Primitive Man

Chapter 14: New family member

Garnt and Gundo ventured forth into the cave without any hesitation knowing that they were safe inside the cave, as the sunlight illuminated the cave through the small cavities.

They navigated through winding tunnels and climbed over rocky ledges, the dim light casting eerie shadows that danced upon the walls.

Every step echoed with a sense of urgency, for they were on a mission of utmost importance – to find Gundo's missing sister, who had disappeared within this treacherous cave.

"Mother, keep an eye out for any signs or markings," Garnt whispered, his voice echoing softly in the cavern. "We need to make sure we're not going in circles."

Gundo nodded, her gaze never wavering from the uneven ground beneath his feet. "I know, Garnt. I just hope we find her soon."

As they pressed on, the distant sound of water dripping mingled with their footsteps, creating an eerie symphony that reverberated through the tunnel. Suddenly, their hearts skipped a beat – a fragile, agonizing cry of a baby pierced the air.

They exchanged a glance of determination before breaking into a run knowing, they found some clues.

They turned a corner, and there, amidst a cluster of cave rocks, they discovered a heart-wrenching scene. Gundo's sister lay pale and unconscious, her form cradled protectively by a young girl, no older than ten.

The girl's eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and concern, and in her arms nestled a baby – a mere bundle of innocence amidst the darkness.

Even though both the young girl and Gundo's sister were unconscious, the baby was still crying, which was the saving grace for everyone as it would have taken forever for Garnt to find them, if not for the sound of the baby.

"Mother! It's your sister," Garnt exclaimed, his voice tinged with relief.

Gundo's heart raced as he rushed to his sister's side, kneeling beside her. "Sister, wake up! We're here now," she whispered, gently shaking her shoulders.

But no matter, how she tried, Gundo didn't manage to get any response but looking at her breathing, she knew her sister was alive which was comforting for her.

Garnt's gaze shifted from the unconscious woman to the young girl, their still forms a stark contrast against the cold and damp cave backdrop. He could see the clear signs of dehydration etched on their pale faces – cracked lips, sunken eyes, and a frailness that hinted at their ordeal.

Garnt was already prepared with a water gourd, but he knew that giving them water directly might be risky due to their weakened state.

"Mother, be careful," Garnt warned softly, his voice laced with concern. He gently took the water gourd from her hand and crouched down beside the unconscious pair.

With utmost caution, he allowed a few drops of water to trickle onto their faces, aiming to gradually revive them without overwhelming their systems.

He applied a bit of the water to their dry, cracked lips as well, hoping to provide some relief and hydration. The drops of water on their skin seemed to stir a response, as their brows furrowed slightly, and faint signs of consciousness flickered across their faces.

After a few minutes that felt like an eternity, the woman and the young girl began to stir. Their eyelids fluttered, and their eyes slowly opened, revealing a mixture of surprise and confusion as they looked at Gundo and Garnt.

The dim light of the cave reflected in their eyes, making their gazes appear distant yet filled with a glimmer of hope.

Gundo's heart swelled with a mix of emotions – relief, joy, and a sense of responsibility. "Sister, can you hear me?" she asked in a soft, reassuring voice, her hand gently caressing her sister's cheek. "You're safe now."

Garnt kept a watchful eye on the young girl, ready to provide assistance if needed. As the woman and the girl regained some strength, their lips parted, and hoarse whispers emerged.

"Water..." the woman croaked, her voice barely audible. Garnt nodded and carefully helped her sit up slightly, supporting her weakened frame. Gundo offered the water gourd, allowing the woman to take small sips, avoiding the risk of overwhelming her.

They did the same with young girls and babies and rehydrated all of them giving them some energy to function.

The young girl watched this with wide eyes, her gaze shifting between the unfamiliar faces of Gundo and Garnt. Garnt offered a reassuring smile and gestured for her to approach. "It's okay. We're here to help," he said, his tone gentle.

As the woman and the girl continued to drink the water, their vitality gradually returning, the baby's cries began to increase showing his hunger.

[Garnt take them out quickly, looks like these people haven't eaten anything in a few days, These adults might be fine, but the baby needs nutrition.]

The woman, who regained her energy back suddenly hugged her two children and looked at her sister. It took her some time to process what was happening as she never expected to see Gundo in a place like this.

"Big sister! What are you doing here? I was-" Appearing thoroughly fatigued, she persevered in her attempts to speak, though it was evident she was pushing herself to the limit. Observing her condition, Garnt suggested that they wait to converse until they were outside the cave.

He emphasized the urgency of leaving before sunset, given the perilous nature of the forest at night.

"Ayra, he is right, this is not the place for us to talk, I will take your two kids, so let's just quickly escape this place.

There are wolves outside the cave, but we can use another entrance," As soon as Gundo said those words, her sister looked at the young man in front fo her and was pleasantly surprised.

"He is... your son," She mumbled and looked at her own children. Noticing how haggard they looked, she quickly stood up and nodded her head showing she was ready and the group started to move back to the rear entrance.

"Aunt, while we are walking back, can you tell us what happened here? What happened to that man outside the cave? Who is he?" It was a simple question, but both Garnt and Gundo noticed the change of expression, she had as soon as they said those words.

She was hesitant at first, but she knew hiding things wouldn't be good especially with her sister, who came to help out of nowhere. "He is my mate. He is the man I eloped with. But things are not what you think, so let me explain,"

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