Pulling Together a Villain Reformation Strategy

Chapter 93.2

Jiang Xunyi was so scared, he cursed. Pei, dont be affectionate to someone who doesnt care! If you are willing to die, I am willing to kill!

As he spit the word kill out,he swung his sword and slashed towards Yun Xie, his momentum extremely fierce.

However, it was too late. In his moment of hesitation, Yun Xies discerning eye was already able to spot the flaws exposed when he had hurriedly retracted his sword just now. He flashed sideways, his right index finger and middle finger coming together and slanting diagonally towards Jiang Xunyis chest.

The truth was, no matter how much Jiang Xunyi feared hurting Yun Xie, Yun Xies care was equal if not greater in magnitude. This move wasnt very strong, and it was only meant to force him back.However, unexpectedly, Jiang Xunyi to spew out a mouthful of blood as soon as the fingers touched his chest, collapsing to his knees and coughing until he was almost unable to lift his head.

In the midst of the exclamations of the crowd, Wu Lu said, Congratulations Sect Master Yun, you have won

The moment Yun Xie saw Jiang Xunyi vomiting blood, he was so scared that his soul flew away, so how could he care about whatever Wu Lu was saying? He rushed up to hold him, then said anxiously, AXun, Im sorry, I didnt mean to How, how are you? Dont scare me

They had just been fighting as if they were going to beat the other to death, but in the blink of an eye, one couldnt make the last move, and the other was cuddling him in his arms. What the hell were these two people doing? The crowd of onlookers couldnt understand it.

As they were wondering, they suddenly saw Yun Xies body freeze.

His acupuncture point had been pressed by Jiang Xunyi.

Its me who should be sorry. Im fine. I was pretending just to scare you.

Jiang Xunyi stood up slowly, raised his sleeve and wiped the blood from his lips. He propped himself up against a tree besides Yun Xie, then turned to Master Wu Lu to say, Im going in.

He had deliberately reversed his inner breath in order to force out a mouthful of blood just to scare Yun Xie.He wasnt feeling very well, so he slowly leaned over and picked up the sword on the ground. He waved towards Jiang Molou from a distance and turned to enter the temple.

The two of them did whatever they want with no sense of shame, but no one could say anything. However, the sight of Yun Xies expression still made Master Wulu feel a chill.He was also afraid that Yun Xie would be so angry, he would become murderous. As he watched Jiang Xunyis back gradually disappear into the haze surrounding the temple, he turned to the Jiang Molou.

Second Master Jiang, this is Hidden Spirit Sects unique method of sealing the acupoints. Now that the winner has been determined and your martial brother has already entered, could I bother you to release Sect Master Yun?

Jiang Molous gaze flicked over from looking at the ghost temple. He stood thinking for a moment before he flew down without saying a word then walked quickly to Yun Xie. He supported him with one hand and unlocked the acupuncture path for him with the other.

Although Yun Xie was not pleasing to his eyes, he still regarded him as one of his own people subconsciously. In addition, he also felt that Jiang Xunyis behavior was a bit abnormal. Frowning, he asked, What the hell is going on with him?

Yun Xie was seething, but his anger was mixed with worry and distress, manifesting in jitteriness. Who the hell knows what the kid is thinking about every day

Before he could finish his sentence, a boom sounded out from the temple, and the entire building shook. The tiles on the roof fell to the ground, crackling as it hit the floor, and the people near the temple hurriedly backed away.

Yun Xie stepped forward. What the hell is going on?!

At this moment, there was an even more violent shockwave. This time, it was not only the temple that shook, but the ground, too. A gale began to pick up, causing the sand and rocks to fly up, the trees to topple, and the buildings to tilt. Those who didnt have enough skills were unable to stand properly and stumbled to the ground.

Yun Xie walked a few steps against the wind, then summoned Kunwu into his hand.

Master Wu Lu exclaimed, Yun Xie, what do you plan to do? Dont mess around; the temple will really collapse if too many people enter!

Yun Xies face was cold. I dont care!

Outside, the entire situation was a mess, but Jiang Xunyis situation on the inside was not as bad as expected.

He has a great memory, and once he entered the temple, he was struck by a sense of familiarity. After a few more steps, he become certain. What ghost temple?This was obviously the temple Master He Deng mentioned could block out the system!

Jiang Xunyi followed the walkway all the way to the main hall before calling loudly, Master? Monk? Old man?Hey, He Deng, are you pretending to be a ghost again? Come out right now or I will set your lousy temple on fire!

However, even after shouting multiple times, the surroundings were still empty, only echoes endlessly ringing out.

Jiang Xunyi raised his hand and touched his chin thoughtfully. From the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw that a silver light was flashing by his side. He hurriedly dodged to the side, grasping the hilt of his sword vigilantly, only to see an arc-shaped blade floating in the air. It approached him at an extremely slow speed, almost as if an invisible hand was handing it over.

Death blade[1]?

AfterJiang Xunyi finished speaking these two words, he saw the knife sway in front of him, as if it was nodding and saying yes.

Curious, he reached out and poked his finger on the handle of the knife. Hey, can you understand me?

The blade shook, and Jiang Xunyi let go of his hand. The blade floated away and cut a rectangle in the air. The area it cut was like an open door, with the other sides scenery completely different from his environment.

