Primitive Man

Chapter 199: Return of wild animals

At first, Garnt didn't allow anyone to leave the village because he knew it might be dangerous to confront chaos like this. He thought staying inside the village would be the most intelligent response to the outbreak of wild animals and prehistoric creatures. However, curiosity eventually got the better of him.

Garnt began to wonder about the cause of this unusual reaction from the animals. Was it intelligent for him to remain ignorant about the chaos unfolding around them? He realized the obvious answer was no.

He had to find out about the situation, but he also needed to ensure that none of the villagers were in danger. So, he quickly ascended the watchtowers that he had set up and looked out at the forest. Though he couldn't see anything, the screeching and groaning sounds of the animals echoed widely throughout the forest.

Thora and Guni, now visibly worried, joined him at the watchtower. Garnt wanted to ask them to leave, but he knew as long as Guni was inside the walls, she was safe.

"What could be causing this?" Thora whispered, her eyes still fixed on the distant forest. She felt like her blood was boiling, but she was still sane enough not to react. The moment she felt the warmth of Guni's hand, Thora felt like part of her humanity returned to her body. It was as if she was here to meet Guni as if it was something that was fated to happen.

"I don't know, but we can't stay passive. I need to know what's happening out there," Garnt replied, determination in his eyes. "Thora, Guni, stay here. I'll go and investigate. If things get too dangerous, I want you to find shelter. Thora, I hope you will protect her."

Thora looked at Guni with a serious look on her face. "I will."

With a nod, Garnt descended from the watchtower, his mind racing with possibilities. He gathered a few skilled individuals from the village, forming a small scouting party. As they ventured into the forest, the unsettling sounds grew louder.

Unami and Kara also joined this search party since Ayra was not able to fight anymore and Rona also stayed behind because someone needed to protect the village if something bad happened.

"Garnt, do you think this is something dangerous?" Kara asked, not worried about her own life, but she wanted to make sure Garnt stayed safe.

"Do you feel this? The closer we get, it feels like something is attracting us. I feel like this is what causing all this chaos," Garnt answered Kara's question, but then he heard the surprised noises of Eva.

[It can't possibly be! No way, Garnt...I think I know what this is.]

"What..." Garnt wanted to question but the deeper they delved, the more apparent it became that the animals were reacting to something, something that emanated strange energy. The scouting party proceeded cautiously, weapons at the ready, eyes darting nervously between the trees.

The air was thick with tension, and Garnt's scouting party stood at the edge, stunned by the gruesome spectacle before them. As they approached a clearing, a sight unfolded that left them in awe and trepidation.

It was a massacre. It wasn't just an ordinary massacre rather wild animals, flying dinosaurs all the living beings that were able to breathe looked like they were obsessed with the rock that was situated in the middle of this battle, which Eva quickly identified.

"My goodness, what in the world is happening here?" One of the warriors that followed Garnt exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Unami, the usually stoic member of the group, had a furrowed brow as he scanned the scene. "This is beyond any natural behaviour. Something is not right."

As the team processed the horrific sight, more villagers who had followed Garnt arrived, weapons drawn and ready to intervene in the chaotic clash between creatures. It wasn't because Garnt ordered, but rather they felt their bodies reacting to the stone as if it was calling for them.

Unami and Kara, among them, exchanged alarmed glances.

"Patriarch! Let's go and kill these wild animals, so we can take that stone back to our home!" one villager shouted, already stepping forward.

Kara turned to Garnt, her eyes pleading for guidance without knowing that it wasn't just simply their request. "Garnt, what should we do?"

But before Garnt could respond, Eva's voice echoed through the chaos,

[Stop! Don't get any closer!]

Eva said in a rushed tone to Garnt, her words were filled with urgency.

[This is not a normal battle. It's the rock causing this madness. It's releasing a gas because of its highly corrosive nature, something like sodium. It's affecting their minds, making them fight for it as if it's the most precious thing in the world.]

Garnt's eyes widened, and he quickly held back the villagers who were eager to join the fray. "Hold! Stay back!"

Eva continued, her voice urgent,

[It's like a drug. The gas is making them lose control, making them want the stone. We need to get out of here for now and come back with our gas masks and with some liquid that can store part of this stone. If we can store this stone and keep it in vacuum space, that means we are going to achieve our goal.]

As Garnt nodded and tried to pull people away, a sudden wave of dizziness swept over him. His vision blurred, and he stumbled backwards.

"Garnt!" Kara rushed to his side, concern etched on her face.

Eva, alarmed, held Garnt steady.

[The gas… it's affecting you too. You need to retreat, now!]

Even though Eva shouted, when Garnt looked ahead, he knew it was too late, as his warriors had already ignored Garnt's order and looked at the massacre. They started to run at them, only to be crushed by the giant animals that were waiting to kill anything around them mercilessly.

"Ugh~ Kara, quickly run away! It's not good for us to stay here. It is affecting our minds, so quickly..." He wanted to shout, but when he tried to see where Unami and Kara were, he failed to do so and he felt like his whole body was going cold since he thought that they must have run toward the gathering of wild animals.

"Noooo! Noo! This can't be happening," Garnt feeling stressed started to take long breaths inhaling more and more gas, and Eva knew if this continued he will be the next victim.

[Garnt, stop inhaling this gas or-]

Eva kept talking until she felt something suddenly pushing Garnt. He felt his clothes being torn, and as he tried to comprehend what was happening, he saw Unami and Kara with glazed-over eyes, saliva dripping from their mouths. It was as if an insatiable hunger had taken control of them.

"What... what's going on?" Garnt gasped, his words slurring as the gas continued to affect him. Luckily Garnt still alert, shouted desperately trying to understand what was going on, "Unami! Kara! Snap out of it!"

But there was no response. Unami and Kara seemed fixated on Garnt, their once familiar eyes now filled with a disturbing intensity of lust, hunger and mainly obsession. As Garnt tried to push them away, he realized the strength in their grips was abnormal.

"What happened to them? Why can't I push them away, Talk to me Unami! Kara!" Garnt tried to have a conversation, which only caused more and more of his clothes to be torn until he was naked.

Eva, alarmed and cautious, approached this matter cautiously. She knew this was an abnormality because never in her life with the meteor she had seen something like this, but she knew staying calm during a situation like this wouldn't be the best for Garnt, who is being violated.

[This gas has turned them into something else. We need to get out of here. Try to carry them with you if you can.]

Eva said hoping to solve the situation, but unlike what she expected no response came which worried her, but when she looked at Garnt who was supposed to be escaping this situation looking like he was under the same effect as others, she knew things were going on a direction she didn't want.

[No way! No way! Did he fall under the effect? That can't be!]

She kept trying to convince herself until she saw Garnt suddenly pushing both Eva and Kara without holding back and which caused both of them to hit their heads and bleed, but instead of taking care of them, Garnt started to tear their clothes and lick their blood as if his primal instinct was woken up.

"Ughhhhhhh~ Una, Kara!" He muttered, but the girls only responded to him with a groaning sound and Eva sighed knowing there was nothing she could do anymore.

[I guess, I'll only be a spectator for this whole scene.]

Thinking about the possible results, she at least expected Gundo, to whom she had already explained what happened here, to come and offer assistance. Eva knew that, at this moment, Gundo was the only hope Garnt and the other two girls had.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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