Pulling Together a Villain Reformation Strategy

Chapter 33

But just as the words left his mouth, even he wasnt able to hear his own speechfrom the north, the sharp whistle of a sword pierced the air. A blue-robed man standing on his sword rushed over with the swiftness of lightning. Even the black fog present was swept to the side by his fierce momentum.

His posture as he rushed out was very handsome and cool, but the angle was tricky and his timing unfortunate. Due to the obscuring black fog, Yun Xies attack just happened to be aimed straight at this newcomer. Seeing this problem, Jiang Xunyi didnt have time to thinkhe borrowed the momentum of a nearby large tree by kicking off it and leaping into the air. A bolt of spiritual energy burst from his fingers to shoot the flying sword and its rider down from the sky.

Wei Xiuqi and Nie Yan exclaimed in unison: Shizun!

Thankfully, Jiang Molou was indeed a peerless martial arts mastereven though the black fog had blocked his line of sight and he was caught off guard by this attack on his personal sword, his posture was still neat and clean as ever as he made this surprise landing. Just as his feet touched the ground, he took advantage of the chance to unsheathe his sword for an Ignition Dragon Curse, aimed straight at the Jiang Xunyi who had sneak attacked him.

At the same time, Jiang Xunyi also used Ignition Dragon Curse to meet this attack. The two swords originating from the same masters teachings thus crashed straight into each other.

The moment the two blades crossed, their long call rang loud and clear, piercing the very heavens. Jiang Molous wrist turned to pull back the blades edge and he indifferently looked up, but the moment his gaze met his attackers, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

His face, normally as cold as the ice and frost, revealed shock and surprise for the first time. His long sword fell to the ground but he seemed to be completely unaware, instead raising his hand to grab Jiang Xunyis right shoulder: You!

What met his hand was a thin layer of clothing as the sea wave-patterned robes of the two men overlapped, holding the vague familiarity of bygone days. Jiang Molou felt almost as if a raging fire had ignited in his heart, while in reality a rush of scorching hot blood flooded through his chest. Under this extreme swing in emotions, he could not tell whether this was an illusion or reality, dream or waking.

Jiang Molous other hand trembled as it lifted up, seeming to want to touch Jiang Xunyis face. But with this movement, his ice-cold touch accidentally crossed the skin on his own chest.

As if a bucket of cold water had splashed him right in the face, the fire in Jiang Molous heart was instantly extinguished.

It was the Sect Head Seal that hung around his neck. Within this single year2since he had mourned the loss of his Shifu and Shixiong, the Sect Head Seal had been stolen away by the traitors in the sect and then returned to his hands after many twists and turns. This eternally cold piece of jade was akin to a drop of ice-cold heartblood3, reminding him at every second and every moment of the decaying of their sect and how much had been lost since those previous days.

Even though all this time he had stubbornly refused to take off his sea wave-patterned robe and replace it with the sect master uniform, the events of that year would forever be engraved onto his heart.

Jiang Molou lowered his gaze. His chest rose and fell fiercely as he used his entire lifes supply of perseverance to keep his calm and wave-less exterior, and slowly let go of Jiang Xunyis shoulders.

He was not the only one losing control of his demeanorunder this completely unexpected face-to-face encounter, even Jiang Xunyi was stupefied. In contrast to Yun Xie, he did not hold the tiniest bit of vigilance towards Jiang Molou, so before his brain could process the scene, his mouth had already blurted out: Molou?

Jiang Molous reaction did not have any of his imagined happy surprise. The grasp Jiang Molou had just released from his shoulder instantly moved to press his sword hilt, full of murderous intent: Who are you? You dare pretend to be myShixiong?!

Jiang Xunyi: What do you think?

Jiang Molou looked Jiang Xunyi over intently. Even though Du Heng had exactly the same appearance as his previous body, a few differences in the details could ultimately still be picked out, so Jiang Molou refused: You absolutely cant be him! He is already dead!

When he didnt want to admit his identity, there was always someone pressing him to admit it. Now that he was finally recognizing it from his own mouth, other people didnt believe him. Jiang Xunyi had already accepted this reality, and resignedly said: Okay, okay, you dont believe it

Without warning, he was pulled behind another person. Yun Xie directed his faint words towards Jiang Molou: Its truly for the best that Sect Head Jiang thinks such. I hope that in the future you will remember your words today and refrain from coming to pester us.

