Protect Our Patriarch

Book 4: Chapter 35: Hmph! The emperor's scheming! As if anyone can't play that game


Angry shouts echoed through Zhuozheng Pavilion.

The two Celestial Realm guards outside turned pale and trembled in fear.

It had been a long, long time since they had seen His Majesty this furious.

As the saying goes, "Serving the emperor is like serving a tiger." When the Emperor gets angry, someone is bound to suffer. They couldn't help but wonder who had the misfortune to provoke His Majesty this time.

Inside Zhuozheng Pavilion, Old Yao's heart pounded as he listened to the angry rebukes, cold sweat dripping down his back.

Even though he had served the Emperor for a thousand years, it was rare to see him this enraged.

Old Yao couldn't help but mutter to himself, that young man with the surname Wang really had some skills. Not only did he raise the extraordinary prodigies like Miss Liyao and Young Master Zong'an, but he himself was no pushover.

However, having served the Emperor for a millennium, Old Yao understood his temperament well.

To speak up now would be to walk right into the Emperor's line of fire and likely incur his wrath. It was best to wait until the Emperor had vented his anger and calmed down.

Sure enough.

After a cup of tea's time, Emperor Longchang's expression gradually returned to normal. However, a sharp glint remained in his half-closed eyes, indicating that his anger had not yet fully dissipated.

Only then did Old Yao summon someone to clean up the mess, replace the broken table with an identical one, light some calming incense, and serve a cup of Han Yue Immortal Tea.

Soon, Zhuozheng Pavilion was restored to its original state, as if the earlier chaos had never occurred.

Emperor Longchang sipped his tea slowly. "Old Yao, tell me, how should I deal with Prince Dexin and Commandery Prince Kang?"

"Your Majesty, this old servant is but a eunuch. How dare I comment on the affairs of the true dragon family?" Old Yao replied humbly.

Serving the emperor is like serving a tiger.

He knew well that, given his position, he must not speak out of turn or show any bias. He had to remember that in all matters, the Emperor's will was paramount. Only by doing so could he remain in his position and survive.

"You are too cautious," Emperor Longchang criticized. "You have served me diligently for a thousand years. Do you think I don't understand your loyalty? I have reigned for over three thousand years. My old friends and family are long gone. Now, besides you, who else can speak honestly to me? Just say a few words, and I can consider your advice."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Old Yao bowed his head and thought carefully before speaking cautiously, "Ultimately, the fault lies with Prince Dexin's poor upbringing. Your Majesty could summon him for a stern reprimand, make him reflect deeply, and restore the family discipline."

"Dexin..." Emperor Longchang's face was expressionless as he tapped his knuckles on the desk, pondering. "The child has ambition but lacks great ability. He is arrogant but cannot bear responsibility. Take the last time he bet with Tianhe Daoist and lost twenty top-grade spirit stones. He was mocked and ran off in a rage. Such petty behavior shows a lack of vision and courage. Even Yong'an had to help him repay the debt."

"Prince Yong'an is quite steady," Old Yao said softly, "I remember he often came to the palace as a child to bring joy to Your Majesty, and you were genuinely fond of him."

"Yong'an is indeed kind-hearted, but he has always been intimidated by Dexin. Under Dexin's influence, he became timid and indecisive, to the point where he couldn't even keep his wife."

Speaking of this, Emperor Longchang still felt quite resentful. "Yong'an's foolish filial piety made him think he was right, constantly criticizing Yingji for being 'rebellious' and trying to mold him into a submissive fool like himself. Poor Yingji, not only did he lose his mother at a young age, but he also had to endure Yong'an's oppressive behavior. If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have run off to become a water bandit in a fit of anger..."

"Your Majesty," Old Yao cautiously reminded, "The Flood Dragon Gang is a legitimate registered business. Although Prince Yingji's actions were impulsive, he did clean up the real water bandits in the An River, ensuring safe navigation and boosting the waterway economy. They also contribute during floods. They have indeed done some good..."

"Old Yao, it's rare for you to speak well of the child. It seems you, like me, feel for Yingji. Rest assured, I never blamed Yingji for this. Otherwise, I wouldn't have secretly sent people to assist him." Emperor Longchang sighed, growing more dissatisfied with Prince Dexin and Prince Yong'an. "Yingji's mother was exceptionally talented, even more so than Yong'an. When Yingji left, he already had extraordinary potential. If he had been properly nurtured, his talent could have improved significantly."

