Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 214 First Taste Of The Villain King's Presence And The Twin Sisters...

It was still raining and thunder took hold of the skies with its loud roars, but the moment Chiron's arms fell to the ground, everybody heard it.

The Soldiers of Vendora watched this in obvious surprise.

Chiron's servants were injured but not dead. Emma and Carla had both seen as his hands fell to the ground.

Chiron might have been a despicable person, but right now, their lives were tied to the productivity of his works, and yet, he had taken the bold step to cut off his own hands,

Both Emma and Carla were in pain. However, both of them felt the harsh peng in their hearts when Chiron's hands touched the earth.

Those hands.

Emma could not help but remember.

It was with those hands that he had forged his sword. It was with those hands that he had tore open her father's chest and dug out his heart.

Naturally, one would expect her to Hate Chiron. However, the things she had seen him do were things that only those legendary figures could do in stories.

he had used those hands to climb his way in this harsh world, and now, those hands were gone.

He still had miles to go to reach the peak of cultivation, and now, he no longer had hands to pull himself up.

this was devastating.

for a slight moment, doubts about her future rushed into her head.

She couldn't help but question her father's words about Chiron.

Of course, she had seen him overcome adversities, but never had she seen him with such a problem.

It was so large that it nearly offset her reality.

She questioned if Chiron would actually do it.

"Would he make it?" she whispered subconsciously.

However, she was not the only one with such thoughts in her head.

Carla had graduated from having a crush on Chiron to actually forming a slave and master blood bond with him.

She had lost her entire world, and Chiron had pulled her into his.

He was practically her Future, but now, that future was looking Bleak.

In fact, she had never lost or doubted Chiron until the very moment she saw his Arms fall to the ground.

She knew that Chiron was not a good guy, But that was because the world never made things easy for him in the first place.

Now, Things were going to be different.

At the moment, She would not even be surprised if Chiron was to commit suicide.

After all, if he didn't he would be leaving the rest of his life as a Cripple.

In the cultivation world, this was as good as not having the ability to cultivate in the first place.

It was all over.

Although Emma and Carla had been with him the longest, the person that actually felt the pain for him the most, was actually Nora his younger sister.

She had only just opened her eyes to see what was going own when she saw the figure in the distance and the arms fall to the ground.

No one knew more about the pain Chiron had gone through to reach the state that he was at like her.

However, while Even the soldiers of Vendora, his servants and even the Heavens were sad for him, Chiron turned about.

And the moment there all saw the look on his face, They felt their chest shiver once more.

This time around, it was Fear.

the reason was simple.

Chiron was not experiencing the same emotional breakdown as they all thought he had.

On his face was an incredible Grin.

Commander Hardstone was a soldier with many years of experience, and so were the five others that had come with him.

These people had seen countless battles.

There have been men broken because of the hand that Fate dealt them time and time again.

Many Cried and the pain even made some run mad. While some others would put up a smile on their faces and then within their eyes, it was easy to see their agony.

However, the moment Chiron turned to them he was grinning, and in his eyes, was not the pain they were all expecting to see, but rather a kind of dominance and arrogance that came directly from the soul.

It was strong and with his eyes alone, he would have as well challenged the very heavens.

Even the thunder roared angrily at the Challenge that Chiron had presented.

How could it not, Chiron's cocky grin was challenging the very heavens.

It was like he was declaring his supremacy and stand against their ways.

This was it.

The order was for Commander Hardstone to come and bring home the princess. But on Coming here, he had discovered that she had long passed and the map that was given to him was pointing to Chiron.

Naturally, he learnt that Chiron was heir to the throne. But being heir alone was not the qualification for ruling men.

At least not in the eyes of this commander.

And that was why he wanted to see chiron's own capabilities with his eyes.

However, this was nothing like what he was expecting.

Yes! Chiron had lost his hands, but as Chiron stood before him armless, he felt the instinctive begging in his knees to drop and kneel before the ten-year-old.

He had face to save, and yes he held it back, but even as a cultivator in the bronze rank, he still felt the plead his knees gave for him to drop on the ground.

He swallowed a couple of times nervously.

Suddenly, Chiron Closed his eyes and the feeling disappeared as Chiron fell to the ground.

Immediately, one of the soldiers rushed for him.

The moment Chiron had cut off his arms, it resulted in massive bleeding.

Everyone had just been so carried away by the immersed indomitable presence he gave out that they did not notice the blood loss.

Immediately, the soldier used her spiritual Energy to stop the bleeding.

She checked his vitals. It was terrible.

"Shit!" She cursed, "he has lost a lot of blood. He will die!" She reported to Commander Hardstone.

The commander heard what she said. However, he suddenly cracked into a giggle, and then into loud laughter.

"Commander!?" She had a questioning look on her face.

Commander Hardstone turned and walked away, "I'll leave the rest to you. And try not to stress yourself too much. Even if death came for him, it will spit out back out the prince."

As he walked away, he added an extra statement, "at least I know I would. That one would be trouble, even in the underworld."


"Chiron! Chiron!!"

Chiron heard his name being called and he turned about.

he was floating amongst the stars, before what looked like a mighty cage.

The bars of this cage was made of Red lightning and thunder.

Within the cage were Chains moulded out of lightning and deafening thunder.

There were several of them. All of which held to the ground one man.

The Chains pierced his body like needles and held him down in place.

He was very tall and quite muscular. However, he looked as if he was in obvious pain.

He had a full-bearded face.

However, Chiron could not help but look closely. He was sure he recognized this Face. But where had he seen it before?

Slowly, the man in the cage raised his head.

Within his eyes was blue lightning. They crackled and sparked lowly.

Even in his binds, this man had a domineering and suppressive presence.

This face, Chiron was sure that he had seen it before. Although where he had was a bit difficult to remember. Majorly because of how long it had been.

However, the moment he set his mind to remember, he instantly did.

How could he not?

This was the person in his dreams. It was Mc of his book.

the last Chiron remembered of him was that great Battle that saw to his end.

This was the body and form of power the MC of the book had achieved at the end.

He wanted to reach for the cage but discovered that he couldn't.

The man's face was blank of expression, but the moment Chiron had attempted to reach for the cage, he immediately turned in Chiron's direction.

"You are not supposed to be here. Hurry! You need to hurry and go. If the twins find you, you'll meet your end."

Chiron was confused. He had a lot of questions but did not know which one to ask first.

"Which twins?" He ended up asking.

"The Goddesses Fate and Choice!"

Just then, Chiron Could hear voices and he looked in that particular direction.

There, he saw two divine heavenly beings arguing.

He was like an ant compared to a great oak tree before them.

Just then, one of them turned in his direction.

He immediately felt as if he was about to be crushed to bits.

However, the man in the cage slammed a palm on his chest.


Chiron woke up coughing out blood.

His chest felt like it had met the hot hammer of a blacksmith.

he wanted to reach for his chest but he had no hands. He looked below him, and there it was. It was the bloody palm print of a man.

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