Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 114: He is that kid

Chapter 114: He is that kid

"Yang Yu, bring the person" Xiao Tianyao gave an order to the man who had given him a report before, but instead of executed the order he walked anxiously to Xiao Tianyao side and leaned over to whisper something to him.

Xiao Tianyao was squinted his eyes slightly before he signaled him to carry out the order.

Yang Yu nodded slightly to the other man opposite of the room and then from the door they had come before someone dragged a kid. He was a boy around 9 to 10 years old and was wearing white clothes with dirt all over his body, stained of tears on his cheek and he looked incredibly scared.

Senja sucked in cold breath, she knew this boy! Even though she just met him once, but his face was engraved in her memory. This time the boy wasn't in sorry state like before but, his frightened face was on par like last time. He was the boy that she had saved from Roccaleaf Tea House. Last time someone offered help to look after him.

Right! That person was someone from Mystic Clan, one of L Clan most loyal underling! Senja overheard the kid had mentioned 'Gooza' name, which later she learned that he was leader of Mystic Clan and was part of the Black Web Market. Didn't it mean the kid was in danger back then? Why was he here and became prisoner under Xiao Tianyao's authority? Something wrong was happening here

Xiao Tianyao also was taken aback, because of in rushed Yang Yu had forgot to mention that the prisoner they were arrested was a merely kid that was why he didn't run the interrogation in order to wait for Xiao Tianyao further instruction.

Meanwhile, Xiao Tianyao was feeling disturb as well when Yang Yu told him that the news sender was a kid however, now he was utterly surprised. Xiao Tianyao remembered this boy too. He glanced over to Senja beside him and saw clearly her shocked expression.

Xiao Tianyao narrowed his dark eyes. Senja's shocked expression could be interpreted in two meanings. First, she was purely shocked because the boy she had saved last time turned out to be a person that was involved with L Clan in case of human trafficking and now was arrested for interrogation and second, she was shocked because their messenger had fell onto Xiao Tianyao's palm. Still there must be some possibility misunderstanding in between the two reasons because everything was still not clear yet.

But, this was also has a good point for Xiao Tianyao, he could take the advantage of this situation to straight things out. Originally he brought Yoda along to use him but now, it seems he was no longer needed.

If Senja was telling lie about her amnesia, it was the right situation with the perfect person involved to confront her and confirmed her involvement.

He glanced to Senja and the boy who was started to sobbing, as a plot started to form inside his mind.

"Commander Xiao, you remember him right? Why is he here?" Senja asked with knitted brows, she looked very distracted.

"He was caught at the border between K City and L City while carrying secret missive of L Clan" Xiao Tianyao answered her calmly. However, the more he calm, the more dangerous things would be.

One of the guards tied up the boy hands above his head that make him stood up on his tiptoes while the other guard stripped off his clothes and revealed the boy protruding bones chest. Senja really dislike the scenes before her eyes.

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