Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 102 102:Too Much Coincidence

Chapter 102 102:Too Much Coincidence

Leaning steadily on his seat, Leon took a sip of coffee looking at the vast town down from the top of the Hotel.

He began this work as a way to pass the time and experience fighting but now his goal changed. It wasn't anything noble like fighting for justice rather he was going to collect some good souls.

Superhuman, cultivator, human, beast, monster...anything that can fight would do.

Just like other people he too had a dream in his childhood. Being a somewhat introvert who wasn't able to mingle with others, he always thought of having power that might not be known in the public but everyone of huge importance should respect him.

He might not have a multi-billion dollar company, but he should have trillions in his hands He doesn't want to wear a crown and entertain people engaging in various political welfare but his presence should be like being with a vast army at his support willing to die at his every word but all this is just fantasy that can't be true.

And he never likes to lead people or groups with others when it comes to deadly missions as it might create too many complications if they had to fight a bigger enemy.

But now with his Martial Spirit that bestowed him the power of Darkness, he can have his army whom he didn't need to care about.

No, he would have cared if they were good people alas....


Leon paused at the door and he stood up looking at the watch.

''That's perfect timing,'' Leon commented, and just as he took a step to greet her, Leon's expression cracked.

He felt a slight headache with flashes of memory assaulting him out of nowhere but it wasn't anything that could make him lose his sense.

Wearing an official dressing suite, and a coat with a professional stern appearance a woman nudging her specks a bit walked in.

For some reason, she looked familiar.

Very familiar….

Leon felt as if he knew this woman at the back of her hand.

'Did this guy hit on her and by chance did she agree which left a long-lasting impression?'

Leon extended her hand to shake and saw that the woman halted on his steps.

"Pardon me for my rudeness but I don't like to shake hands for some reason so I apologize, "The woman muttered sternly and as if asking for his forgiveness bowed her head a bit.

"No problem, I understand every person has a problem," Leon answered with a dry laugh giving a slight nod.

The woman stood before Leon and spoke in an elegant and magnetic voice, "I am Gwen from the Woods Family. I want to discuss some matters with you."


The name struck a bell in Leon's mind.

Assuming a serious stance, Leon asked with a profound look.

"By chance do you know a boy named Leon Befort who used to be Woods?"

Gwen's expression changed and the temperature of the room suddenly fell by a few margin.

"Are you trying to probe me by acting as if you don't know?"

Leon, noticing things going in the wrong direction, immediately shakes his head to clear the misunderstanding.

"I don't have that intent Madam. It's just there had been a bounty on the name Leon Befort who previously belonged to Wood."

Gwen's breathing halted and Leon almost saw a murderous glint in her eyes.

"He is my brother. Whom I loved dearly but a certain irresponsible woman played a cruel joke on us and separated us."Gwen raised her voice clenching her fist and spoke aloud.

However, her words sounded like strokes of thunder erupting in Leon's eardrum.



Somewhere in Horizon City, Eastern region of Elysium...

A group of soldiers circled the area where Division 4 was located. Out of them, Bert, who was taking the lead, walked on the damp soil with an expression.

"Captain, do we need to do this?"

"For god sake, it's a Vampire. It is not that I am afraid of dying, rather I am afraid of dying by getting my blood sucked and my fleshes eaten."

The moment everyone heard this, they felt a shiver down their spine. If previously they were able to maintain their composure, now they almost do it on hearing this.

"Do you need to say that?"A soldier hit him on the shoulder.

"I am just speaking the truth..."

"Shut up and keep quiet unless you are dead."

The entire base of Division 4 was deserted, filled with a murky bloody trench of blood.

He was a mere Martial Disciple and along with their squad, they were nearest to the base.

Bert and his team patrolled the area. Their job isn't to take on Vampire but rather to observe and report as if Vampire ran into society, it would be difficult to find them out.

Out of all, vampires were the trickiest to deal with not because of their weird abilities but rather because their human-like appearance made it difficult to differentiate from normal people if they hid in the crowd.

"Be on guard and prepare to activate the solar touch."

Walking past the quiet moonlight, as they turned abruptly they caught the sight of a faint whisper.

"What's this sound?"Bert frowned.

"Captain it sounds like cries of Batman...I mean bats.."

The moment he spoke, everyone turned their gazes toward him frightening him.


"He is here. Activate the torch."


They activated the solar torch looking around but much to their frustration, they didn't find anything.

Under the pale moonlight, the group of armed soldiers cautiously moved through the desolate alleyways of the buildings, their weapons drawn, searching for the elusive criminal.

The air was thick with tension as shadows played tricks on their senses.

Unbeknownst to them, a dark figure emerged from the shadows, gliding silently behind the soldiers.

With swift and deadly precision, the vampire's elongated fangs sank into the neck of the first soldier, who gasped in horror but before he could scream, a pair of hands closed his lips and pulled him to darkness splattering the crimson liquid dripped ominously on the ground.

One by one their numbers decrease, which they find out late.

Bert halted his steps and looked back, seeing a few members missing.

"What? Where are the others?"Bert screamed. His voice carried the bellows of terror.

"They were just here but…"The soldier's voice quivered as they looked around.


A jolt of horror shook them to the core as someone happened.

"Fe….I saw a fucking pair of gnarly feet."With a scream, he started shooting, blinding in the empty dark spot.

As the gun spewed flames of terror, everyone saw a dark figure passing around emitting a swirling sound.

The remaining soldiers, now aware of the danger, spun around to face the unseen assailant.

"It's the Vampire. Everyone be careful. Shoot the silver bullets."

Panic set in as the vampire moved effortlessly between them, evading gunfire with supernatural agility.

One by one, the soldiers fell victim to the relentless predator, their agonized screams echoing through the alley.

Bert, who shot aimlessly, turned around and his heart froze in despair as he saw a reddish eye sneering at him.

"You are harboring grave misconceptions."

"Silver may injure us but isn't enough to restrain us.."

The moment those words fell, the Vampire opened his lips wide, and his sharp bloody fangs pierced digging deep into the man's neck rupturing his muscle.

"Captain…"The soldier screamed and fired but the Vampire with a swift motion, pulled away the man and jumped into darkness.

Soon screams and wails of pain reverberated everywhere as the entire team was victimized serving as food for the predator.

Bloodstains painted the walls and floors, creating a chilling scene of horror.

The vampire, with eyes gleaming like the abyss, reveled in the chaos it had unleashed. The once disciplined soldiers now lay lifeless, their weapons scattered, as the vampire disappeared back into the shadows, leaving behind a scene of macabre devastation.

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