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7 months ago
Qube is an NPC in an AI-driven VR-RPG who was supposed to die at the end of the tutorial. But the... Read more Qube is an NPC in an AI-driven VR-RPG who was supposed to die at the end of the tutorial. But the Player, being a chaos-loving gremlin, glitches her out and drags her on various adventures, trying to make sense of the normalised nonsense that is video games. On the way they pick up equally broken party members, with Qube breaking the world in increasingly strange ways as she seeks to be the very best Childhood Companion ever.It’s a loving parody of old school games, high fantasy, and every player who has ever thought “what happens if I do this...” Collapse Adventurers, Artificial Intelligence, Comedic Undertone, Fantasy Creatures, Fantasy World, Female Protagonist, Friendship, Game Elements, Gamers, Healers, Heroes, Magic, Non-human Protagonist, Parody, Playful Protagonist, Prophecies, Quirky Characters, Sword And Magic, LitRPG vr game stories are very meaningless. Only those who don't have any creativity write this type of stories including systems. But 2 questions arise:1. why write if u can't? -> coz now u can earn something by writing anything - even shit. Even a $1 counts. Which brings us to the 2nd question2. Is it even a real person who is writing? ->I mean think about it, every novel is the same to some other novel with slight modification to names, places etc. So maybe a few are using software & different aliases to generate stories. And if it is a real person, then they are here just to earn something - even of they are not qualified to do the job, they take it & copy the story & settings of some other stories & publish it.So all in all only like 1% of the author are using their creativity to think & write. Read tree of aeon it will change your mind About a guy beta testing a single player game and an NPC starts to gain consciousness, exploits galore and shenanigans. It's a pretty fun read. Synopsis: Mc broke game but admins ignore him.I don't even start reading but world already become dead. That's why i don't like vr game setting. The NPC is a female and she’s the protagonist it's explained later on that he's testing the game for bugs and its singleplayer so far Is this Protagonist NPC?Edit: It is, but it's more like NPC protagonist, if that makes sense You just raised my confusion by +10 Protagonist NPC: Something like the MC from 'The Legendary Mechanic'. He's the main character that is became/is considered an NPC by others in the that world.NPC Protagonist: An NPC that became a protagonist. At least this is what I think Beans meant lol