Primitive Man

Chapter 5: Kiss between loved ones

After fully recovering from her sickness, Gundo watched with both amusement and bewilderment as her son, Garnt, fervently worked amidst a scattered array of bones and stones.

Her eyes narrowed in intrigue, she observed as he meticulously bound bones with vines, crafting them into sturdy sticks that promised a proper grip. Garnt's focused expression told her that he was onto something peculiar, something that ignited her motherly curiosity.

Her eyes crinkled in affection as she inquired, "Garnt, my dear, what exactly are you doing with those bones and vines?"

Garnt's eyes sparkled with a youthful light that mirrored the glint of the stones he held in his hands. He looked up at his mother, a grin stretching across his face. "Mother, I'm creating something to make our hunting easier," he declared with an air of confidence.

"These are called weapons, they are really useful"

Gundo's brows shot up in surprise, her curiosity deepening. "Weapons, you say? And what sort of help might these be?" Her voice was tinged with both amusement and disbelief, her heart both proud and puzzled at her son's endeavour.

With a flourish, Garnt presented his creations, bones expertly secured to vines, forming rudimentary tools with a promise of newfound power. "See, Mother, I've bound these bones to create strong grips, and these stones are perfectly shaped for throwing.

With these, we'll be able to hunt more effectively! After all, these are more sharp than the sticks we used earlier."

Gundo's eyes widened in astonishment, a mixture of pride and realization slowly spreading across her features. "You mean to say, my clever son, that you've devised weapons to aid us in hunting? These are your inventions?"

Garnt's chest puffed out as he nodded, excitement radiating from his every gesture. "Yes, Mother! While you were unwell, I spent time observing the creatures and thinking about how we could catch them more easily.

I noticed their vulnerable points and thought of ways to exploit them and also I had a little help from our guardian."

Gundo had no idea who Garnt was referring to but she assumed that he was talking about mother nature, so she quickly decided to help her son without fully relying on him.

After a few hours of sweating and careful work, the mother and son duo managed to make some beautiful and sharp weapons that looked like they were about to take the lives of all of their enemies.

Garnt's chest still puffed with excitement, he turned to his mother, his expression more serious now. "Mother," he began, "I'm eager to go hunting and put these weapons to use. But I cannot bear the thought of you exhausting your already weakened body by joining me."

Gundo's heart swelled with a mixture of gratitude and a hint of sadness. She recognized Garnt's genuine concern for her well-being. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled softly. "Garnt, I appreciate your consideration.

But you need not worry so much. I am stronger than you might think."

Garnt's face showed a blend of emotions, torn between his desire to ensure his mother's safety and his trust in her strength. "I know you're strong, Mother," he replied, his voice tinged with emotion. "But your health comes first. I promise that I won't face anything dangerous alone.

I'll be cautious and return to you as soon as I have what we need."

Gundo's heart warmed at her son's words. She placed a hand over her heart, her gaze fixed on him. "Very well, Garnt. I'll stay back this time, but remember don't face any wild animals, and don't go too far, Your mother will be sad if something happens to you,"

Without waiting for her to react, Garnt suddenly kissed Gundo on her lips which caused her to wonder, what he was trying to do, but Eva was fuming from her mouth seeing what he was doing.

[Brat! What are you doing? Stop this at once, she is your mother]

She shouted inside Garnt's mind, but Garnt was confused even more as he didn't know why she was getting angry.

"Why? Aren't you the one who told me I should do it only with women that I love? Eva, I don't understand," Garnt muttered inside his mind, while letting go of Gundo after looking at her confused face.

[I meant your future partner, not your mother, idiot. *Sigh, Looks like you need more guidance.]

"What was that, Garnt?" Gundo questioned as she touched her lips feeling a little weird, but then Garnt explained things to her which caused even more misunderstanding.

"Ohh~ that's just something people do when they love each other to show affection,"

[Damn it! This kid is too much]

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Garnt decided to leave the cave despite the bickering of Eva that kept resonating in his mind. Luckily, he didn't have to move his mouth to talk with her, so it looked like Garnt was in his world.

With a final look back at her, he set off towards the hunting grounds, his steps resolute.

Gundo watched her son's retreating figure with a mix of pride and worry. She whispered a quiet prayer to the same guardian that helped Garnt to achieve all these things, asking for protection over Garnt.

"Dear guardian, please protect my cute boy and don't let any of the wild animals harm him, I beg you," She muttered and went back into the cave since she wanted to clean the cave before Garnt came back with the hunted animals.

Garnt moved through the dense undergrowth of the forest, his senses keenly attuned to his surroundings. The sunlight filtered through the leaves above, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. As he walked, he spotted various signs of life returning to the area.

Small animals scurried about, birds chirped from the branches, and the once-flooded ground was now covered in fresh grass and blooming flowers.

"Looks like things are getting better," He said to Eva, to which she just mumbled the sound of affirmation.

His footsteps were light and careful, each one taken with purpose. He scanned the area for any signs of animals or edible plants. His eyes were sharp, trained to pick out even the subtlest movement in the foliage. He could feel Eva's presence in his mind, guiding him with her knowledge of the forests.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, Garnt's ears perked up at the sound of a rustling bush nearby. Instinctively, he crouched down behind a cluster of bushes, his heart racing with anticipation. His hand instinctively went to the hilt of the bone knife strapped to his side.

[Looks like it is time for your first hunt]

Eva muttered as she knew this was a very important moment for this ten-year-old boy.

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