Primordial Star Scripture

Chapter 134: Chapter 116: Gang Yuan Three Transformations

At this momt, inside the Gre Leaf Great Formation, the space wasn't tirely sealed off; there was still an area a few hundred yards in radius.

Outside this few hundred yards, lay the massive overlapping gre leaves of the formation.

Ye Ch, who was trapped within the "Sky-locking Formation," was now being reltlessly pursued by the powerful Six Leaves Array. Despite whatever techniques or methods he employed, he could not break the confining array to free himself.

After all his techniques proved ineffective, Ye Ch finally retracted his Crimson Fire Flying Sword back into the Flying Sword Palace.

This was the eighteth floor's challge in the Ancit God Tower, and it was not designed to kill Ye Ch, but if he couldn't break the formation, it meant he had failed in his combat against Yan Ling'er.

"To break this Gre Leaf Great Formation, I must hance my cultivation again!"

"My currt strgth is not ough to breach this formation!"

"There are thirty days left; I must find a way to break the formation, emerge from it and confront Yan Ling'er once more!"

Of course, Ye Ch wouldn't give up so easily. On this eighteth floor of the Ancit God Tower, he still had thirty days of cultivation time, he still had a chance to hance his strgth!

If, on the last day, he still couldn't defeat Yan Ling'er, that would be the momt he would be willing to accept defeat.

To admit defeat now would be too premature!

"Strgth, hance my strgth in these thirty days!"

Ye Ch's mind raced, considering the methods available for him to continue increasing his strgth.

Currtly, Ye Ch had mastered four types of Sword Intts, ev condsing a more powerful Slaughter Sword Intt from them, but there was no corresponding cultivation technique to further hance it.

As for the Nine Transformation Fighting Body, with the help of Heavly Saint Di Kong's Innate Essce Map, he had cultivated it to the Second Transformation, but he had already tested and knew that ev with the combat power of the Second Transformation, he couldn't break the formation. Furthermore, it was impossible to reach the Third Transformation in just a short month.

The nurturing of the flying sword, the Crimson Fire Flying Sword, was a long-term process; Ye Ch had already immersed the Crimson Fire Flying Sword again in the Sword Qi Spirit Liquid within the Sword Palace Acupoint for further nurturing.

The most likely opportunity to hance his power and break the formation would be with the cultivation of his "Primordial Star Scripture."

Upon thinking of this, Ye Ch's spirit shook wildly, and he suddly regained his confidce in breaking the formation.

The Primordial Star Scripture, it was the cultivation of the Primordial Star Scripture!

During this year-long period in the Ancit God Tower, Ye Ch focused on cultivating Gang Yuan True Qi; he had already completely transformed eight of the nine True Qi Vortices within the Qi Sea into Gang Yuan True Qi, and ev within the ninth vortex, he had cultivated the vast majority, leaving only a very small portion still not refined into Gang Yuan True Qi.

Ye Ch was very close to completing the second layer of the Gang Yuan Chapter of the Primordial Star Scripture, "Gang Yuan Mantra."

Ev more, Ye Ch was confidt that by spding about t more days, he could transform all the Heav and Earth True Qi in the nine True Qi Vortices into Gang Yuan True Qi, meeting the requiremt for the Gang Yuan Mantra to be completely cultivated.

Once the Gang Yuan Mantra was fully cultivated, Ye Ch would be able to ter the Starlight Tower again and obtain the third layer of the Primordial Star Scripture's Gang Yuan Chapter!

By th, his strgth would undoubtedly skyrocket, and breaking Yan Ling'er's "Sky-locking Formation" would become highly possible!

"Gang Yuan Mantra, I will complete the cultivation of the Gang Yuan Mantra, strive to re-ter the Starlight Tower, and obtain the third layer of the Primordial Star Scripture's Gang Yuan Chapter!"

The Primordial Star Scripture had never let Ye Ch down.

The first level, "Meridian Refining Art," rapidly advanced Ye Ch's True Qi Realm by cultivating the Qi Meridian and the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, including the thirty-three Meridian Wheels. The second level, "Gang Yuan Mantra," which cultivated Gang Yuan True Qi, had significantly boosted Ye Ch's power!

Ye Ch was looking forward to the third layer's cultivation technique, and not just for breaking Yan Ling'er's grand formation, but to obtain the third layer technique as soon as possible!

