Plundering the Heavens

Chapter 251: Schemes Upon Schemes

Chapter 251: Schemes Upon Schemes

Prince Chu Huangs expression was cold as he slowly walked towards Fang Xing.

He wasnt the same as Chu Taishang. In his mind, this former servant of the Myriad Beasts Sect was even more suspicious than Hou Guimen or Xiao Xue. Although he didnt have any evidence showing Fang Xing snuck into the Falling Snow Valley, smacked Princess Chu Ci unconscious, and stole the five Dragon Blood Pellets, his intuition told him this was the case. In order to do all of these things, frame Hou Guimen, and avoid Xiao Xues notice, the person had to be in Foundation Stage at least. The five Golden Cores wouldnt do this, so the only possibility was this boy in front of him. Besides, there was more than enough motive; this person had come from the Myriad Beasts Sect, and a servant helping his masterYing Qiaoqiaowasnt farfetched.

Despite the faint imposing aura around Prince Chu Huang as he slowly walked over, Fang Xing wasnt impacted at all and simply rolled his eyes. I was roasting turtle meat back at the Wanluo Court. What does that have to do with you?

Prince Chu Huang remained calm and unmoved by Fang Xings words. This matter is related to the reputation of our Chu royal court, the innocence of Brother Hou and Shimei Xiao, and is even relevant to the peace of the entire Snowy Mountain. Youd best answer my questions well!

Hearing such words, the few youths present all turned their heads towards him and Fang Xing.

Fang Xing could only inwardly curse. This golden turtle egg bastard actually learned his lesson last time; cursing at him doesnt anger him anymore. He accuses me the instant he sees me, and if I dont answer him properly now, Ill be the one responsible for tarnishing Xiao Xue and Hou Guimens innocence and ruining the Snowy Mountains peace. But if I answer truthfully, hell surely find gaps in my words. After thinking it through, he naturally didnt want to be tugged along by the nose and so decided to quarrel instead. His eyes widened and his face burst into a bright red as he cursed out, How dare you suspect me! Do you think Im too scared to fight you?

Prince Chu Huang was surprised by this and paused in his steps. Hed imagined over a dozen types of answers Fang Xing might give and had prepared a response to them, yet this sudden change and unexpected cursing had defied his expectations. I merely wanted to ask you some questions, he coldly replied. If youre not trying to hide something, why would you overreact like this?

Fang Xing simply grew angrier. Do you really think I dont know what youre trying to do? A son of a bi*ch like you, with a pull of your tail, I know what kind of fart youre going to make. Today your Chu royal court bit this brother from the Demon God Valley, then bit this pretty shijie, next would naturally be someone from our Wanluo Court. He released a cold laugh at that. Heh, not even the Grand Melody Court will be able to escape in the end! Since your Chu royal court is so potent, why dont we all just listen to everything you say!

By the time Fang Xing was finished, Prince Chu Huangs face was as white as ash and a hint of murderous intent flashed from the corner of his eyes.

Xiao Xues and Hou Guimens expressions also became rather bad when they heard this. Your Highness, can a Spirit Stage cultivator really sneak into a formation placed by Hou Guimen and sneak attack him without me noticing? Or is it really like what this little shidi just said, that your Chu royal court is trying to establish its might and power by stepping over the disciples of the four courts?

To the side, Hou Guimen had heard this conversation as well and glanced over with a complicated look. Ying Qiaoqiao, for her part, felt nervous and could only nod in strong agreement, not knowing what to say.

Fang Xing was overflowing with energy and had a stomach full of excuses prepared to curse Prince Chu Huang into a complete mess. Xiao Xue was beside him and Grand Elder Wanluo also wasnt far away; he wasnt scared of Prince Chu Huang trying to murder him.

Unexpectedly, however, Prince Chu Huang stopped gazing at him in an accusing manner. Instead, he simply looked away and casually declared, You and I both know whether youve done something or not. You might be able to hide it now, but that doesnt mean you wont reveal yourself in the future!

Just as it seemed the troubled weather would clear, Fang Xing began to proudly curse out, Hmph, if youre so good, why dont you prove it? All you have is a mouthful of sh*t, you think your little grandpa here cant talk sh*t too? With that, he moved to leave.

It was best not to use such arrogant methods too often; not only would it easily leave behind clues, it would also affect the mighty and grand image of Uncle Fang. After taking only two steps, Fang Xing suddenly felt something that caused his heart to skip a beat in surprise, but he pretended not to know anything and continued ahead as though nothing was happening. All he did was change his direction ever so slightly.

By now, Fang Xing was only around thirty feet away from Prince Chu Huang, while that red-robed Yin Servant with a dark expression and both of his hands hidden inside of his sleeves was quietly standing around ten feet away from Prince Chu Huang. The distance between Fang Xing and the servant was only around twenty feet, and that distance continued to shrink as he steadily walked forward, moving away from Xiao Xue and drawing closer to the red-robed Yin Servant.

The mood had begun to settle and everyone became distracted with either trying to heal themselves or thinking about the days events. Just as Fang Xing stepped past the red-robed Yin Servantwho seemed so mild as to not even dare to say a single wordthe servant suddenly released a powerful and terrifying malice from his body before two thin and shriveled hands shot out towards Fang Xing.

The sudden change astonished everyone.