"What a pity, what a pity. Yingji missed a great opportunity due to his discord with his father. Otherwise, he might have become a Quasi-Imperial Heir. Though his personality is a bit reckless, his genuine and loyal nature is just like mine."

"Fortunately, Yingji had some luck and met Shouzhe, who guided him onto the right path. It's better for him to be out there pioneering than to be stuck in the mess of Dexin's lineage."

At this moment, Emperor Longchang resembled an ordinary family's ancestor, rambling on about his beloved descendants, worrying endlessly about their future.

"Your Majesty, since Prince Yingji is set on pioneering, should we recall Jiang Yusong?" Old Yao asked cautiously.

"Yingji is too reckless and easily falls into traps. With the meticulous Jiang Yusong by his side, I can be more at ease," Emperor Longchang's eyes were filled with affection for his younger generation. "Besides, Yingji is wild by nature. Someone needs to keep me informed of his actions to prevent him from making too many mistakes."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Old Yao replied, bowing.

After a long ramble, Emperor Longchang's inner turmoil finally began to settle.

His slightly clouded eyes now exuded a strong sense of authority. "Old Yao, draft an edict for me. Commandery Prince Kang, Wu Chengsi, has lived up to the holy expectations, personally venturing to the outer region battlefield, risking his life and achieving numerous military merits. He serves as a model for all royal descendants. Bestow upon him a Commandery Prince's Purple Gold Crown, a top-grade royal estate, ten top-grade spirit stones, and five million top gold. Additionally, elevate Zhao Yijing to a second-grade Commandery Princess, providing her with all the necessary attire and ceremonial items. This is my decree."

"This..." Old Yao was stunned.

Just moments ago, His Majesty had been cursing Commandery Prince Kang, wishing to beat him to death. How had he suddenly decided to bestow such generous rewards?

The Commandery Prince's Purple Gold Crown alone, bearing the true dragon emblem, was an immense honor and favor.

In the thousands of years of the Emperor's reign, only about twenty Commandery Princes had received this honor, most of whom were brothers with meritorious service.

The last to receive this honor was the late Commandery Prince Hao.

"Old Yao, do you have any objections?" Emperor Longchang sipped his tea slowly, his old eyes half-closed, looking drowsy, his tone neither joyful nor angry.

"This old servant dares not," Old Yao quickly bowed. "I will see to it immediately."

With that, Old Yao bowed and slowly backed out of Zhuozheng Pavilion.

Once outside, he allowed a hint of regret to show on his face. Having served His Majesty for a thousand years, he understood the Emperor's temperament well.

If His Majesty had summoned Commandery Prince Kang back from the outer regions to reprimand him, it would have been better. At least it would show that he still had high hopes for him.

But now, instead of summoning him back for a scolding, His Majesty had quietly bestowed such generous rewards on Commandery Prince Kang and Commandery Princess Yijing. Even Old Yao was unsure of what His Majesty intended.


A few days later.

In Guilong City, there were two major Duke families: the Wang Clan of the Duke of Dingguo and the Zhao Clan of the Duke of An.

These two families were among the earliest followers of Emperor Ziwei Xuandu, who came to this wild land to pioneer. They were founding heroes, powerful and meritorious, the Emperor's left and right hands.

Therefore, the founding Emperor personally conferred the titles of Duke upon them, to be inherited perpetually.

Once, both Duke families were second-grade families, equal in strength, prestige, and heritage. However, during the imperial succession thousands of years ago, the two families chose different sides, leading to vastly different fates.

The Wang Clan of Daqian, having supported the losing side, saw their strength and influence severely diminished over thousands of years, gradually falling from second-grade to third-grade. Among the three third-grade families, they were considered the weakest.

However, the Wang Clan still bore the title of "Duke's Mansion," so when ranking the third-grade families, they were still habitually placed first, known as the "First of the Third-Grade."

This naturally caused some discontent among the other third-grade families, such as the Chen Clan and the Gongye Clan of Daqian, leading to some private gossip.

