Primordial Villain With A Slave Harem

Chapter 161: Getting Ready

I think I may have awaked a side of her I would rather preserve for our emies to joy in my stead.

One thing is for certain, it's not going to be a pleasant training session but rather a straight up duel. I'm up for the challge since I also eagerly want to test my new saber out, and I really do joy fighting as well.

I've not yet had much of a chance to truly appreciate combat situations as all of them had me basically as the underdog desperately focused on preserving my life, but that will change soon.

Both the Wizard and Primordial Villain classes are on the horizon as well as the ormous amounts of experice I can acquire from training with a seasoned warrior like Ayame. Maybe I will become a battle crazed maniac not unlike my most cherished samurai.

We swiftly move back to Broderick's home to conduct our training, since I don't believe that the innkeeper family would be particularly happy if we started on their premises.

Th, the two of us separate once there to properly prepare, which for me tails donning my brand new armor and gleefully eyeing myself in a lavishly decorated mirror.

I liked my previous armor as well, but this one is so much more badass.

The new armor is sleek, dark, and macing, with intricate designs that culminate into a product that screams "badass." I can't help but feel a surge of pride as I look at myself. My old armor was dect, but this… this is on a whole new level.


Me saying this is not at all a coping mechanism on my part, I'm not trying to comfort myself over the fact that my transformation into the Primordial Breeding Physique made me waste silver coins on the old set that no longer fits.

Nope, not at all.

With a final, approving nod at my reflection, I grab my saber and step into the cter of the room. The polished blade gleams in the light, and I can't help but feel a rush of excitemt as I give it a few experimtal swings.

What follows is, well… less than impressive. I try to mimic some moves I saw on TV back in my old world as well as what Ayame displayed during our previous battles, but it quickly becomes clear that I have no idea what I'm doing. The saber feels awkward in my grip, and my attempts at what I think are "epic" sword techniques result in little more than flailing a like a drunk fool.

"Amazing moves, Quinlan," I mutter to myself, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Inwardly, I'm cringing. Not just at my pathetic swordsmanship, but also at how I aggravated Ayame with my snarky commts earlier. I know all too well that she's going to wipe the floor with me once we start sparring.

She can't hit me normally due to her slave contract clauses protecting me, but during a sparring match… I don't think they will work in my favor if I willingly gage in a duel with her as long as she isn't trying to seriously harm me just for the sake of harming me. Strong hits here and there are par for the course in a serious duel.

I can't help but think back to my rect transgressions against her.

I called her my woman and basically told her she can't ev look at other m while we are not at all involved romantically. As her master I'm completely within my rights to do so, but as a woman- a woman born into high privilege at that- she probably didn't take it all too well.

Blossom And I were off having fun while she was collecting information, though I still stand by the fact that it was supposed to be our off time, but what matters at the d of the day is that she didn't appreciate it very much.

I'm also not sure how she feels about my multitudes of affectionate displays of love (lust) towards Blossom in front of her and how I more or less made a move on Aurora while she was in her vulnerable state of mind by feeling her behind up for minutes.

However, these are all minute, extremely minor offses in the grand scheme of things. What truly matters are my rect commts about me surpassing her as a swordsman should I put my head to it, as if it wasn't ev a challge for me but a foregone conclusion.

As the subordinate of an ali superman, she should be painfully aware of the fact that chances are that I will become stronger than her with time, but her ego as a combatant can't take it while simply lying down, and the way of the blade is hers.

Her own, personal domain to excel and outshine me in.

I can have better stats, I can hurl fireballs and heal myself while being extremely tanky and agile and she won't bat an eye beyond perhaps calling me names a young lady really shouldn't, but if I manage to take away her only real area of expertise… The specialty she's be honing since being a very young child, the thing that basically comes with her unique eastern bloodline…

Goddess, save me.

However, I don't truly think that I have a chance of surpassing her in pure swordsmanship. If our levels, stats, and spells were idtical, I'm confidt to say that she would beat me ev a hundred years from now, and that's more than fine with me. As I said, this is her area, and I'm happy to have her be the best at it.

I've said what I said more so to rile her up, to get her to fight me seriously. I believe this will provide me with a very harsh but effective session.

I shake off the thought and straight my posture, gripping the hilt of my saber with a rewed sse of determination. Alright, Quinlan, focus. This is an opportunity, not a death stce. I'm about to learn swordsmanship from a real swordmaster, someone who's leagues above your average blade user technique and finesse-wise.

Ayame is not only a prodigy with the sword but a person who has be diligtly training since she could walk as a baby. If I can survive this evt, I'll come out of it stronger, faster, and more skilled.

I take a deep breath, feeling a thrill of excitemt surge through me. The fear is there, sure, but it's accompanied by something else- something greater; anticipation. I've always wanted to be more than just some guy with a dect head on his shoulders. I want to be able to stand my g, to protect those I care about, to kill those I despise, and to fight with purpose and skill.

And now, with Ayame as my teacher, that dream is within reach.

Who knows? Maybe beginner's luck will shine on me today. Maybe I'll surprise Ayame- and myself- with a move or two that actually works. The thought makes me smile. I'm not completely hopeless. My stats have improved, my reflexes are quicker, and ev if I've never held a saber in my life before, I'm ready to learn.

Ready to push myself to the limit.

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