Primitive Man

Chapter 54: Wild duel

[Looks like we have our first genius.]

Eva remarked while Garnt carefully examined the spear, acknowledging that its potential as a deadly weapon might be limited. However, he recognized that the true value lay in the process of crafting such an innovative creation.

"Who made this?" Garnt questioned looking at the crowd, and suddenly a woman, her expression a mix of anger and confusion, stepped forward. She had black hair and an exposed chest, which added to her formidable appearance. She continued to meet Garnt's gaze, her eyes sharp and unyielding.

[Look at that body. She is a strong woman. You need to have her on your side.]

Eva muttered those words looking at the abs and the shoulders of the woman.

Garnt, undeterred by her initial reaction, extended his hand in a gesture of goodwill. "You're clearly quite skilled," he remarked, his tone sincere. "I can see the strength in your work and your body."

The woman snorted in response, still not entirely convinced of Garnt's intentions. But something about his demeanour, his non-hostile nature, made her pause. After a moment of hesitation, she extended her own hand to shake his, realizing that was what he wanted.

She didn't fully understand what shaking hands did, but looking at Garnt and his group, she knew going non-hostile was the move.

Garnt seized the opportunity and handed her the simply crafted spear, his eyes never leaving hers. Then, with a confident smile, he retrieved his own weapon and held it at the ready.

He didn't use his new weapon, since he knew it would be unfair to her, so he took his daggers instead of the bastard greatsword that he normally used.

"We're going to have a duel," Garnt declared, his voice filled with anticipation. He could sense the potential for an exciting challenge in this encounter.


"You look confused so let me explain who I am," Garnt said and introduced himself, so she could have a better understanding of why he wanted her.

"I am Garnt. You could say we are quite similar since both of us are leaders of a group." Rona didn't know what was the deal with this man. She didn't even understand why he gave her the spear without even thinking of the possibility of her stabbing him.

"My suggestion is simple. We will battle each other and see who is the better hunter. And the one who loses will follow the winner." Garnt proposed showing his confidence in his ability. "Of course, if you want we can fight normally, but I guarantee you.

I won't let your people kill any of my people."

It was reassuring and threatening at the same time for Rona, and she couldn't help but doubt his confidence. "Why? You could kill my people and get away with it? Why are you trying to fight with me alone?

I'm strong. I will kill you,"

As soon as she said those words, Unami, Ayra and all the other people on Garnt's side tried to come and attack her, but he quickly asked them to calm down and smiled at Rona's words.

"Well, isn't it foolish to kill each other? You're a strong girl. I would like to have you in my group, so I want to show that I'm worthy of your loyalty, also I'm confident enough that I won't lose" Garnt said and reassured Rona.

"Don't worry, I am the one who suggested this, so If I lose my people will just go back and leave you alone."

Rona kept listening to him and she was rather surprised to find a man, who is not bloodthirsty and thinking with their cock. Because Rona could easily see that the young man in front of her wasn't lusting after her body.

"What a fine young man!"

After thinking for a few seconds and looking at her people, Rona makes the decision to fight Garnt. She also sees it as a chance to obtain a man who looks intelligent enough to support her.

The woman's expression shifted from confusion to intrigue. She wasn't one to back down from a challenge, and Garnt's fearless attitude had piqued her interest.

With a determined nod, she accepted the offer, and the two warriors prepared to engage in a battle that would test both their skills and their newfound respect for each other's abilities.

Garnt, undeterred by the odds stacked against him in this spear-versus-dagger duel, decided to call upon a random man from the crowd. "You there," he pointed at a bystander, "give us a hoot to start."

The chosen man let out a hearty hoot, echoing through the gathering, signalling the commencement of the battle. Without a moment's hesitation, Garnt lunged forward, his instincts telling him that in a close-quarters fight, he held the advantage.

Also, he didn't want to kill the woman by mistake since he knew his daggers were way more sharp than the blunt spear that Rona was using.

The woman, quick on her feet, attempted to leap back and create some distance between them. However, Garnt moved like a predator, closing the gap in an instant. He bore down on her like a fang wolf, causing her to grip her spear tighter, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and determination.

As Garnt's dagger inched dangerously close to her throat, the woman's heart raced, and she felt a bead of sweat trickling down her brow. She knew that any sudden movement could prove fatal, so she held her ground, trembling but resolute by parrying him.

Amidst the cheers and jeers of the onlookers, Garnt seized the opportunity to learn more about his opponent. "How old are you?" he asked, his voice low but steady while attacking her.

The woman, still trying to comprehend the situation, answered, "I don't know. but I'm not old."

Garnt continued, probing deeper, "Do you have a mate?"

With a puzzled expression, the woman replied, "I've never mated."

Rona didn't really mind if Garnt wanted to mate with her, but looking at his straight face, she knew his purpose in asking such a question was not to mate with her.

Garnt's eyes gleamed with a newfound interest. He saw her as an ideal candidate to join his village, as her lack of attachments and exceptional talent would undoubtedly benefit his community. He couldn't help but think about how he wanted her to be part of their future.

With a strategic shift in his approach, Garnt decided to test the woman's fighting abilities more thoroughly. He went on the offensive, launching a series of rapid and precise strikes, each carefully aimed to challenge her skills.

The woman, determined to prove herself, deftly parried and countered every attack. Garnt, however, deliberately chose to strike her with the hilt of his dagger instead of the blade, testing her composure and resolve.

Despite the unexpected tactics, she remained composed and focused, refusing to let her emotions get the better of her.

As the battle continued, Garnt's admiration for the woman grew. He knew he wanted her to become part of his village, not just for her exceptional skills, but also for her unwavering courage and composure in the face of adversity.

[You really need this girl in your village. Look at her status.]

Name: Rona

Relationship: None

Sex: Female

Age: 23


STR - 8

AGI - 9

VIT - 7

INT - 9

END - 9

CHR - 9

Skills: Leadership, Hunting, Exploration

[She also has leadership skills and her charisma is the highest I have seen in a human besides you.]

'She is great. I can't believe, she is still twenty-three while leading a group like this. Maybe she took over her parents or something.'

With each clash of their weapons, he managed to inflict minor injuries upon her, but he could sense her resilience growing with every strike.

"You're the first person to fight with me like this. I really like this feeling, having someone equal to me." Rona shouted with a pained expression as she had minor injuries all over her body.

Like an injured tigress, the woman's ferocity only intensified with each attack. Her eyes blazed with determination, and she fought with all her might, refusing to yield. The crowd watched in awe as the battle between them unfolded.

Finally, with a well-executed technique, Garnt delivered a decisive blow that sent the woman stumbling backwards, her strength spent. She collapsed to the ground, unconscious, but Garnt moved swiftly to catch her before she hit the earth.

Breathing heavily from the intense duel, Garnt looked around and called out, "Mother! We need your help."

Gundo recognized for her medicinal abilities, rushed to their side. She quickly assessed the woman's injuries and began to tend to her wounds, doing her best to stabilize her condition.

"She will be fine. You fought well, my son." Gundo said, as she looked at her medic team and asked them to lift Rona.

With the injured woman in capable hands, Garnt turned his attention to the crowd. He could hear the hushed murmurs and feel the energy in the air, a mixture of amazement and respect for the battle they had just witnessed.

Garnt knew that this woman would be a valuable addition to his village, and he was determined to make her an offer once she had recovered.

"But before all that, let's see." What he witnessed next was the woman and children of Rona's group looking at him with fear.

[Do the usual. Show them our magic.]

Eva said, knowing that these people were going to be the next victims who would worship Garnt like a god.

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