In contrast, the Zhao Clan of the Duke of An, having firmly supported Emperor Longchang, had grown increasingly powerful over the past three thousand years, frequently intermarrying with the royal family.

Today, the Zhao Clan had become a formidable family with four Divine Realm cultivators.

Moreover, due to their ever-growing heritage, the Zhao Clan had a higher probability of producing great prodigies compared to ordinary third-grade families. On average, they produced a great prodigy every two hundred years, maintaining the regular succession of their four Divine Realm cultivators and occasionally producing an extra one.

Even the Emperor had to carefully consider any actions against the Zhao Clan, as a misstep could harm the royal foundation.

The Zhao Clan's main residence was located in the western part of Guilong City.

Its vast grounds were almost equivalent to a garrison town. Within the main residence, various spiritual veins intertwined, the rich spiritual energy contained by formations, creating a dynamic balance akin to a small-scale paradise.

In such an environment, even an ordinary person could live a disease-free life and easily surpass a hundred years.

However, there were no true ordinary people within the Zhao Clan's residence. Even a sweeper or a firewood girl was a Qi Refining Realm Basalt cultivator.

As for the gatekeeper, Grandpa Zhao, he was a deeply hidden mid-to-late Celestial Realm family guard. Even the gate guards were all Lingtai Realm cultivators, with the chief and deputy commanders at the early Celestial Realm.

Such Lingtai Realm and Celestial Realm cultivators, who could be revered as patriarchs elsewhere, were merely gatekeepers for the Zhao Clan! This spoke volumes about the Zhao Clan's heritage.

As the saying goes, "A seventh-grade official at the prime minister's gate."

The Zhao Clan's gatekeepers and guards held high status. Many descendants of lower-grade families seeking favors from the Zhao Clan had to go through them to present their visiting cards.

Even a Purple Mansion Realm ancestor had to be polite to the gatekeepers, often slipping them a red envelope, indicating the lucrative nature of the position.

On this day, as usual.

Visitors seeking connections, paying respects, or currying favor with the Zhao Clan were endless. About half were small families from Guilong City, while the other half came from various commandery cities outside Shangjing City.

There would always be those seeking to climb the social ladder. The Zhao Clan's gate was always bustling with activity.


A gate guard shouted from afar, "Miss Yijing is returning to visit her family."

At these words, the previously lazy gatekeepers of the Duke of An's Mansion immediately sprang into action, sweeping, sprinkling water, and laying out a new red carpet. In no time, they were ready to welcome the return of their esteemed young lady.

In the distance, a luxurious carriage slowly approached.

The four horses pulling the carriage were purebred third-grade White Jade Snow Horses, without a single blemish. The carriage itself was made of top-grade Ten Thousand Year Spirit Pine, emitting a faint pine fragrance that calmed the mind and was both light and sturdy. Combined with the inscriptions on the carriage, it could even withstand an attack from a Purple Mansion Realm cultivator!

Accompanying the carriage were four teams of eight guards each.

The four guard captains were all at the Celestial Realm. Walking beside the carriage was an old woman in palace attire.

This old woman appeared unremarkable, but only true experts could sense the terrifying and powerful aura she exuded, indicating she was at least in the later stages of the Celestial Realm.

Such a grand display was rare even in the noble-filled Guilong City.

Thus, some visitors from outside the city couldn't help but whisper, "Wow, isn't that the imperial dragon emblem on the carriage? Which powerful Commandery Prince's wife is Miss Yijing? Such a grand display!"

There were quite a few Commandery Princes in Daqian, most of them concentrated in Guilong City. But not every Commandery Prince was renowned and wealthy.

Some declining royal branches barely maintained their dignity with a Commandery Prince, relying on royal subsidies to keep up appearances.

Such Commandery Princes couldn't even put on a show, and might even tremble before a powerful Commandery Prince like the Commandery Prince of Heng.

Hearing the inquiries from the out-of-town visitors, the local representatives felt a sense of superiority. "Which Commandery Princess? Haha, of course, it's the Commandery Princess of the Quasi-Imperial Heir, Commandery Prince Kang. Miss Yijing is the direct descendant of the Zhao Clan, a powerful alliance through marriage."

"Let me tell you, the Zhao Clan is strong! Once Commandery Prince Kang ascends to the throne, no other family in Daqian can compare to the Zhao Clan."

