Primitive Man

Chapter 30: Don't touch my nephew

"Damn it! He isn't even wearing anything. Why do I have to look at his junk?" Garnt complained seeing the man coming out of the cave and biting a piece of raw meat.

As a male with a modern-day sense of vision, Garnt felt disgusted to see his body filled with dirty marks, as well as too much hair which was common for the men in this world. Luckily, Garnt was still in his teen years, so he had enough time to groom himself properly.

His fingers caressed the fletching of a poisoned arrow, a weapon crafted for situations such as these. "If I can hit the right spot," Garnt mused, his voice barely audible even to the wind, "I might be able to kill him with one shot."

Drawing his bowstring with practised grace, Garnt aimed at the towering figure's exposed neck. The wind whispered through the leaves as if holding its breath in anticipation.

Ayra was waiting for her own chance to shine, so she took her spear and waited for Garnt to act. It only took a few seconds after the man turned back, Garnt's fingers released, and the arrow soared through the air with deadly precision.

As the arrow found its mark, a guttural roar erupted from the colossal man. He stumbled backwards, his hand clutching at the wound on his shoulder. "Ahhhhhh~ what is this?" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the forest.

Unfortunately, Garnt didn't manage to get an accurate shot this time due to the pressure he was under and Garnt's heart raced as he notched another arrow to make up for his mistake, his eyes locked onto his formidable foe hoping his next arrow would be the end of this man.

The man looked around at everything around him. Just as Garnt was about to shoot again, the man unexpectedly tossed the leftover bone he was eating towards Garnt. This made Garnt step back quickly because he didn't want the bone to touch him.

"Damn it! How did he see us? Is it a fluke? and how can he move his limbs when this poison was even able to kill wild animals?"

[It might have been a fluke, but looks like the poison is not enough to kill him. Go and quickly stab him before the poison wears off.]

Hearing Eva's advice, Garnt signalled his aunt and both of them ran trying to finish off the man, who was writhing on the ground with his limbs going numb from the poison.

However, a new threat emerged from the chaos. The woman who had been with the gigantic man suddenly realized the dire situation they were in. Fear etched across her face, she turned to flee back towards the safety of the cave they had emerged from.

But before she could take more than a few steps, Garnt leapt into action.

Bounding forward, he closed the gap in moments, his speed fueled by a combination of determination and urgency. He tackled the woman from behind, his arms wrapping around her waist. She let out a startled cry as she collided with the forest floor, her escape cut short.

Ayra, sensing the moment, lunged with her spear aimed at the colossal man.

"You scumbag!" Ayra shouted while approaching the man and striking him with her spear.

The man, still grappling with the effects of the poison, managed to roll partially out of the way. Ayra's spear grazed his side, leaving a shallow wound that elicited a pained roar from him. He swung a weakened arm in a feeble attempt to fend her off, but his movements were slow and uncoordinated.

Garnt pressed his advantage, pinning the woman beneath him as he struggled to keep her from breaking free. He could hear her frantic breathing and feel the tremors running through her body.

With his free hand, he managed to retrieve a small blade from his belt, holding it at the ready in case she tried anything rash.

"Don't try anything funny, or else I will cut your neck," Garnt whispered to her and looked at the two kids, who had no idea what was happening.

"Who-who are you? Let me go, I'm not-" She tried to talk scared that Garnt would harm her, but suddenly he pressed his bone dagger on her neck causing her to feel the pain.

"I said, shut up. I don't have anything to talk with you," He said those words and looked at his aunt, who kept poking the man with her spear and how the gigantic man kept rolling on the floor in pain.

At the same time, he signalled two twins to keep calm and follow him to which they gladly understood without even understanding anything.

But things didn't go as expected, as the gigantic man suddenly started to go berserk. Without even letting Ayra react, he grabbed the pointy end of the spear as soon as it pierced his shoulder and broke it with his pure strength.

"Are you kidding me?" Garnt's voice reverberated through the air as he witnessed the utterly absurd scene. He had invested several days of hard labour to meticulously cut and prepare that sturdy wood, enlisting the assistance of both Ayra and Gundo in the process.

Yet, standing before him, was an individual who effortlessly snapped the handle of the spear with nothing but their bare hands.

"You son of a bitch! How dare you break the spear my nephew made me?" Ayra shouted in anger and tried to hit him with her bare hand.

But Garnt could easily see that his aunt was underestimating this man, so he had to take action on his part. After giving the woman a dangerous tap on her neck, right at the base, the pressure point sent a shockwave through her nervous system.

Almost instantly, her eyes fluttered, and her body went limp as unconsciousness overcame her.

He then proceeded to run toward the man, who was looking at his aunt and stabbed him in the back hoping, he would at least go down with it, but unlike what he expected things got worse and he suddenly turned toward Garnt and held him by the head.

"Gaaaarnt!" Scared about her nephew, Ayra shouted and her attacks got more vicious.

"You little pests! I will kill all of you," He growled in anger and tried to squeeze Garnt's head, and he was sure if not for his aunt interfering, this man would easily crush his head.

"Ughh~ go down already, you asshole! Die like the animal you are," Garnt spat on his face, causing him to close his eyes instinctively. But before another word could escape Garnt's lips, the man's hand shot out like lightning.

In an instant, he hurled Garnt with tremendous force, sending him hurtling through the air.

The collision was brutal and unforgiving. Garnt's body collided against a solid surface with bone-crushing impact, causing him to cough and sputter violently. Blood sprayed from his mouth, mixing with the dust that hung in the air. The pain was searing and immediate, radiating through his entire being.

As he lay there, gasping for breath, Ayra felt like her whole body went numb seeing garnt spitting out blood and for a moment, she forgot about her own sanity.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ Garnt, no, no this isn't possible, he can't-" she started mumbling like a mad woman looking at her nephew, but her eyes then automatically went to the man, who was still wiping his face trying to get rid of Garnt's spit.

"It's you! You threw him! Kill! Kill, I will cut off your penis, you son of a bitch," Ayra shouted and took the pointy side of her spear and ran in the gigantic man's direction.

"No one! I won't let anyone touch him, he is my family, I will protect him,"

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