Over the past year, Ye Ch didn't prioritize cultivating his True Qi Realm but instead, focused on cultivating Gang Yuan True Qi and its associated techniques for this very reason!

"Cultivating 'Gang Yuan True Qi'!"

"To swiftly transform all my True Qi into Gang Yuan True Qi, and th return to the Starlight Tower!"

With his mind made up, Ye Ch calmed his spirit completely, staying vigilant for any changes in the Gre Leaf Great Formation, while commcing the final stage of cultivating Gang Yuan True Qi within the ninth True Qi Vortex.

As Ye Ch delved into his cultivation, Yan Ling'er outside the Gre Leaf Great Formation also sat down on the g of the eighteth floor.

She did not launch further attacks against Ye Ch and had trapped him in the formation, just as she had trapped the other two challgers before him.

After thirty days, eliminating Ye Ch would be ough.

After all, this was an Ancit God Tower challge, not a battle to the death. As the guardian of this floor, Yan Ling'er wouldn't expel him from the Ancit God Tower directly within thirty days if Ye Ch didn't attack her.

Yan Ling'er was ev looking forward to it, hoping that Ye Ch would hance his strgth during these thirty days of cultivation and challge her again.

As the guardian of the Tower's supreme floor, she anticipated a battle that would push her to use her full strgth.

"This Ye Ch is indeed quite impressive!"

"Perhaps with more cultivation, he will be able to break through my Six Leaves Heavly Lock Array, forcing me to use my Sev Leaves Heavly Lock Array, or ev mightier techniques."

"I hope he can seize the last thirty-day opportunity in this Ancit God Tower, and grant me a battle that allows me to go all out!"

"Ev during the True Qi Realm contest held by my grandfather, I never had to use my full pottial."

After murmuring to herself, the young girl sat cross-legged in the midst of the eighteth floor's landscape, staring at the ormous Gre Leaf-bound Sky-locking Formation, and began to wait.


"This eighteth-floor guardian, capable of holding this supreme floor, is indeed formidable!"

Outside the Ancit God Tower, the Spirit of the Sacred Artifact watched Yan Ling'er's exchange with Ye Ch, shocked by their immse strgth.

Wh Yan Ling'er activated the Six Leaves Sky-locking Array, completely trapping Ye Ch within the grand formation, the Spirit of the Sacred Artifact gained an ev deeper recognition of the terrifying strgth possessed by this young girl.

It was outside the tower, unable to hear the conversation betwe Yan Ling'er and Ye Ch, and unaware of Yan Ling'er's astonishing idtity.

But merely based on the strgth that Yan Ling'er had displayed, she had completely won its admiration!

Ev its former master, Heavly Saint Di Kong, had not be as formidable as Yan Ling'er wh he was in the Realm of True Qi!



At this momt, the gold monkey, seeing Ye Ch trapped in the Gre Leaf Great Formation, was extremely anxious. It was jumping about frantically outside the tower and had ev tried to ter the Ancit God Tower.

Of course, the Ancit God Tower did not allow it to ter.

"Don't worry, Ye Ch will be fine. The trials of the Ancit God Tower will not take a life; at most, one will be eliminated,"

"By now, Ye Ch has reached the eighteth layer. After the last thirty days of cultivation time, he will have fully gained the opportunity prested by the Time Flow Rate of the Ancit God Tower. All the extra cultivation time is his; ev if he cannot defeat Yan Ling'er, his gains will still be considerable!"

The Spirit of the Sacred Artifact patted the gold monkey while speaking with a smile.

After hearing the words of the Spirit of the Sacred Artifact, the exceedingly anxious gold monkey finally calmed down a little. However, its eyes, which shone like black gemstones, were still filled with worry as it looked at the tower and the Gre Leaf Great Formation that wrapped layer upon layer a Ye Ch.

Inside the eighteth layer of the Ancit God Tower.

Within the Gre Leaf Great Formation.

Ye Ch had fully immersed himself in the cultivation of Gang Yuan True Qi.

One day, two days, three days...

As time gradually passed, the Heav and Earth True Qi in the nine True Qi Vortices within Ye Ch's Qi Sea became less and less, while the Gang Yuan True Qi increased more and more, until all the True Qi Vortices were almost completely silvery .