Although Fang Xing appeared startled on the surface, he sneered within his heart. F*ck your uncle, I knew you were going to test me. A strange cry rang out as the shape of a golden Peng bird appeared over Fang Xings head, then another cry as the Peng bird bashed into the red-robed Yin Servants twin claws. The Peng bird was immediately damaged by the claws and reduced to a dim light before it shrank back into Fang Xings body, while Fang Xing himself let out a loud shriek and was sent backwards.

As it so happened, just after Fang Xing had finished arguing with Prince Chu Huang and was about to leave, he suddenly sensed a faint condensation of malice around the red-robed Yin Servants body that was fixated on him.

This kind of fixation was so weak it couldnt even be considered murderous intent. If it had been the Fang Xing of the past, it was likely he wouldnt sense anything amiss at all, but his spirit sense had increased considerably after studying the Scripture of Revered Sense and was extra sensitive. Hed been able to sense the malice of this seemingly feeble eunuch and how hed already started preparing an attack directed towards Fang Xing.

After the initial fleeting moment of surprise, many thoughts had flashed across Fang Xings mind. Why did this damn eunuch want to attack him directly? To kill him? Perhaps he wanted to seize him? Yet, Fang Xing quickly realized the eunuch intended to do none of the above. There wasnt any murderous intent within this damn eunuchs aurahe intended to test him!

Truthfully, the red-robed Yin Servants attack wouldnt have hurt him even if he hadnt noticed it thanks to his current level of cultivation. The problem was if that happened, his cultivation level would be exposed. It was here that Fang Xing understood what Prince Chu Huang had intended.

This bastard had seemingly given up on trying to reason this out and instead had quickly concocted this scheme of ordering his Yin Servant to attack Fang Xing. With this, no matter whether Fang Xing defended or dodged, the fact his cultivation level was currently at Foundation Stage would end up exposedthere was no way hed be able to avoid this strike if he were merely Spirit Stage, after all. Once his cultivation was exposed, the earlier assessments Xiao Xue and the others had come to would collapse on its own, and he would easily be consumed in wildfire.

Even Fang Xing couldnt help but to feel a sense of admiration towards Prince Chu Huang. To plan a scheme like this so quickly, this double-face is very good.Everything had been as natural as moving clouds and running water, to the point Fang Xing himself didnt notice when Prince Chu Huang gave the signal to the Yin Servant. If Fang Xing hadnt known beforehand, being suddenly attacked by this red-robed Yin Servantwhod been quiet this entire timewould draw out the instinctive response of the cultivator. The Yin Servant was Foundation Stage tier three, so it would be hard for Fang Xing to avoid exposing the truth about his own level.

Unfortunately for this master-servant pair, their opponent was Fang Xingtheir mighty Uncle Fang. Even after realizing the red-robed Yin Servant was going to attack, he still walked right into it as though clueless. His little brain was quickly turning to figure out what sort of method he could use to not only keep his cultivation a secret, but also fend off this attack. Once hed made his decision, it fell upon the unfortunate Peng King.

Old Peng, Old Peng, get up; its time for work. You go and fend it off for me as my beast spirit. Remember, make sure to take a bit of damage.

Little bastard, why dont you take the damage instead?

Im scared of pain.

But I am, too.

Ill give you a Foundation Stage cultivator as a blood sacrifice afterwards!


Enough with the bullsh*t, Ill give you ten! Dammit, hes going to attack; careful now.

The conversation didnt last long before the red-robed Yin Servant sent his black claws forward. Although the attack looked extremely terrifying, it was in fact like pulling a bow without an arrowthere wasnt any actual intent to kill the boy. The five Golden Cores were relatively close by, and if he truly killed this boy, not only would a servant like him assuredly be put to death, even His Highness the prince and their Chu grand elder would be placed in a difficult situation.

The Yin Servant hadnt expected that before his claws could even really hit anything solid, Fang Xing would let out a loud cry and actually move somewhat closer to him. A giant Peng bird beast spirit suddenly appeared and directly collided with his twin claws, triggering all of the power hed been withholding from his attack. The beast spirit dimmed and the boy suddenly flew back like a kite with a broken string.

Fang Xing flew towards where Xiao Xue had been sitting. He intended to make it convenient for this beautiful shijie to catch him, so not only would he have managed to counter-scheme against Prince Chu Huang, hed also be able to take advantage of the situation and enjoy this pretty shijies embrace. Fang Xing couldnt help but internally smirk at the thought.

Of course, there were still things even this clever imp-like Fang Xing couldnt predict.

When Fang Xing was sent flying by the red-robed Yin Servant, both Xiao Xue and Hou Guimen were startled. With a woosh , both of them moved at the same time.

Everything ended up different from what Fang Xing had imagined. Xiao Xue drew her blade from her sheath and flashed it between Fang Xing and the Yin Servant. The sword blew out like a gust of snow, forcing the Yin Servant to back off lest she decided to follow it up like a continuous current.

While this was going on, Hou Guimen ran over and grabbed Fang Xing into his embrace from the air while yelling, Little shidi.

Sh*t. Fang Xing looked at the giant face in such close range and was suddenly stunned. He could only silently cry to himself, What happened? What happened to the beautiful shijie? What is a man like you doing grabbing your little grandpa against you like this?

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