Power of Creation

Book 4: Chapter 1

Book 4: Chapter 1


As always, I remind you that this story was converted, quite hastily, from 2nd person to third. Characters were also renamed when applicable. If you find any discrepancies, please let me know and I'll try to fix them. Although, if you've made it this far, you probably don't care that much...

Man the front lines! Dont let them get any closer. Keep your distance! Use the archers! Shivra bellows as she points out various flaws in the armys defenses.

Shivra is a little sexy when shes acting like a general, I say out loud.

A yellow-tinge paints Shivras cheeks as she turns to me. Warrior! Ive already accepted my place as your woman in waiting, but please do not demean this generals authority in front of her men again. It took many beatings to knock the insubordination out of my men last time you embarrassed me in front of them.

I wouldnt dream of it. I fight the urge to snicker. In that case, report general!

Y-yes! Shivra nearly solutes me before stopping herself. Florians army sent a couple of peace officers into the camp only to have them use some kind of magic to explode. After that, they started sending wave after wave of men into the camp to explode. Their fighting is erratic. They strive to cause as much damage and kill as many as possible.

Weve managed to keep them at bay for the most part. Casualties have been minimal. However, the demon camps were attacked in the same way. They arent fairing as well, and Florian has seemingly switched most of his focus on them. They clearly lack the training of a goblin horde. Shivra gives the two new demon women a gloating look.

Thats because were stuck here, and our armies dont have leadership! Sarah growls.

Neither of us are as battle centric as our eldest sister, Medusa admits. I doubt our presence would change much. Rather, our armies were never trained for something as insane as suicidal runs. Why would goblins train in this manner?

Shivra snorts and raises her shoulders. Of course, serving a man like the warrior, I had to prepare this army for every eventuality!

What kind of guy do you think I am! I respond with a sigh.

However, I dont have much room to talk since this form of Spartan training seems to do the trick.

Is there any suicide squads still attacking us? I ask, changing the subject.

Yes, a squad is being shot down with arrows right now from our right. Strangely enough, even though theyre failing to reach us, theyre still tossing men away. Its quite strange.

I use a little magic and a second later a man appears in front of me. Hes a nondescript demon with horns and a tail. He lacks the attractive looks that dominate the demon lord sisters appearances.

Tssk! Back up! Its one of them! Shivra shouts.

Its fine! I raise my hand. Ive rendered him inert. I just wanted to get a look at the enemy.

This man Mal growls, cracking her joints as her hands tighten.

You know him?

He used to be in my army! I thought he was one of the loyal ones. To think he worked for Florian. Im truly shocked that Florians coup ran so deep.

Hmm I wouldnt be so sure, Sister. Grimhilde takes a few steps forward, looking into the eyes of the man.

I had the man frozen so he couldnt really do anything but stand there. Other than preventing him from exploding, I didnt do anything else like lock his expressions or anything. Rather than shouting or looking afraid, he just stood there staring blankly at nothing. His eyes lacked any light at all.

Wh-what do you mean? Mal demands.

Hes braindead. I explain, probing the situation with some exploratory magic. A puppet like the ones your sisters use well, except made of flesh. Florian has brain wiped him and is using him as a pawn. Its possible most of his army are braindead pawns.

Shivra snorts. Good, that is why their strategy is so primitive. Florian will easily be defeated by us. Yet, I get a sense that things are not right. I cant help but feel like this is a trap.

Youre perceptive for a goblin, Medusa states causing Shivra to snort derisively before stepping up to the soldier and pushing against him close enough that her breasts squeeze against his chest.

She presses her hand against his forehead. The guy is braindead, and it isnt like I had marked Medusa as mine yet, but I still have a complicated feeling as I watch her with her hands all over this man. While Medusa seems like an incredibly easy fuck, I'm starting to realize that as a harem member, she might be a bit more trouble in other ways. As a free and lustful woman, her love and loyalty to me are likely skin deep. Once Ive had her, Ill have to take some precautions. Perhaps the collar I gift her will need to be modified to be a bit more restrictive.

On that note, Shivras collar is white and made with ivory, taking on the form of a slightly spikey collar that matches her aggressive appearance. Grimhildes collar is made completely of obsidian, a black glass color that surrounded her neck in a single ring. Kidas collar is more necklace-like, sporting a single Malachite gem. I am still steadily making collars, and Mal hasnt received a collar yet. Now, I am going to need to make two more as well.

Some kind of energy scythe. So, what is it theyre trying to do? I mutter, trying to make sense of the analysis magic coming back from my scan.

Medusa looks over at me appraisingly, impressed that I deduced this much. You dont see what they are doing? These arent just suicides. Theyre sacrifices.


Medusa presses a hand against the mans chest and a rune suddenly appears there, as if it is buried within the mans skin. This whole fight. Its not about defeating you. Florian is trying to sacrifice his entire army and as much of yours as possible. Hes trying to maximize the amount of death, using every one of his soldiers to siphon off freshly released life energy.

Im sorry this seems to be a little out of my depth here I mutter, scratching my head.

You dont mean Grimhilde seems to get it first. After receiving a confirmative nod from Medusa. She turns to me with a worried look. Hes killing people and using their life force to open a portal.

What? He cant possibly Sarah growls. Here? Now? Its too soon! The demon king hasnt even been selected yet!

This is happening now! Mal cries. Hes using my former army to bring about this crisis now? Ridiculous! Stupid! Stupid!

Girls, Girls I hold out my hands. Please, explain a little clearer. Whats going on?

Grimhilde is the one who answers. Florian is trying to summon the Demon God. Demon lords exist in this world to stop that from happening. We are the gatekeepers that hold him back. However, were not ready yet. If hes summoned now. This world will be destroyed. Hell remake it as his own! My love, we have to stop this before the Demon God is summoned!

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