Primordial Villain With A Slave Harem

Chapter 20: Into The Labyrinth 1

As we walk through the bustling streets of Aldoria, the atmosphere gradually changes. We start noticing more and more armed individuals, ranging from novice adventurers with simple gear to seasoned veterans with intricate armor and enchanted weapons.

The air is thick with anticipation and a sense of purpose, as these adventurers all share a common goal: conquering the labyrinth floors to get stronger and richer.

The closer we get, the more crowded the streets become. Vendors set up stalls selling various supplies, from potions to weapons to enchanted trinkets. The chatter of haggling and the clinking of coins fill the air, creating a lively and chaotic environment.

Finally, we arrive at the entrance to the labyrinth. It's a small, unassuming doorway set into the side of a large stone building. The entrance seems almost comically tiny, considering the labyrinth is said to contain a hundred floors. Clearly, some dimensional magic is at play, making the interior much larger than it appears from the outside.

I stop for a moment to take it all in. The entrance is flanked by four imposing knights, each clad in gleaming armor and holding a formidable weapon. A small line of people has formed, waiting to enter the labyrinth. The adventurers in line range from eager and nervous newcomers to grizzled veterans, all waiting their turn to face the challenges within.

As we approach the line, I notice a sign indicating the entrance fee: 20 bronze coins per person. I feel a surge of irritation. "The rich get richer," I curse under my breath. It is not enough that we risk our lives, we even have to pay for the privilege of doing so… Didn't the Goddess herself create this? Why are you bastards claiming the labyrinth as your own?

Ayame glances my way, "it's just how things work here. Please don't make a scene by attempting to sneak past the knights. They are all very strong, more so than me. They will sense you coming from a mile away even if you try to sneak by them at the most opportune moment when none of them are looking your way."

Naturally, I'm not that foolish. 40 bronze coins is a huge price that I'm definitely unhappy to pay but I'm not going to get my limbs chopped off for this shit.

Begrudgingly, I nod and fish out the coins from my pouch when it's our turn. We hand over our payment to one of the knights, who gives us a cursory glance before stepping aside to let us through. The coins clink heavily in his hand, causing my heart to contort in agony. This should be called sound torture.

Even through his full helmet I can tell that he is smirking and he clinked the coins on purpose to fuck with me. Seeing our humble weapons and clothes must make him think we are farmers tired of field work and wish to strike it big, or something along those lines.

I attempt to remember him to pay back later in full but he is in full-body armor that has no distinguishing feature… I guess today is your lucky day.

As we step through the small doorway, the world shifts around us. The narrow entrance gives way to a vast, cavernous space. Dim, glowing crystals embedded in the walls provide eerie illumination, casting long shadows across the stone floor. The air is cool and slightly damp, carrying the faint echo of distant sounds.

"This is it," Ayame says softly, her eyes scanning the surroundings with a mix of caution and excitement. "We've entered Aldoria's labyrinth."

As we venture deeper into the labyrinth, the dim glow of the crystals and the echo of our footsteps create an eerie ambiance. Ayame walks beside me, her eyes sharp and alert.

"On the first floor," Ayame begins, "we'll only encounter three types of weak monsters. Though which ones exactly, I can't say, as it changes with every labyrinth. In my hometown, the first level was occupied by Slime Crawlers, Stone Sprites, and Shadow Rats."

I nod, listening to her with rapt attention. "So, we might face something similar here, or it could be entirely different?"

"Exactly," she confirms. "We need to stay vigilant. The creatures on the first floor won't be strong, but they can still be dangerous if we underestimate them."

She continues, "Also, be aware that other labyrinth clearers will be present, especially on the lower floors. We have to be cautious around them. It's rare for explorers to fight each other, but it does happen."

She pauses for a moment then continues, "there's an unwritten rule among explorers: each party must wait outside the next corridor until the current party defeats the monster inside. Once the monster respawns, it's their turn to fight. However, since this is an actual labyrinth with many possible routes, if we see a crowd waiting somewhere, we can always just take another path."

"Got it."

We continue through the labyrinth, the sound of distant battles occasionally echoing through the corridors. The first chamber we approach is empty, allowing us to advance without delay. I grip my weapon tightly, ready for my first real fight.

"Stay close to me," Ayame instructs. "I'll guide you through the basics of combat. Just remember what we discussed earlier."

We step into the next corridor, the tension building in me as we prepare to face whatever challenge lies ahead.

Ayame abruptly stops and holds up a hand, signaling me to be quiet. We hear a low, guttural growl echoing through the corridor. "Be ready," she whispers. "This will be your first battle."

We step forward, and the source of the growl comes into view: a creature resembling a giant insect with jagged mandibles and glowing blue eyes. It's larger than any bug I've ever seen, its exoskeleton gleaming at me menacingly.

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