Primordial Villain With A Slave Harem

Chapter 146: Loud Guests

PoV: ???

*Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!*

I clutch the edge of the counter, my knuckles turning white as the entire inn trembles around me. The noise is deafening, and I can barely keep my composure. I can feel my face burning, my heart pounding in my chest. Why did this have to happen today of all days?

"Ah! Ah! Master!!! Kyaaaaa!!!"

Distinctly feminine cries pierce through the walls, each one more desperate and... and... Oh gods, this is so embarrassing!

This was supposed to be a quiet day! My parents had just left for the market, leaving me in charge. They said it would be an easy day, hardly any guests, just a few regulars who know how to keep to themselves. So why does this have to happen now?!

I glance around nervously, hoping no one else heard, but the entire building is shaking as if it's about to come apart. The chandelier above me sways dangerously, and the glasses on the shelves behind the counter clink together, threatening to topple over. Oh no, oh no, oh no...

What am I supposed to do? I'm just standing here, frozen in place, too flustered to think straight. My parents didn't prepare me for this! I didn't even know people could be so... so... loud!

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Another series of earth-shaking thuds reverberate through the inn, and I bite my lip, trying to keep my composure. The noise is so overwhelming that I feel like I'm about to melt into a puddle of embarrassment. Is he trying to kill her?! I thought this act should be all about romance and tenderness... Bodies gently meshing together into one in the most intimate display of love...

But they are worse than animals in heat...!

I can't just leave them up there! What if they're damaging the room? What if... what if someone else hears? I'm supposed to be responsible! I have to check on them, but how am I even going to face them after that?

Then I remember- they asked for refreshments. Yes! That's it! I'll bring up some drinks; it's the perfect excuse. That way, I can knock on the door without having to bring up the actual reason for my presence, and once I see what unruly state they made of my property, I will scold them harshly! I'm the owner and they are my paying guests, after all!

My heart races as I quickly grab a tray and start preparing some drinks, trying to focus on anything but the overbearing noise coming from upstairs. I try to steady my hands, but they're shaking too much. I glance at the stairs, my legs feeling like jelly. Oh, why did my parents have to leave me alone today?!

With my heart pounding in my chest, I carefully balance the tray of drinks and make my way up the creaky stairs. Each step feels like I'm walking toward some horrible fate, the noise from the room growing louder and more intense. This is it, I tell myself, trying to muster up some confidence. I'll knock on the door, hand over the drinks, and... maybe I won't die of embarrassment on the spot.

When I reach the door, I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. Just knock, hand over the drinks, and evaluate the state of your property, Mavena. That's the plan. Simple, right?

*Knock, knock, knock.*

The sounds inside suddenly pause, and I hold my breath, my entire body tensing up as I wait for a response. A moment later, the door swings open, and I find myself looking up... and up... into the face of the most imposing man I've ever seen. He must be at least two meters (6'6") tall, his broad shoulders and bulging muscles glistening with sweat.

His face is ruggedly handsome, with sharp features and eyes that seem to pierce right through me.

I swallow hard, feeling my cheeks flush as I struggle to maintain eye contact. But then, as if drawn by some magnetic force, my gaze drops lower... and lower... until I'm staring straight at... Oh Goddess. My eyes widen in shock as I take in the sight of his, um, giant appendage, hanging between his legs like some kind of...

well, giant serpent monster!

Before I can stop myself, I let out a tiny yelp, my voice high-pitched and squeaky. To my horror, the... serpent twitches in response, almost like it's greeting me, and I'm suddenly very aware of how out of my element I am up here with this man.

My mind races, and I start muttering nonsense under my breath, my words tumbling out in a flustered, jumbled mess. "Oh no, I-I didn't mean to-um, I'm just-uh, the drinks! Yes, the drinks! I, uh, brought them for you, and, um, please don't be mad, I didn't mean to-"

The man lets out a deep, rumbling chuckle, the sound sending shivers down my spine. He seems completely unfazed by my flustered state, his lips curving into a smile that I can't help but feel is mocking me.

As I stand there, paralyzed by the sheer intensity of the situation, the man reaches out and effortlessly takes the tray from my trembling hands. His fingers brush against mine, and I notice the contrast between his large, powerful fingers and my thin, delicate ones.

Then, without a word, he turns away, giving me a perfect view of his incredibly well-shaped behind, which is just as muscular and impressive as the rest of him. I feel a strange tingling sensation down at a rather private part of my body due to this sight…

Mavena, you did not just think that a stranger's butt is sexy, right?!

My eyes widen even further, and I feel my face growing even hotter as I realize I've been staring. I tear my gaze away, but just as I do, my eyes land on something even more shocking- the bed.

There, sprawled out in a puddle of... something, is his blonde dog-kin partner, her body limp and glistening. She's giggling senselessly, completely out of it, her eyes half-lidded and unfocused as she's completely stunned into some sort of drunken, blissful daze. There's an overwhelming sense of satisfaction radiating from her.

I let out a yelp, clamping a hand over my mouth to stifle the sound. Is that... is that even possible? I can't believe what I'm seeing- a woman feeling such extreme pleasure that she's reduced to this state. How is it possible to achieve such a stupid state of mind?

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