Amidst the hushed discussions, Zhao Yijing was escorted into the Duke of An's Mansion by the gate guards.

Before long.

Zhao Yijing arrived at the family head's study and met Zhao Chengwen, the current head of the Zhao Clan.

"Yijing pays respects to the ancestor."

Dressed in luxurious attire, Zhao Yijing bowed respectfully.

"No need for formalities, Yijing," Zhao Chengwen said with a smile, making a gesture of support. "You are now a second-grade Commandery Princess, personally conferred by His Majesty, a status far above ordinary Commandery Princesses."

Zhao Chengwen was an experienced Purple Mansion Realm cultivator who had served as the Zhao Clan's head for two to three hundred years. Now over 540 years old, even a Purple Mansion Realm cultivator was entering middle age.

His temples were slightly white, resembling an ordinary person in their fifties.

The Zhao Clan had already begun grooming the next generation of leaders. In a few decades, once the successor reached the Purple Mansion Realm, Zhao Chengwen would retire to become a family elder.

"Ancestor, even if I become Empress, I will always be your Yijing," Zhao Yijing said sweetly, completing her bow before taking a seat.

Zhao Yijing, a prodigy of the Zhao Clan, had reached the peak of the sixth level of the Celestial Realm at under 200 years old, maintaining her youthful appearance but with an even more dignified and extraordinary aura.

However, she wasn't in a hurry to advance to the Purple Mansion Realm. According to royal regulations, once Commandery Prince Kang officially became the Imperial Heir, she, as his first wife, would be eligible to use the royal treasury's accumulated resources to enhance her bloodline, becoming a great prodigy.

This was to ensure the future Empress could accompany the Emperor for over a thousand years, assisting in managing the inner palace.

Therefore, the position of Imperial Heir was a crucial opportunity for the Imperial Heir's wife, one that couldn't be missed.

"Yijing, have you returned home because of Yingji?" Zhao Chengwen asked with a smile.

"Ancestor," Zhao Yijing said with a hint of grievance, "Recently, Commandery Prince An and the two great prodigies of the Wang Clan have been causing a stir in Shangjing City, directly involving themselves in the Imperial Heir Struggle, greatly affecting Chengsi. How could Uncle Yingji do such a backstabbing thing at this critical moment?"

"Ancestor, could you write a letter to reprimand him and tell him to stop associating with the Wang Clan?"

Zhao Chengwen's expression turned serious. "This matter is complicated. Normally, you, as a junior, shouldn't know about it. But since it involves the Imperial Heir Struggle, I can't keep it from you."

"Although Yingji is my sister's son, she had a falling out with Prince Dexin over educational differences when Yingji was young. At that time, Yong'an, still a Commandery Prince, didn't support her and even scolded her for being unreasonable. Over time, their conflicts grew, and after one argument, my sister tried to leave with Yingji but was stopped and accidentally injured by Yong'an."

"In anger, my sister went to the Han Yue Immortal Dynasty and hasn't returned since. Our Duke of An's Mansion had a major conflict with Dexin's lineage over this, which eventually involved His Majesty. His Majesty severely punished Prince Dexin and Yong'an and personally drafted an edict to invite my sister Zhao Xiqing back. But my sister, being proud and stubborn, refused to return."

Zhao Chengwen remembered even hitting Commandery Prince Yong'an back then.

"Sigh~" Zhao Chengwen's face darkened as he recounted the events. "Yingji inherited my sister's rebellious nature. Although he's always been close to our Zhao Clan, once he decides on something, not even His Majesty can easily make him change his mind without an edict."

"Yijing, now that you know the background, try to bear with it and don't take it to heart. Over time, people will forget about Long Wuji."

"Even the ancestor can't handle that rebellious Uncle Yingji?" Zhao Yijing said with some resentment.

This backstabbing behavior had greatly affected her husband, Commandery Prince Kang, and his supporters. Many royal relatives who supported her husband because of Uncle Yingji were now wavering.

"Yijing, even His Majesty has tacitly approved, so don't get any ideas," Zhao Chengwen warned. "Do you know why His Majesty suddenly rewarded Commandery Prince Kang's household so generously at this critical moment, even conferring upon you the title of second-grade Commandery Princess?"

