Pulling Together a Villain Reformation Strategy

Chapter 23

In actuality, having reached this point, both of them were well aware of Jiang Xunyis identity. But Jiang Xunyi had always felt that if he himself acknowledged this point, he would truly have to accept the past that he could not bear to look back on, that he was not ready to look back on. He would rather shut the door and plug his ears, to willingly take on that title of idiot and become that Du Heng.

Jiang Xunyi, you may put on all the pretenses you want, but in fact you are just like any other coward.

Jiang Xunyis fluctuating expressions were all seen by Yun Xies eyes. Yun Xie was silent for a moment, before finally compromising. Letting out a slight sigh, he fixed his clothes, got up, and clasped his hands in salute1. He whispered: Young master Du, just now I temporarily lost my composure and offended you. May I ask young master to overlook my behavior Its just that the two of us have never met before, but I owe young master Du my life. Such noble justice and chivalry is truly admirable; I hope you can give me a chance to repay this grace.

This persons clever mouth turned around far too fast. Before, he had even fiercely said stuff like Saving me was your idea,even if you didnt save me I wouldnt necessarily die. Now the winds had completely changed direction to I shall definitely repay this life-saving grace. He truly understood Jiang Xunyis temper being amenable to coaxing but not coercion. But times had changed: Imperial Concubine Yun had long since fallen out of favor, and Jiang Xunyi only paused for the briefest moment before continuing to stride away.

Yun Xie was not discouraged in the slightest and continued his own unremitting efforts. He sprayed out a mouthful of blood, clutching his chest as he tumbled to the ground.

Jiang Xunyi stopped and looked back, glancing indifferently at him: Are you going to continue pretending? You need to roll your eyes back for the complete set.

Yun Xie turned his face up towards the sky and did not get up. He smiled bitterly: Ah- He hadnt finished his words when he saw Jiang Xunyis expression change, so he hurriedly corrected himself: Young master Du, youve witnessed my foolishness2. Before falling from the cliff, this humble one went into Qi deviation while exercising my skills. From that continuous fighting just now, I suffered many internal injuries. Sigh, I want to get up.but I really am . powerless

The last few words were truly spoken with innumerable twists and turns, sung with affected pathos, as if he would actually take his last breath the very next second.

In this world, there exists a certain kind of man who always insists on being macho and masculine. As long as he still draws breath, he will always march forward with his back unbent and unbowed. These men are Defenders of Dignity to the bitter end, and their main representatives would be those like Jiang Xunyi. In contrast, there also exists a kind of even more mystical creature, who often exaggerates the pain from the tiniest of scrapes into that of shredded muscles and broken bones. These creatures are called Rascals, and the most outstanding among them would undoubtedly be none other than Yun Xie.

Jiang Xunyis eyes were cold and indifferent, as if this persons life and death was completely unrelated to him. However, given how he always meant what he said, just getting him to stop in place counted as a victory. Yun Xie coughed loudly, spying on him out of the corner of his eyes during every cough. After putting on this act for a long time, his lung capacity was somewhat running out, and he almost did actually roll his eyes back.

Yun Xie brokenly said: Young master Du.. I I still hope youwill show mercy and compassion Send the Buddha to the West3 No matter what, take me out of this valley at least. This valley is too steep, I cough cough cough, I cant climb up

Are you kidding me? A perfectly dignified protagonist putting on the tear-stained face of a beauty4to tell him: This valley is too steep, I cant climb up?!

Jiang Xunyi was so furious he almost laughed from sheer anger. But he still knew in his heart that Yun Xie had indeed suffered multiple heavy blows previously, and should indeed be in quite a bit of pain. Now with Yun Xie bringing this up, most of the suffocation and unrest withdrew from his chest. His reason slowly took over, and he changed direction to head back. He stepped over Yun Xies body without any concern, and spoke indifferently: If you can follow me, then lets go. If you cant, you can continue to lie dead right there.

Compared to when they first came in, the statuses of the two seemed to have completely reversed. Yun Xie nimbly flipped over and climbed up, blindly and slavishly following behind Jiang Xunyi out of the deep fear that Jiang Xunyi really would throw him away.