With just one glance, Jiang Xunyis expression froze immediately, and his heart leapt wildly the furniture and windows, the two people sitting opposite each other. How many times had he woken up from deep sleep with a melancholy that could not go away? After such a long time, he did not dare to imagine he could see this scene in front of him again. And somehow, it was when he was least expecting it that the image appeared before him again.

This, this place was

A familiar voice sounded out from inside. Jiang Jin, how could you be this demented? Do you really plan to send Xun Xun in?

Thespeaker was an extremely beautiful woman, but although her age was not young, there was not even a trace of her years on that delicate face. On the contrary, she had a unique charm. However, her beautiful appearance was a little haggard now.

Jiang Xunyis breathing quickened, and he couldnt help taking a step forward. His body pressed forward until it almost seemed to be able to stand in that space, but there was an invisible barrier keeping him from breaking in. In his agitation, he couldnt spare any time to muse over what he had heard. Instead, he held the wall with his hand, slowly sliding down until he was kneeling.

As a son, he still hasnt repaid his parents for all their nurturing. Instead, he lingered on the sickbed, so tired that his entire family had to worry and labor for him. In the end, his parents have to bear the pain of losing a son.He had shown such a lack of filial piety, and yet all he could do was kneel through a separation of time and space.

There was a handsome man opposite the woman, with an expression full of helplessness. When I signed the agreement, I also had no idea the situation would develop like this. What can I do now? If we dont send Xun Xun, we would have to send Yu An!

The woman stayed silent, then gritted her teeth after a while. Why did you participate in that thing in the first place? You clearly knew this type of confidential project would put the whole family at riskI hate you!

Jiang Jin said nothing.

However, although that was what she said, the woman had reluctantly agreed to what the man planned to do. After a long time, she whispered again, Dont let Yu An know.

Jiang Xunyi was in complete shock at the sight of his parents at first, but now that he had regained his senses, he began to process their conversation. Suddenly, he was struck by an unknown dread. Hoarsely, he said, You guyswhat do you mean?!

However, no one could answer him. The image gradually disappeared in front of him. Jiang Xunyi knit his brows and lashed out at the Death Blade. Why did you show me this type of thing with no rhyme or reason? Why dont you slash a few more times so I can understand whats going on?

As soon as he finished speaking, the purse containing the Marrow-Washing Jade suddenly broke free and fell to the ground. The jade rolled out of it, then black miasma began to gather, the mourning souls wailing as they rose up. Even the whole temple began to shake.

It truly was that when it rained, it poured. Jiang Xunyi reacted immediately; this item was the most yin and demonic artifact in the world. As he carried it with him, he always allocated a portion of his spiritual power to suppress it. However, the battle with Yun Xie just now was too exhausting. Coupled with his excessive mood swings just now, he was unable to suppress it any longer!

The Marrow-Washing Jade kept growing bigger and bigger, with vengeful and malicious spirits swarming above it. They were the remnants left by those who endured extreme suffering before they died from Marrow-Washing Jade. The scene was extremely cruel and bloody, burning the eyes. Jiang Xunyi couldnt get it under control even after seven or eight seals. He could only smile bitterly and say, What are you doing? Do you want to put on a show today? After familial relationships, this is the next program? Violence and gore is prohibited from being shown?

Witha loud bang and a cloud of dust rising into the air, half of the temple had collapsed. This was naturally not enough to hurt Jiang Xunyi. He stepped on his sword and flew into the air. Glancing at the Marrow-Washing Jade, he hesitated, internally debating whether to leave this place alone.

Suddenly, the sharp whistle of a swords energy came from behind him. Before he could turn around, he was already tightly held in someones arms.

The breath was too familiar; Jiang Xunyi didnt need to turn his head to know who it was. He allowed the other person to hug him motionlessly and smiled slightly. Yun Xie, I still cant get rid of you, huh?

Yun Xie pinched his chin and tilted his face around. He roughly bit his lower lip and angrily said, When will you listen to me?! Do you have to make me worry to death until you AXun, you cried? Whats wrong?

His tone started with gunpowder, but when he saw the tears in the corner of Jiang Xunyis eyes, he immediately became distressed. From childhood to adulthood, Yun Xie never saw Jiang Xunyi cry.

Jiang Xunyi felt that his entire person seemed to have been divided into two parts, and his heart had been disturbed by various emotions. Within his heart, panic and doubt intertwined, and he was left almost breathless. However, when the pain reaches a certain level, there was miraculously no trace of it on the surface at all. It seems that the soul and the body had become two, both having nothing to do with each other.

On the surface, he didnt even change the way he spoke. However, the sorrow and resentment was drowning him, and he wanted to cry and scream, to turn the world upside down, to recklessly use this world to pay for the years of ridiculousness. It was too painful, truly too painful.

On the edge of his loss of control and depression, he saw Yun Xie.

Jiang Xunyi was very clear that no matter what he did or wanted to do, as long as he said a word, Yun Xie would never refuse. Anything that he is unable to bear can be pushed to him without any hesitation, whether it is part of the past or the present.

However, somehow, when he saw him, an unknown strength filled him, and he could grit his teeth and press all the debilitating emotions back into his almost numb body.

Hearing Yun Xies words, he wiped his face, slightly astonished. After a moment of silence, he smiled. What crying? I didnt even know myself. I was just blinded by the sand and the wind. What is there to cry about?

[1]In case you dont remember, the death blade is mentioned in chapter 44as a legendary weapon capable of splitting time and space. It was in Master He Dengs hands.

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