Jiang Molou had always possessed a strict and rigorous personality, so words like miracle and coincidence were a foreign language to him. He had originally held the firm belief that dead was dead, and the person in front of him being dressed like this must be an immense conspiracy. But Yun Xie now standing to the side and saying these words instead caused him to hesitate and doubt.

Below Jiang Molous eternally frosty and bitter face lay hidden confusion and entanglement. His gaze darted back and forth between the two men, until Jiang Xunyi finally didnt have the heart to keep watching him like this: Alright, what are you looking at me for. You and I have grown up together all this time, yet you actually cant even recognize whether its me. Fine, how about this: back when you were five years old, you wanted to eat the offerings thatShizunhad presented to the ancestral sect founders, but you were too embarrassed

Jiang Molous conditioned reflexes kicked in: Shut up!

Yun Xies smile was a tad gloomy. Jiang Xunyi didnt say a single sincere word in his presence, but upon encountering Jiang Molou his entire person seemed to have completely relaxed. This subconscious difference in treatment was even more unbearable for him than Jiang Xunyis malicious attitude.

Just as the Shut up left Jiang Molous mouth, he seemed to realize what had happened. His voice trembled slightly: You really didnt die!

Jiang Xunyi wasnt too happy with him: Your tone sounds pretty disappointed, huh?

Jiang Molous lips quivered, and he didnt say anything for a long while. Instead, Jiang Xunyi smiled, shaking his head and sighing with both helplessness and indulgence.

This scene of With clasped hands, we look into each others teary eyes; Unable to utter words, choking on emotion4almost gave the watching Yun Xie a myocardial infarction. He took a deep breath; in this moment of silence, he heard a noisy din in the distance, getting closer and closer like the advancing tide.

Jiang Molous expression changed: Oh no, I actually forgot, its that herd of old men WhatWhats going on with you? Never mind, nows not the time to talk, hurry and come leave with me!

He wasnt good with words in the first place, and under this excitement his speech devolved into incoherent rambling. He only grabbed Jiang Xunyis hand directly to take him to leave, and had even forgotten about his two poor disciples.

Jiang Xunyi: Wait a moment, I havent figured out the mystery here you have to first explain!

Yun Xie flew into a fury: Jiang Molou! Are you treating me as if Im dead?

The two mens words mixed together and Jiang Molou couldnt hear either one clearly. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, another man had already arrived behind him, laughing as he rode his sword through the air: Sect Head Jiang, what are you running so fast for.. Jiang Xunyi, youre not dead?!

The volume of his voice suddenly increased for that last sentence. Immediately afterwards, his figure suddenly landed in front of these people stuck in a deadlock.

Hearing this voice, Jiang Xunyi instantly understood what Jiang Molou had meant by his concern. Unfortunately, it was already too late. He turned his head, half of his snow-white face hidden in the shadow of the towering trees, and coldly said: Feng Xue.

His face no longer showed that mocking hint of a smile, and his entire persons temperament instantly became gloomy. The contrasting black and white in his eyes made his gaze akin to two bolts of cold electricity, razor-sharp and threatening, so it was the originally aggressive Feng Xue who instead took a step back.

There were four great families in the cultivation world: Du, Feng, Yue, and Han. Feng Xue was indeed the head of the Feng family5, and had achieved fame over a hundred years ago. Even though he now appeared to be an old man past his prime, his strength could not be underestimated. Moreover, in the past he had conflicted significantly with the Dual Jades of the Spirit Stage. Yun Xies expression was calm even as his mind ran as fast as lightning. He darted another glance at Jiang Molou, who held the position of head of a sect. It was currently unclear why these two men appeared in this desolate wilderness at the same time and happened to know Jiang Xunyi.

However, even though this situation was a perilous one, he actually felt this wasnt a bad arrangement. After all, no one would want their beloved to hide their identity and bury their name for an entire lifetime. If no one forced him, Jiang Xunyi would likely never be willing to admit who he himself was.

Jiang Molou was standing closer to the two of them, and whispered to them in an impartial and flat tone: Half a month ago, Xuan Li re-emerged into theJianghu, and the Solar Envy Sect Master fell into the Imprisoned Demons Valley with his whereabouts unknown. Both these events were important affairs, so the heads of the various major sects in the cultivation world convened twentyLiwest of the Imprisoned Demons Valley entrance for a congress discussing countermeasures. The meeting had not yet begun when we felt an incredible amount of sinister aura coming from this direction, so we each came over to check it out I was the earliest to arrive, and most likely everyone else is about to get here.

In that last sentence, even his tone could not help but reveal a subtle bitterness.

