Primordial Villain With A Slave Harem

Chapter 3: I'm Kind Of A Robin Hood, No?

The goblins are retreating with the thrashing women holstered over their shoulders. They are moving in a straight line toward what I can only assume to be their little hidey hole. I'm not sure where exactly that might be—likely some barbaric burrow or cave perhaps.

The little green creatures really don't seem to have enough brain cells to construct buildings, they appear to be very primitive with only their tribal loincloth hiding their little peckers.

After they disappear from sight, I wait several minutes before cautiously approaching the carriage. Unsure of the goblins' sensory abilities, I must tread carefully.

It would be a shame to leave all the valuables here now, wouldn't it?

My heart aches at the thought of some useless city lord getting their grubby hands on it. I must liberate these properties and distribute them to those in need; namely-myself. I'm kind of a Robin Hood, no?

I don't wish to linger here for long. The goblins might come back once they realize that they forgot to pillage, or others might arrive. The last thing I need is to be thought of as the perpetrator or perhaps an opportunistic scavenger. Well, the latter is exactly what I intend to become now, but others don't need to know.

I walk up to the father merchant. Damn. Seeing a corpse up close for the first time hits way harder than I expected. I'm struck with the pure cruelty and brutality of those sadistic creatures. It could easily be me on the ground if I'm not careful. This further reinforces my thought that I must play everything smart and not be a gung-ho hero.

He still has his armor and weapon, the goblins were too preoccupied and overeager with their live captives to loot properly.

I examine the sword. Looks very bland to me, though I'm no professional. Since the merchant only had one hired guard, it is fair to assume that they are not holders of legendary grade treasures. Pity.

I focus on the item and 'try' to examine it again. A window appears this time.

[Iron Sword]

[Rarity: Junk]

[Skills: Empty]

Better than nothing I suppose. I lift it and the weight surprises me. Heavier than expected. I do some slashes in the air, imitating movements I've seen in movies. I must look like an idiot, flailing this thing around. Gotta start somewhere, though.

I jump onto the carriage and take a look around. There are four wooden crates and two wooden barrels.

I go through them, eager to inspect my new properties. They are ownerless now, no? I must make good use of this gift.

The first crate has fresh produce in it. I see carrots, potatoes and corn. I don't know how much these are worth but I imagine they won't make me rich.

The second is filled with bread. Well then, moving on.

The third has some wooden carved figures. Most of them seem feminine in very revealing clothing, if any at all. I can imagine what they are used for in a world where there's no internet and 'hubs' to search for frustration-venting materials.

The last is filled with neatly made textile items. If I'm not wrong they are made of wool. They give a nice feel when I touch them. Very comforting. I can see hats, gloves, scarves, blankets and more. I figure this box is the one holding the most expensive items.

Though perhaps the wooden figurines might be a contender, I don't know how starved the males are in this world. Maybe they are in short supply. I can easily see people having large collections of them in various compromising poses and revealing clothes.

I move onto the barrels.

The first is filled with flour.

The second with some ale. Smells disgusting. I wouldn't pay for such quality in a bar that's for sure.

I'm somewhat disappointed. They could've been filled with better stuff. I remind myself that beggars can't be choosers, thus I accept them with gratitude. I bow towards the dead merchant multiple times while clapping my hands together. "May you rest in peace."

Next to the crates I find a bag. It is filled with food portions and a waterskin. I imagine these were their own provisions for the trip. I holster the bag over my shoulder.

[New Class Unlocked: Thief]

Hey! It's ownerless! What's your issue?!

Fuck. Realization hit me then. The women are still alive. That's why I didn't get this class when I grabbed the dead guy's sword from the ground.

I inspect the class details.

[Thief: Basic Evil Class]

[Effect: Minor Agility Increase]

[Base Skill: Lesser Stealth]

I focus on the skill.

[Lesser Stealth: Makes the skill user slightly harder to detect. More effective in dimly lit areas.]

[Activation: Uses 30 MP and lasts for 20 minutes.]

So this is not one of those 'hide in plain sight' OP abilities. Better than nothing, that's for sure. I equip it as my Primary Class, making Commoner secondary. My Vitality decreases back to 10 and my Agility goes up to 11.

As far as I can tell there's no drawback to having a class that is of criminal origins. At the very least I didn't get a notification of a bounty being placed on my head or something along those lines.

I continue on with my process of liberating items from those that no longer need them and giving it to those that are in need.

The guard's spear is also a simple iron one as well. I try taking their armor off their bodies but I don't know how and I'm very close to puking from their odor and general state of being dead. I will probably get used to this soon, but since the armors are bloody and look to be made very poorly I stop fiddling around with them.

Inside the merchant's coat pocket I found a small leather pouch. It is holding 24 copper coins and 3 silver ones. I don't know their worth but hard cash is always welcome in my books.

One by one I lift the crates off the carriage. Man, honest work sure is back-breaking. I start sweating under the merciless gaze of the sun. I take my hoodie off and tie it around my waist with its sleeves.

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