"Wasn't it to commend my husband for his achievements on the outer region battlefield and to reward him?" Zhao Yijing asked, puzzled.

"It's not that simple. Achievements on the outer region battlefield alone wouldn't warrant such honors," Zhao Chengwen explained with a smile. "The last to receive such honors was Commandery Prince Hao, who was almost certain to inherit the throne. Compared to him, both Commandery Prince Kang and Commandery Prince An fall short."

" "His Majesty must have already made up his mind but hasn't openly declared it yet. Recently, Commandery Prince An's 'Dala Great Desert Pioneering Plan' has been causing a stir, gaining support from many families, but ultimately, it has embarrassed His Majesty."

"Then, the Wang Clan stirred up the matter of Long Wuji, trying to gain momentum for the Imperial Heir Struggle, aiming to divide and conquer."

"We were planning a counterattack, but His Majesty preemptively rewarded Commandery Prince Kang, clearly signaling to Commandery Prince An's faction that he has already made his decision. This should make them calm down and stop their antics."

"Additionally, His Majesty likely feels some guilt over the matter with Yingji, so he used this opportunity to compensate Commandery Prince Kang's household and stabilize the situation."

Zhao Chengwen's analysis was logical and thorough.

Hearing this, Zhao Yijing's tense expression relaxed, and her dissatisfaction dissipated. In the Imperial Heir Struggle, although His Majesty couldn't solely decide the outcome, his opinion was extremely influential. Some neutral princes and commandery princes might change their stance based on His Majesty's preference.

"Thank you, Ancestor, for your guidance," Zhao Yijing said gratefully.

"No need for thanks. We're all family. His Majesty's signal is clear. We must avoid any unnecessary actions that could give others leverage against us," Zhao Chengwen advised with a smile. "Since you're back home, spend some time with your family and don't worry too much. When Chengsi returns from the outer region battlefield, he will surely sweep away all opposition."

"Yes, Ancestor," Zhao Yijing replied, her heart filled with joy.



In the famous White Cloud Tower, a group of young officials was busy reorganizing and summarizing accounts, their abacuses clicking rapidly.

Stacks of gold notes and even purple gold notes filled specially encrypted money boxes, piling up to the point of blinding anyone who looked at them.

Commandery Prince An stared blankly at the numerous boxes of gold notes, feeling as if his entire life had been a waste.

After what seemed like an eternity, the officials finally compiled the total accounts and presented them to Commandery Prince An and Wang Zong'an.

Commandery Prince An glanced at the total amount and nearly fainted from shock.

Six billion nine hundred million top gold.

A staggering six billion nine hundred million top gold!!

In theory, the annual collection should be less than twenty million top gold. However, the families in Shangjing City, with their deep foundations, wouldn't be so stingy, paying year by year.

Most families paid for ten years at once, and a few even paid for fifty years.

For example, the Gongye Clan and the Wang Clan paid particularly large sums.

And His Majesty, who hated trouble, paid for two hundred years at once, totaling about three billion three hundred million top gold.

As His Majesty put it, "Take the money and go pioneer in the Dala Great Desert. Don't come back to bother me."

According to Old Yao's private disclosure, His Majesty meant that since he was getting old, the money would come from the national treasury. Whether the treasury went bankrupt or not was none of his concern. If it did, the next Imperial Heir would have to figure it out...

Commandery Prince An, grateful and finding His Majesty's reasoning sound, gladly accepted.

"Zong'an," Commandery Prince An swallowed hard, "that's a lot of money. I've never seen so much money in my life. I feel like running away with it and living a carefree life in the Han Yue Immortal Dynasty."

Wang Zong'an, though also somewhat dazed, managed to stay composed. The Changning Wang's Clan was wealthy, but their expenses were also high.

Especially since his father, Wang Shouzhe, had a severe lack of security and liked to stockpile various trump cards, often spending vast sums on research and development.

As a result, Wang Zong'an had never seen so much money at once.

However, having overseen the construction of the Qingluo Garrison for decades, involving astronomical sums, he was more composed than Commandery Prince An.

"Stay calm," Wang Zong'an encouraged Commandery Prince An. "Compared to the future returns, this is just a small amount. This money is only worth two or three Divine Spirit Artifacts. It's not worth running away for..."