On the ninth day that Ye Ch was trapped in the Gre Leaf Great Formation, he finally reached the last momt where the cultivation of Gang Yuan True Qi and the complete cultivation of the Gang Yuan Mantra were finished!


As the last trace of Heav and Earth True Qi tered his Qi Meridian, the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and the thirty-three Meridian Wheels, completing a perfect large cycle and fully accomplishing the transformation of Gang Yuan True Qi into a strand of silvery Gang Yuan True Qi that flew back into the Qi Sea, Ye Ch's nine True Qi Vortices in the Qi Sea had become completely Gang Yuan True Qi Vortices!

At that momt, Ye Ch felt that the long silt Stars Tower within his Qi Sea once again stirred, finally sding out a response force toward him!

This was an unmistakable sign that he could ter the Starlight Tower again!

Ye Ch's heart started pounding with excitemt!

Finally, he was about to ter the Starlight Tower for the third time and receive the cultivation technique of the Primordial Star Scripture!


With a move of his mind, Ye Ch's mind and spirit tered his Qi Sea, and th the doors of the first layer of the Stars Tower within his Qi Sea burst op, directly drawing in Ye Ch's mind and spirit.

Within the first layer of the Starlight Tower, inside the great hall.

For the third time, Ye Ch saw five massive Fire Altars, inside which lay the five layers of the Primordial Star Scripture's Gang Yuan Chapter.

Ye Ch had already obtained the first two layers, "Meridian Refining Art" and "Gang Yuan Mantra." Now, he was about to acquire the third layer of the cultivation technique!

As Ye Ch stood amongst the five massive Fire Altars, his mind suddly filled with a strange and wonderful melody.

Upon hearing this melody, a look of disbelief crossed Ye Ch's face.

"Gang Yuan Three Transformations?!"

"After completing the second layer, the 'Gang Yuan Mantra,' I can actually obtain all the remaining three layers at once, and all the remaining three layers are collectively known as the 'Gang Yuan Three Transformations'?!"

Ye Ch had always thought he would have to attain each of the five layers of the Gang Yuan Chapter one by one, but to his surprise, after completing the second layer, the methods to unlock the final three layers were all transmitted into his mind.

Could it be that this time, he could obtain all three layers at once, and fully receive the tirety of the Primordial Star Scripture's Gang Yuan Chapter!

In disbelief, Ye Ch sat cross-legged among the five massive Fire Altars.

Of these five fire altars, two had already released the "Meridian Refining Art" and "Gang Yuan Mantra," the first two techniques. The remaining fire altars that had not yet released any techniques were three in number.

As Ye Ch recited the mystical melody in his mind, in an instant, within the remaining three massive fire altars, countless thunders exploded, and the sounds of beasts roaring echoed until, at last, all transformed into the words of a spell, flying into Ye Ch's mind.

Looking into his mind at the newly tered techniques, Ye Ch was astonished to see that they were indeed the final three layers of the Gang Yuan Chapter – the Gang Yuan Three Transformations!

The Gang Yuan Three Transformations: the last three great Divine Powers of the Gang Yuan Chapter!

Gang Yuan First Transformation: Gang Qi Transformation! Once this transformation is cultivated, all Heav and Earth True Qi absorbed in the future will automatically transform into Gang Yuan True Qi without the need for special cultivation!

Gang Yuan Second Transformation: Void Instantaneous Change! After completing this transformation, one can instantly move to any location covered by the Divine Sse. If the Divine Sse covers a hundred yards, one can instantaneously move anywhere within this range. If the Divine Sse covers a thousand yards, th instantaneous movemt can occur within the thousand-yard range.

The wider the Divine Sse's coverage, the larger the instant movemt range!

Gang Yuan Third Transformation: True Thunder Extreme Change! Wh the amount of Gang Yuan True Qi reaches its limit, a True Thunder induction will occur within the body, and within three months, it is imperative to attract the Nine Heavs True Thunder to bombard the Gang Yuan True Qi.

Once the Gang Yuan True Qi undergoes an extreme change due to the thunder strike, it will be time to step into the second chapter of the Primordial Star Scripture!

As he reviewed the three newly acquired techniques in his mind, Ye Ch's excitemt grew.

Gang Qi Transformation! Void Instantaneous Change! True Thunder Extreme Change!

Following "Meridian Refining Art" and "Gang Yuan Mantra," Ye Ch had once again obtained three powerful cultivation techniques, three great Divine Powers!

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