Wei Xiuqi and Nie Yan were already used to being treated as background props. Even now, they still couldnt believe their ears. Wei Xiuqi quietly said: I didnt I didnt hear that wrong, did I? That senior is eldestShibo?! No wonderno wonder hes so powerful!

Nie Yan was so dumbstruck he could hardly reply. Of course, he himself was completely confused too: Didnt eldestShibopass away? Wasnt he killed by Yun Xie?

Due to his excitement, his voice was a little on the loud side. He was a little excited when he was excited. Although the current situation was an emergency, Yun Xie still took a bit of effort to pull himself out of his busyness and give Nie Yan a furious eye-roll. He had a deep suspicion that the reason this disciple was so terse must be because even he himself knew he was simple-minded and was thus too ashamed to speak.

Hearing this, Jiang Xunyi said to Jiang Molou: This bunch of people do not possess a united will. Even if they do arrive, they wont be able to do anything to me. On the contrary, youre the one wholl be in trouble, so you should first take your two disciples and leave until this all blows over.

Jiang Molou stared at Jiang Xunyi, and faintly said: That is impossible.

Yun Xies anger rose, and he coldly said: Stop arguing. Everyones already arrived, none of us will be able to escape. His style had always been to act however he felt like acting. Now at this moment, he held even more of a desire to stir up trouble, so he idly waved his hand in greeting to the newcomers: Sect Head Liu, Family Head5Du, Old Man Cheng Hey, it looks like everyones here? Wow, you all covered the distance quite fast!

Jiang Xunyi: .

Jiang Molou grew furious in return: Yun Xie, what are you posing as a good person for? Go stand on their side, dont get so close to me and my brother6!

Yun Xie hadnt replied yet when on the side, the Feng Xue who had been ignored for a long while now couldnt hold himself back anymore. He abruptly burst into a rage: Jiang Xunyi! You wanton thief and traitor! Back then I just didnt believe Yun Xie would actually kill you. Now what crafty trick are you going to use to feign death and escape this time? Whatever, if heaven wont take care of you, I will!

He pulled out his sword: Dont think that just because you faked death once, all those things are resolved. You bastard who raped7mydaughter, you and I are mortal enemies who cant share the same sky!

Footnotes (I hope yall like poetry):

1.The title of this chapter comes from the poem by the Song Dynasty poet Yan Jidao. The poems title literally translates to something like Pheasant Days, and it is about the moment when two lovers reunite after a separation.

Heres my extremely rough and crude translation of the full poem:

Rainbow sleeves attentively held up a jade glass; yet back in the day, I willingly inebriated myself to a flushed red.

Dancing until the moon above the tower fell below the arched willows, until the song ended and the wind of the peach blossom fan stopped

[The peach blossom fan would be an accessory used by a songstress in her dance. Here after a long night together, the songstress finally grew tired]

Ever since parting, I remember that encounter; my dreaming soul has so often met with yours.

Tonight, I must shine the silver lantern, still afraid this reunion is only within my dreams.

In plain language, the poem is basically saying All those years ago in our first encounter, your hands were attentively holding up a wine cup with such charm and grace, and I willingly drank until my face flushed red from drunkenness. Your song and fan dance began with the bright evening moon on the willow branches, until the moon above the tower fell into the dark night. All this time we danced and sang together, until you were so exhausted that you could not wave your peach blossom fan.

Ever since that parting, I have always fondly remembered that beautiful encounter. In my dreams, I have embraced you so many times. Tonight, I must raise up the silver lantern to examine you carefully, still afraid this reunion is yet another dream.

2.Yeah apparently its only been a year since Jiang Xunyis death? Dont ask me how the timeline works lol

3. literally translates to something like blood from the tip of the heart. In traditional Chinese medicine its supposed to possess special properties (something like its the most condensed blood in the body), and is therefore considered very precious. (Fun fact: in some cultivation novels its associated with ones spiritual powers.)

4.This is a line from the poem <> [Bells Ringing in the Rain]by Liu Yong, a Song dynasty poet. The original Chinese is . I believe the topic of the poem is about lovers bidding farewell to each other lol.

5. lit. head of the family. Of note, this is a cultivation world where families can be so powerful as to rival actual sects.

6.Cute fact: When Jiang Molou is excited or otherwise not paying attention to formalities, he calls Jiang Xunyi by the informal (somewhat similar in tone to big bro) just like he did when they were little.

7.Feng Xue uses the term, which was partially censored in the original text. This term carries the connotations of an especially violent/brutal rape.

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