Two or three Divine Spirit Artifacts, only?

Commandery Prince An glanced at Wang Zong'an. "Young Clan Leader Zong'an, you're quite arrogant now. Are you implying the Wang Clan has many Divine Spirit Artifacts? Currently, only Miss Liyao has one, and that was bought by Tianhe Daoist after selling everything and borrowing heavily. Isn't that worth running away for?"

Divine Spirit Artifacts?

Thinking of this, Wang Zong'an felt a bit speechless. Recently, he had received news that his precious grandson, Wang Anye, had casually obtained two Divine Spirit Artifacts while breaking a formation, one of which housed the remnant soul of a late Divine Realm cultivator, making it even more valuable.

It seemed that all the hard work and scheming he and Commandery Prince An had done, including tricking His Majesty, amounted to the same as his grandson's casual adventure in the outer regions...

Comparisons could indeed be infuriating.

"Not worth running, not worth running," Wang Zong'an shook his head, feeling that six or seven billion top gold wasn't much.

Having a grandson like Wang Anye was worth billions.

The young officials looked disheartened.

These two big shots casually talked about running away with the money, not considering their efforts at all.

But everyone knew they were joking. If the Dala Great Desert pioneering plan succeeded, this amount of money would be nothing.

The officials sternly criticized the big shots' arrogance, then sighed, "We work tirelessly for Daqian, accumulating heritage, yet it's not as rewarding as Commandery Prince Kang's superficial reputation. Who knows what His Majesty is thinking, bestowing such honors...""Alright, alright, everyone stop speculating about the Emperor's intentions," Commandery Prince An reassured the young and talented officials. "The first step of our grand plan has been a complete success. From now on, we just need to proceed steadily and do our job well. As for the position of the Imperial Heir, we should strive for it if we can, but if not, our goal is to strengthen the Great Qian so that it can support more common people."

Under Commandery Prince An's reassurance, the officials regained their morale and vigor.


Zhuozheng Pavilion.

Emperor Longchang reclined behind his desk, listening to Old Yao's reports from various fronts, his expression tinged with a playful and mocking smile.

"Heh heh! The Emperor's Heart, as if anyone else can't play this game," Emperor Longchang said smugly. "The Imperial Heir Struggle is never that simple. There's no such thing as a guaranteed win."

"Wu Chengsi, don't say I didn't give you a chance. The best education doesn't come from my scolding but from the painful blows dealt by your enemies. That's the best nourishment for a man's growth."

"If you can grasp the true way of the Emperor and understand that there's much more to learn beyond the Emperor's Heart, it won't be too late. If you can't grow, well, haha~~"

"And you, Wu Mingyuan, don't think that just because you have a plan to develop the Dala Great Desert, you can completely turn the tables. You've only just officially entered the game. The Emperor's Heart, haha, you still have a lot to learn. But, considering your filial piety, I've secretly helped you, not once, but twice. You better seize the opportunity."

"Fight, struggle. Without the Imperial Heir Struggle, where's the fun? Why should I have struggled so hard, almost losing my life, to succeed, while you think you can easily ascend?"

"I don't care. As long as I'm alive, none of you will win that easily."

Emperor Longchang muttered to himself, seemingly very pleased and proud of his schemes. After all, he was old and had the freedom to do as he pleased.

Old Yao, who was standing by, had cold sweat dripping down his forehead. The Emperor's mind was indeed hard to fathom.


While Shangjing City was in turmoil, Ping'an Town remained like a paradise, untouched by worldly affairs.

The children ate, studied, and got scolded as they should. They lived happily and grew up blissfully.

In the familiar courtyard, still blooming with flowers and full of spiritual energy, Wang Shouzhe played chess with the refined and elegant Jiang Yusong.

The result was obvious—Wang Shouzhe lost miserably in every game. After three rounds, he was completely defeated.

Wang Shouzhe laughed and gave up his pieces, saying, "Mr. Yusong, with your lack of understanding of officialdom, it's no wonder you were demoted to a place like the Flood Dragon Gang, where bandits gather."

His words seemed casual and light-hearted.

