Primitive Man

Chapter 46: Confession

Gundo had rushed to the aid of a boy in the exploration group, who had fallen victim to a snake bite. With a worried look on her face, Gundo carefully tended to the wound, her nimble fingers working swiftly.

She used some leaves and crushed them, so they would really be effective against the snake bite and kept it on the wound, trying to absorb all the poison and reduce the swelling.

Meanwhile, in a corner of the village square, Garnt, her own son, sat with his shoulder bearing a sizable wound. Despite his efforts to reassure his worried mother, Gundo couldn't help but be concerned.

She knew such a wound must be painful, and her maternal instincts urged her to hurry and treat her patient so she could return to her son's side.

As she applied herbal poultices to the snake bite victim's leg, Garnt struck up a conversation with Eva, a wise system known for her knowledge of various crafts and skills.

Eva whispered to Garnt watching everything happening in the village.

[You know, Garnt, your mother has quite a talent for medicine. She could learn even more about it and be a huge help to you.]

Garnt raised an eyebrow, amused. "Medicine? Well, I'm not exactly an expert in that field, Eva. How am I supposed to teach her?

Maybe, she can teach me something."

Eva chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with wisdom.

[Ah, my dear boy, you don't need to. I can take on that role for you. I have a wealth of knowledge in medicine, and I'm more than willing to pass it on to Gundo. You can focus on recovering from that wound of yours.]

Garnt nodded, feeling grateful for Eva's offer. "Thank you, Eva. That would be wonderful. But how exactly are you going to do that?

Are you going to teach me so, I can teach her something,"

[Not really, and for that, we have our next Bionic Element. Just like the Analyser, it is also one-time use, so you need to find someone that you trust to give it. You have no use in keeping it because the purpose of that element is to allow me to communicate with that person.]

Bionic Elements:


>Hologram Watch (6000) - Eva's physcial apperance as a hologram so other party can see her and take advice from her. (Only the person, whose DNA registered can interact with the item)


"Is it really okay for you to talk with others? I thought it was dangerous," Remembering about Eva's past advices, Garnt questioned.

[It is fine. I can trust your mother, at least more than others, so I will share my knowledge with her.]

Garnt looked at the item he had just bought, which resembled a wristwatch from Eva's era. He quickly shoved it into his bag made of animal skin and decided to visit others before the usual banquet began, where they would enjoy the meat of two whole bobcats.

"It is enough to feed the whole village for a few days. I hope it tastes good, unlike that water creature,"

[Yeah, it is good if you give it to her after she calmed down. Look at her face, she looks like her whole body is screaming in her love toward you.]

Eva said as she saw the woman who appeared like a gust of wind and quickly began to check her son's wound.

"Mother, it's okay now. The pain is gone, and things are a little better," Garnt wanted to tell her not to worry, but he knew it would be useless looking at her face. So he allowed her to do whatever she wanted until the sun hid itself among the mountains.

As the night time arrived, everyone gathered in front of a roaring bonfire, its flames casting dancing shadows on the faces of the villagers.

The scent of roasted bobcat meat filled the air, making stomachs rumble in anticipation. Garnt sat on a log near the fire, surrounded by his fellow villagers, each holding a wooden skewer with a succulent piece of meat.

Kara was there next to Garnt taking care of him like a leech without letting him go for a single second, which Garnt found rather cute.

"I'm okay; it's just a little wound. You don't have to be like this, everyone. Look at Baktou; he also got injured, but you guys don't care about him," Ayra, Kara, and Gundo felt rather guilty hearing his words, while Baktou looked at them with an embarrassed look.

"I was just attacked by the snake. I didn't have major wounds. You should take care of yourself as someone who got bitten by a bobcat," he supported the girls, knowing they were just happy to serve him.

It was not like Baktou wasn't famous with the village girls, but most of the time, his charm and fame get overshadowed by Garnt, who is considered the most attractive man in this village, and he didn't even care about it since he was happy to serve under Garnt.

"Patriarch, what are these small black rocks? It tastes so good when sprinkled on meat," one of the middle-aged men questioned curiously, and Garnt quickly decided to explain.

"It's called pepper, something really valuable. Just think of it as a gift from Mother Nature. I have plans to find these in the future, so don't worry about them for now." Hearing Garnt's words, everyone started to cheer, and he quickly got up, leaving Kara for a moment.

She looked at him confused, but without waiting, Garnt decided to tell her why he got up before she made a scene.

"I have to pee, so wait here like a good girl and support others, I will be back in few minutes,"

Garnt ventured a short distance away from the campfire to find an empty spot behind a tree to relieve himself. As he finished urinating, a sudden, unexpected sensation of someone hugging him from behind sent shivers down his spine and he knew it was woman feeling the softness of the two pillows.

He quickly turned around, his heart pounding with surprise and alarm without even bothering to put his cock back into his clothes.

There, in the dim moonlight, stood Unami. She had followed him discreetly and now wore an tear filled eyes. Her eyes sparkled with tears as she leaned closer to him.

"Garnt, I'm sorry! I wasn't-" She paused for a minute, and looked at his confused face.

'It's time, I will do what must be done.'

Unami thought as she got ready for her biggest event in life, where she would confess her feelings toward her caretaker, benefactor and the person, who rescued them from darkness.

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