Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 221 Things You Like



"Why are you staring? You can't get enough of this handsome face?"

"Hmph. Handsome my foot. Why did you not correct the waiter that I am not your girlfriend? Or allow me to do it?" She asked with a slight pout.

"Sigh. What is the need to bother with him? It's not as if him making that mistake the whole city would get to know about it," he answered.

"Besides, I would not mind having a girlfriend as beautiful and cute as you are," he added and then winked at her.

Bai Renxiang was taken aback by his words. She was blushing furiously as she caught her lower lips between her arranged white teeth.

'Why is he so blunt with his words? This Li Fengjin is dangerous to my mental welfare,' she thought.

"Ahem! Stop making jokes, Li Fengjin," she said to cover her shyness.

"What jokes? I am being serious."

"Okay, I get it. Thank you."

After a few minutes, the waiter came in with their food. While eating, they had a little chit chat to make the atmosphere less awkward.

Soon enough, they were done with their food. After paying the bill, they decided to take a stroll to end their outing. They enjoyed the cool evening breeze accompanying their comforting silence.

"You know, you are really fun to be with. I like that about you," Li Fengjin said out of the blue.

"I see. What else do you like about me?"

"I like your smile, your laugh, your confidence and diligence. I also like your face and your hair and eyes and your attitude. Then your-"

"Okay okay. Stop," Bai Renxiang interrupted him and she laughed.

"Why? I can still go on," he said matter-of-factly.

"What? You like so many things about me. My attitude? We have not even gotten to know each other so well."

"Then let us meet more often to fix that. I would like to know my friend well enough to be able to know if I like her attitude or not, right?" He stated.

"I... Okay. I guess we can meet more often. Yeah, why not?" She nodded her head.

"That's cool then," he smiled cheekily. A few more steps and they arrived at the spot Bai Renxiang's car was parked.

"Sigh. So, this is good night."

"Yeah. I will see you when I see you. Have a safe drive back home and end my regards to my little man," Li Fengjin said.

"Okay. Good night." Just as age was about to step into the car, Li Fengjin held her back and landed a quick peck on her cheek.

"Good night," he said in a whisper. Bai Renxiang let out a small smile and hurriedly stepped into the car.

"Good job once again Li Fengjin," he said as he threw his fist to the air.

He was happy that she had agreed to spend more time with him. He was indeed making progress.


Bai Renxiang was getting more and more anxious as time went by. Today is the day her grandfather would be returning from his vacation at Maldives.

She had being looking through her messages and email. Shane had yet to tell her anything about the missing money. Bai Renxiang was at her wits end.

Just as she was paving back and front in her office a call came. It was from Shane. She sighed in relief as she picked the phone.

"Hello, Shane," she said.

"Yawn. Hey boss. Good morning," Shane saus in a sleepy voice.

"Good morning. Do you have a news about the issue I ask you to look into for me?" She asked.

"Yeah, I do. That is why I... *ywan* I called. I sent all my findings to your email."

"Oh, thank you. Thank you so much."

"Yawn. Yeah, you are welcome," he yawned again.

"Shane, did you sleep last night?" She could not helping but ask. He had been yawning since the call started.

"No, I did not. The person behind tg missing money his very well. But I was able to rat him out. It had been long that I did what I love. So it was kind of exciting," he explained.

"Oh! I am sorry for wearing you out. I will buy your favourite chicken wings on my way back home today," she promised.

"Do not go back on your words. If you do, I am get back at you."

"I will not. I promise. Why don't you catch some sleep. You did a good job."

"Yeah. I was planning on it. Alright, see you later with my chicken wings."

"Okay. Bye."

Immediately the call ended, Bai Renxiang rushed back to her seat. She checked her email on her computer and she indeed saw the document Shane sent.

Going through them, Bai Renxiang could not believe what she saw. Although she suspected it, but she did not really think the person would be able to do something like that. Without any fear.

Just then, she heard a knock at the door. Looking up from her computer she told the person to come in.

"Boss, the chairman is here. He has called for a meeting and it is about to start," age informed her.

"Okay. I will be there in five minutes," Bai Renxiang nodded her head.

"Since it is the end of the month, paumwny to every employee should be given out today just as planned. The copy of the payment of all the board members should be printed out and given to them during the meeting," Bai Renxiang gave out her order.

"Right on it boss," Xia Xinyi.

After Xia Xinyi left, Bai Renxiang printed out the information Shane sent to her email. After arranging everything, she took in deep breaths before leaving her office.


Hey there my lovely readers. Things are about to get interesting. I hope this story will meet your expectations. Also, thanks for all your support till this point. Please keep it up. I love you guys.

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