Jiang Xunyi did not say anything, but his footsteps unconsciously slowed down.

Yun Xies lips lifted. Behind Jiang Xunyis back, he showed a relaxed smile that had not appeared on his face for a long time.

As long as hes alive! As long as both of them are alive, this time, he definitely will not again

Yun Xies thoughts and imagination ran wild the whole way. Both men remained completely silent as they ascended, one in front and one in back, until they reached the top of the valley where the illusionscape and enchanted boundary had already been broken.

Jiang Xunyi: .. What was that about it being very steep? Very dangerous?

He looked back at Yun Xie. Yun Xie hurriedly tried to use the same old trick again: Send the Buddha to the West

Jiang Xunyi couldnt resist any longer: I can let you return to the West5right now.

A very wronged Yun Xie: I really dont know the way from here

The woods here were dense, with slender bamboos and flowing streams. Mellow and soft songs from unknown birds sounded from amidst the branches. Floral fragrances floated along the light breeze, gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind. Jiang Xunyi assessed their surroundings. He decided to believe in Yun Xie just this once, because in this valley he himself could not find the way.

Jiang Xunyi had not yet decided on which path to follow, when a sudden wave of dizziness passed over him. A long-lost, yet also familiar to the point of being annoying, voice clearly sounded in his mind

[System malfunctions have finished repairing. The hosts tasks will soon be released, thank you for your continued use. ]

[Task 1: Safely escort the protagonist to Solar Envy Mountain.]

Jiang Xunyi:

He turned back to glance at Yun Xie, but saw that Yun Xies deliberately wronged and aggrieved appearance just now had disappeared without a trace. Yun Xie was currently looking at him deeply, with an unreadable and indescribable gaze. It seemed like he could not have imagined Jiang Xunyi would suddenly look at him, so he froze up. He looked like he didnt know what expression he should make, while also appearing to be a little afraid of Jiang Xunyi becoming angry. His expression was both stiff and nervous.

Times of happiness were akin to water: once past, truly past for goodrelentlessly passing through ones clutching fingers, until soon even the mere sensation of dampness has dried in the wind. On the other hand, those unbearable memories of the past were like the sharpest edges, each one a knife cutting and slicing away at ones heart. The scars they left behind refused to fade with the days and years, like a permanent reminder not to dispel them, of the sheer impossibility of dispelling them.

Jiang Xunyi retracted his gaze and suddenly felt himself losing interest. I am looking for the path to Solar Envy Mountain.

Yun Xie looked at him with joyful surprise, undisguised hope leaking out in his eyes.

Jiang Xunyi did not have the slightest wish to be the target of his misunderstanding. At the same time, there was no way he could explain that his heart was not going soft or anything, it was just a request by the system. He could only add a sentence: I have a friend there, I wish to go over and see him. Just on the way, thats all.

Yun Xies smile disappeared. His heart soured, and he blurted out: What friend? Called what?

Jiang Xunyi arrogantly said: What does that have to do with you? If you dont want to go back, you can stay here.

Yun Xie quickly said: I didnt say Im not going. Before, when had he ever needed to speak to Ah-Xun with such solemn carefulness from the polite perspective of an outsider? His voice turned sour and hoarse, but he still persisted in finishing his words: I will travel alongside young master Du.

Jiang Xunyi indifferently said: Then lets go. Upon turning around, he let out a breath of reliefhe couldnt resist talking back harshly for a moment just now, but fortunately Yun Xie had been agreeable. If Yun Xie had refused to go, this task would have become troublesome.

He turned around and took a few steps forward, but didnt hear any other footsteps behind him. Looking back, he saw Yun Xie standing in place, staring at him with hesitation and awkwardness.

The suspicious Jiang Xunyi: What are you doing?

Yun Xie coughed awkwardly and summoned up his courage: The path back to Solar Envy Mountain should be towards the west That, uh, you are going the wrong way

Jiang Xunyi:

Yun Xie smiled apologetically. Jiang Xunyi furiously made a U-Turn and continued to walk forward.

