious bystanders entered and lost their lives, it wouldn't be surprising.

For one or two individuals, it might be forgivable, but if a group encountered trouble, handling the aftermath would be difficult.

This precaution, however, seemed to be a burden on the police. If nothing happened, it was fine, but if the ruins of the Ghost Building harbored any danger, the officers would be the first to sacrifice.

After leaving Deng Feng's villa, Yang Haoran came here to see if Zhong Siyu would return.

With the Ghost Building now in ruins, it was certain to attract a large crowd of onlookers. This area would undoubtedly be cleared by the authorities. If Zhong Siyu returned during this period and didn't allow anyone to touch her Ghost Building, trouble was inevitable.

For safety reasons, he decided to come back and see. If something did happen, his presence could play a role.

Not because Yang Haoran was particularly kind-hearted, but Zhong Siyu was a malevolent spirit, falling under his jurisdiction. If Zhong Siyu caused significant trouble and it escalated beyond control, Yang Haoran, as a Burial Master, couldn't stay aloof.

If a major incident occurred, the man in black wouldn't care about Yang Haoran's predicament. In the current chaotic state of Lecheng Yin Division, he would undoubtedly think there was a problem with Yang Haoran's abilities.

Having finally lucked into the position of Burial Master, Yang Haoran didn't want to step down before his seat even warmed up.

So far, Yang Haoran hadn't sensed Zhong Siyu's presence. However, he couldn't guarantee whether Zhong Siyu would appear next, so he decided to stay a while longer.

Looking at the now-ruined Ghost Building, Yang Haoran couldn't help but recall the scenes he had witnessed through the ghost eye on Zhong Siyu.

As these images replayed in his mind, the Ghost Building before him transformed. No longer a ruin, it turned into an imposing and brand-new villa.

Outside the villa's iron gate, two rows of servants stood respectfully, an elderly steward anxiously pacing back and forth.

Soon after, a luxury car approached. Its appearance brought a smile to the steward's aging face. With an expression of joy, he hurriedly approached the luxury car.

The car stopped at the villa's gate, and the butler opened the door. First to step out was a beautiful young woman.

She looked quite young, more like a teenager than someone older. Despite her youthful appearance, her figure was mature, lacking the distinct scent of a grown woman. However, she exuded a youthful vitality that mature women didn't possess.

This woman, both in figure and appearance, was exactly like Zhong Siyu. However, their auras were entirely different.

Every word and action of this woman radiated a strong allure to men. Even those who didn't like her type would find it challenging to resist her.

Zhong Siyu, on the other hand, exuded a constant sense of pathological madness, bloodlust, and cruelty. She lacked any seductive charm for men and instead gave off a chilling vibe.

Facing her felt like constantly dealing with a lunatic, making people want to avoid her. It was undoubtedly difficult to entertain thoughts of sharing a bed with her. Sleeping with her would be no different from sleeping in a coffin.

Two individuals with the same figure and appearance, but in terms of personality and aura, they were two different extremes.

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