Jiang Yusong's expression froze for a moment, a flash of unease in his eyes, but he smiled and said, "Master Wang, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"As they say, a hero in decline and a beauty in old age are both regrets in the world," Wang Shouzhe said with a calm smile as he poured tea for Jiang Yusong. "But these are nothing compared to the desolation of an emperor's fall after three thousand years. An emperor with supreme power can decide the life and death of countless clans with a single word, enjoying boundless glory. As he grows old and nears death, he understands that the transfer of power is inevitable, but he becomes more sensitive, suspicious, and capricious. Because of his occasional anxiety, he becomes more controlling, wanting to grasp all changes in his hands. This is human nature and understandable."

"Brother Long's identity is special. He's been under the Emperor's watch since childhood, but he's a carefree dragon crossing the river, a mischievous troublemaker. It's only reasonable for the Emperor to place one or more spies by his side to control his actions and assist him, preventing him from being ambushed."

A drop of cold sweat slid down Jiang Yusong's temple.

His fingers began to tremble uncontrollably, and his heart was overwhelmed by an indescribable shock and fear.

Wang Shouzhe was incredibly bold, not only speculating about the Emperor's intentions but also speaking so openly!

Moreover, he couldn't understand how he had been exposed. Could Wang Shouzhe see through people's hearts?

"You must be wondering how your perfect cover was seen through," Wang Shouzhe said with a chuckle. "Actually, it's quite simple. I've investigated every one of the dozen or so generals around Brother Long over the past few decades."

"Except for you, the identities of the others are somewhat unclear, and many can't withstand scrutiny. This is normal. No matter how much the Flood Dragon Gang tries to whitewash and register with the government, it's still a water bandit organization. What person with a clean background and bright future would join such a notorious group?"

Jiang Yusong felt a chill in his heart and argued, "Master Wang, you misunderstand. The leader once saved my life, and I'm here to repay him."

"Yes, that's a very reasonable explanation. But if I were Emperor Longchang, I'd choose someone smart, capable of assessing the situation, and intelligent enough to advise and influence Long Wuji to control and monitor him."

"It's not that I look down on the Flood Dragon Gang's high-ranking members, but except for you, Mr. Yusong, the others... their brains aren't as sharp as Brother Long's. How could they be responsible for controlling him?"

"Master Wang, this is all speculation. How can you convict me?" Jiang Yusong's face turned pale.

"Mr. Yusong, are you underestimating the Wang's Clan? Since I suspected you, you tried to send messages out from our territory... to Guilong City..." Wang Shouzhe shook his head helplessly. "Do you think our decades of efforts were in vain?"

"Ah!" Jiang Yusong slumped, his face ashen. "Master Wang, I'm working for the Emperor. Please show mercy."

"Don't worry, don't worry. Since you're the Emperor's man, why would I make things difficult for you?" Wang Shouzhe said with a smile. "I should thank you, Mr. Yusong, for helping convey messages to the Emperor."

Jiang Yusong's body trembled, and he looked at Wang Shouzhe in disbelief. "Master Wang, did you deliberately let me hear and pass on the message that day? Impossible, impossible. Even if you suspected me, I might not have been with the leader that day. It was a last-minute decision for him to take me along!"

"A last-minute decision?" Wang Shouzhe said with a half-smile. "Do you think my 'you come up, I go down' act by the An River was for nothing? It was to make Brother Long uneasy, to make him wonder if I was secretly plotting against him."

Jiang Yusong was stunned for a long time before he looked at Wang Shouzhe in shock. "So that's it. Brother Long was uncertain, and I, being the most meticulous and cautious among his close associates, was naturally brought along as a precaution."

"Without a sound, you placed me in the game. The meeting at Broken Dragon Gorge was so crucial that I had to report it truthfully to my superiors... Taking this opportunity, Master Wang, you managed to discredit Commandery Prince Kang in front of the Emperor from thousands of miles away and also identified me as an insider. Master Wang, your calculations are truly brilliant! This plan to kill two birds with one stone is masterful. I have to admit defeat. But what if you had miscalculated?"

"Miscalculated?" Wang Shouzhe said nonchalantly. "It wouldn't matter. The main goal was to deal with Brother Long. The rest was just a bonus."

A bonus?

Jiang Yusong was both terrified and amused.

Master Wang had compared the Emperor to a rabbit... truly bold, incredibly bold~

Oh no!

Today, I, Jiang Yusong...

am doomed.


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