One really should never sympathize with Yun Xie. He had literally just pitifully said he did not know the way. It turned out he had been pretending after allWithin just a short while, the two of them had already come out of a secluded and quiet forest. In the distance, they could see a village.

Watching the people coming and going, Jiang Xunyi suddenly remembered something. He offhandedly said: I still find it strange: when we were at the bottom of the valley and reached that town, how come the streets were filled with people passing us by, making the place seem lively and crowded, but I did not hear even the slightest whisper of a human voice? Even after entering the restaurant, the waiter that came forward to take orders did not say a single word. Now that I think about it, the reason probably lies in how you and I had already entered the illusion. But if that is the case, how come I could clearly hear the words spoken by those men looking for death?

By those looking for death, he was referring to the table of men discussing the relationship between Yun Xie and Jiang Xunyi in the restaurant, who had later been killed by the two of them.

When all was said and done, the two of them had developed deeply ingrained habits towards each other after getting along all these years. As he spoke, Jiang Xunyi actually did not notice that despite deceiving himself and others to declare himself as Du Heng, he used an incomparably familiar tone towards Yun Xie.

But Yun Xie noticed. His nose soured, and a tiny spark of happiness grew in his heart. He explained: That was probably due to my unstable mood. The illusionscape we entered was actually my Inner Demon, so that round of dialogue Yun Xie mustered up his courage: was probably the reflection of my inner feelings.

What feelings? Jiang Xunyi subconsciously felt that something was wrong here, but he could not pinpoint what exactly was wrong. He hadnt had the time to carefully think it over when the two of them had already entered the village.

After walking a few more steps, Jiang Xunyi suddenly remembered: the words of those men back then. seemed to have been cursing at and condemning himself So these were Yun Xies inner feelings at that time? He turned his head back to shoot a ferocious glare at Yun Xie.

Yun Xie: .?

Jiang Xunyi humphed angrily. He then realized this anger was rather unreasonable: Yun Xie had already killed him, what was a few words of condemnation in comparison? In any case, the two of them had originally stopped having any common ground for understanding, and had long since gone their separate ways. He could only hope that the System would grow a bit of a conscience, so that after he quickly completed this last act and enabled the plot to return to the right path, he could go home a little earlier.

Yun Xie saw Jiang Xunyis expression was not quite right. Just as he was deliberating whether to ask, a loud shout suddenly came from behind them: Hey! Monk! Monk! Wait up!

Hearing this call, both Jiang Xunyi and Yun Xie reflectively looked at each other, and unintentionally spoke in unison: Hes calling you!

Yun Xie was quite self-aware, and soon reacted: Yes, calling me, hes definitely calling me.

Many villagers in remote places were ignorant. They only knew that eminent monks could slay monsters and destroy demons, and did not care whether the person in question actually had hair, or was actually wearing a monks cassock6. Upon seeing a cultivator, they would often call the cultivator a monk instead. Yun Xie and Jiang Xunyi had previously been called in such a manner many times in the past. Every time, they would always start up a round of mutual bickering and mockery. With this sudden encounter, it seemed that this old problem still had not been corrected.

But times had changed. Yun Xie naturally knew he should recognize reality. He understood that his position in Jiang Xunyis eyes was not the same as in the past, so he did not dare to attract Jiang Xunyis ire. In addition, between the two of them, Jiang Xunyis outer robes had long since been shredded to a frankly unsightly degree, while Yun Xies Solar Envy Sect uniform was very conspicuous. The person was indeed calling him.


1. is an ancient manner of greeting, basically clasping ones hands together in front and bowing. Something like the guy on the left here:

2.Yun Xie specifically says , which is a humble/self-deprecating phase that means something like Ive made you laugh with my foolishness.

3. lit. send the Buddha to the West basically means if youre going to do a good thing, do it all the way to the end.

4.lit. like raindrops on a pear blossom

5. lit. return west references the Western Paradise (Sukhvat)in Buddhism. Basically, Returning West is a euphemism for dying lol.

6. is a fully ordained Buddhist monks outer robe, also called a Kasaya. Its the red vestment in this picture:

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