Primitive Man

Chapter 41: Unami

"It is such a waste not to use the hot spring we enjoyed in the past," Garnt muttered as he walked with the two girls by his side, reminiscing about their cave.

"Hmm, that's true, brother," Kara nodded her head. "River is good, but there's something so calming about that hot water in the cave."

"Should we make a road to our old cave? Maybe, we should find some hot springs close to our village," Garnt had a quick idea, but Eva quickly decided to object to him.

[Don't be stupid. Why would you waste one hour or two-hour walk distance, just to take a bath? Soon you will get the tech to build a hotspring inside your village, so keep unlocking blueprints.]


He realized that she had a point. It didn't make much sense to spend hours walking just for a hot spring soak, especially when they could potentially bring the luxury of a hot spring closer to their village with technological advancements.

With that settled, the three of them continued their walk along the riverbank, the clear water glistening in the sunlight. They reached the river, and Garnt couldn't help but admire its beauty.

He quickly shed his garments, which only covered his lower part, but he had underwear underneath, as he already had the blueprint for the undergarments of both men and women.

Unami and Kara both had their eyes staring at his back and the bulge that formed in the front, and for a moment, they even forgot what they were there for.

"What are you two doing? remove your clothes and wash them, before entering the river, we should hang them, so they will be dry by the time we finish our bath," Garnt said and without waiting for them to react, he suddenly removed his underwear without even trying to hide anything.

And suddenly it popped out, the thing that both Unami and Kara had been waiting to see. It was nothing like what it had been six years before, and the veins that kept popping out gave it a rather intimidating look.

"..." Both of them were speechless looking at his full naked body. It wasn't an uncommon thing for them to see him naked since they had been living together and taking baths since they were small kids, but suddenly Garnt stopped doing it since he wanted to create some privacy between men and women.

"If you two are not coming, I'm going. It's getting too cold to stay like this," he said and jumped into the river like a kid who was excited to play with water.

Coming back to their senses, both Unami and Kara also removed their clothes and undergarments.

Garnt kept close to the surrounding to see whether anyone was peeping on these girls, and acted somewhat like an overprotective brother.

After six years, Unami's physical appearance had developed significantly, and she started to resemble a beautiful woman more and more. Her hair had grown longer, and as soon as she removed the pin that held it together, it cascaded down her back like a silken waterfall.

Slightly darkened nipples in the middle of her tanned boobs were a sight that should be treasured for generations, but what caught the interest of Garnt was her ass, as she kept covering her boobs for some reason.

It was a gorgeous toned ass, that showed how much Unami loved to train, but the softness still remained to this day, making it the ideal place for Garnt to rest his head on other than her lap.

'Why is she acting all shy? We have already seen each other?'

Garnt was confused, but without him knowing, he also started to feel a little weird seeing Unami.

[Well, I can clearly say that girl doesn't see you as a brother, she wants something more. I'm not against it since she is already 18, but you can't think about Kara yet.]

"I won't," Garnt shouted inside his mind, but he had his own doubts because he already had a complex relationship with her mother, and he was scared to see how Kiriah and Kara would react to it when they got to know about it.

After a few seconds, both Unami and Kara removed their clothes and entered the river to wash their sweat.

But it didn't even take a few seconds for both of them to start fighting again, as they started to splash water on each other exchanging words, while Garnt was diving to see whether there was anything interesting.

"You really tried to seduce him with your dirty body, didn't you? What happened to our promise that you won't do anything until we get Aunt Gundo's permission?" Kara shouted and splashed water on Unami.

Unami retaliated with a playful grin, "Oh, come on, Kara! Don't tell me you actually thought I would wait. If I want something I will chase it. I respect Aunt Gundo as my teacher, but I don't need her permission to make love to Garnt."

Kara knew she was being childish, and part of her was jealous of Unami because of her confidence.

"You will regret breaking rules. I always held back like an Idiot, but from now on, he is going to be mine. I love him, he was always there for me like a real brother, but I can't see him like one. I want more from him."


"I can't disagree. It looks like we have something to agree on," Unami and Kara both nodded their heads, showing their love for Garnt.

As Unami and Kara continued their conversation, oblivious to the approaching danger, the menacing crocodile-like creature silently slithered its way towards them through the river water.

Its scaly hide blended seamlessly with the murky waters of the riverbank, making it almost indistinguishable from the surroundings.

Just as the creature lunged forward, jaws gaping wide, Kara's instincts kicked in. In a flash of protective determination, she pushed Unami out of harm's way. The creature's powerful jaws snapped shut inches from Unami's leg, its teeth clashing together with a bone-chilling clang.

"Quickly swim," Kara yelled, her voice trembling with fear and courage. "I will try to hold it, so quick."

"Kara!" Unami shouted and tried to help, showing that no matter how they fought, at the end of the day, it was all just a testament to their unbreakable bond.

Then, something utterly unexpected occurred. The moment the creature's jaws closed on thin air, it vanished from sight. Kara's eyes widened in astonishment as she stumbled backwards, nearly losing her footing in the fast-flowing river.

"What in the world?" Kara muttered, bewildered and terrified.

Unami and Kara quickly exchanged glances of disbelief before they both made a snap decision. They knew they had to find out what happened to the creature and, more importantly, protect Garnt. Without hesitation, they dived into the river, determined to uncover the mystery unfolding before them.

As they descended into the cold, dark waters, they spotted Garnt in a fierce struggle with the crocodile-like creature. Garnt's eyes were filled with determination, and his muscles strained as he grappled with the beast beneath the river's surface.

Bubbles of air escaped his lips as he fought to keep the creature at bay.

But the only thing they could do was tremble in fear upon seeing the creature because it looked twice as big as a Primal Bull in size, and its sharp teeth looked like they were built to tear even the hardest of rocks.

For a moment, even Unami doubted Garnt's ability to defeat the creature, but they were not let down. The sheer determination in Garnt's eyes and the relentless struggle he put up against the colossal predator reassured them that he was not going down without a fight.

Kara and Unami knew they had to act quickly. Without wasting another moment, they swam toward Garnt and the monstrous creature, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and determination.

Suddenly, they saw Garnt using his leg to knock down the huge creature and attack its head.

As they got closer, they noticed the water around the struggle was clouded with silt and mud, making it difficult to see clearly.

Unami reached Garnt first and grabbed his arm, pulling him away from the creature's snapping jaws. Together, they kicked towards the surface, desperately gasping for air as they emerged from the depths of the river.

Kara followed close behind, her eyes darting around for any sign of the creature's return.

Gasping for breath, Garnt managed to sputter out, "We have to get out of the water. It's too dangerous here."

Nodding in agreement, Unami helped Garnt swim to the riverbank. They crawled onto the muddy shore, their bodies shivering from both the cold water and the adrenaline coursing through their veins.

'That was close!" Kara muttered, but her body didn't stop shivering.

Kara scanned the area, her eyes still wary of the unseen threat lurking beneath the river's surface. "What was that thing?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Garnt shook his head, trying to catch his breath. "I have no idea. I've never seen anything like it. It came out of nowhere."

With a sense of urgency, the three of them stumbled through the dense forest and went back to the village after dressing up and decided to inform everyone about what happened.

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