Pick Me Up!

Chapter 61: Mission Type, Escort (5) (1)

Chapter 61: Mission Type, Escort (5) (1)

Priasis looked at me with unwavering eyes.

I knew she wanted power. And it seemed like she knew what she wanted. But telling me such a story was futile, no matter how many times she tried.

I narrowed my eyes and spoke.

So you want me to help you.

Thats right.

I dont understand why youre asking someone like me for help, but wouldnt it be much easier to wield power if you were a princess? Skilled knights would line up to serve you.


Priasiss gaze wavered.

The girl closed her eyes tightly and lowered her head.

Im just a scarecrow. Only a princess in the name. Besides that, theres nothing to me. No one listens to me. No one follows me.

But you have money. You could hire mercenaries.

Then Ill hire you as a mercenary. Ill pay you as much as you want. I might be only a princess by name, but I have plenty of gold coins.

Priasis rummaged through her dress and pulled out a silk pouch. The pouch was filled with sparkling gold coins. 

But I had to bite the hand that was trying to hand me the pouch.

I dont know what you want to do.

I have several things in mind.

Its a refusal. Find someone else.


Im the one who wants to ask why? I might not understand the sense of money in this place, but with that amount of gold, you could hire more capable people.

Because you didnt mock my story.

Priasis spoke with a serious voice.

When I brought up the story of my dream, no one believed me. No one even tried to listen properly. But youre different. Thats why I want to hire you.

This is troublesome.

This kid is just an NPC.

If what I heard during the promotion ceremony is correct, the current stage is Townias past. Even if I had a willingness to accept, the contract couldnt be fulfilled. This brat and I were in a temporary relationship, and we would part ways when the mission was over.

I shook my head.

Is it a refusal?

Theres a reason for this.

What reason?

Outside the window, its still a pale blue.

Theres plenty of time until deep night.

I looked at the girl in front of me.

Priasis was examining my complexion with a serious gaze.

I sighed and then spoke.

We came from a different world.

A different world?

A really messed up place. There, were given missions, and if we dont fulfill those missions, we die. Our coming here was also part of that mission.

What are you talking about? Coming from a different world.

I didnt expect her to understand.

After thinking a bit more, I decided to add more to my explanation.

Theres nothing to do until dawn anyway. It wouldnt be bad to keep this kid company.

I explained the goal of this mission, that it was about escorting, and if we failed to protect the target, we would die. As I finished speaking, Priasis held out her hand in confusion.

Wait a moment. So, you guys came to this place from a different world to fulfill a mission?

Yeah. When the mission is over, were forcibly sent back to our original world. So I cant take on your request.

Such a silly story.

Priasis mumbled in a low voice.

It wasnt something easy to talk about, but it wasnt something impossible to talk about either.

No matter who I told, they wouldnt believe it, and even if it was revealed, it wouldnt have any impact. I just needed to keep my secret hidden.

Is this a lie to avoid me?

Think what you want. Whether you believe it or not doesnt matter.

Then I understand. Ill trust your story. So, you guys are warriors from a different world.

I felt a bit dumbfounded but then regained my senses.

Well, shes a girl who seriously believes in what she saw in a dream.

Just as you didnt mock my story, I wont disregard yours. I know there are reasons. I wont hold you any longer. You should do your thing. Ill do mine.

Whats your thing?

Isnt it obvious? To prevent that dream from becoming reality.

I recalled the situation when the mission started.

The citizens were gathering in the central square of the city.

Were you the one who gathered these people in the square?

The Silver Temple? Yes, I did. I was planning to give a speech.

Why were you planning to give a speech?

To gain influence. As I am now, compared to my brother, Im no different from a beggar.


If things were normal, this kid wouldve been dead and buried here nine times out of ten.

If theres any meaning to the Pick Me Up mission, it meant that this NPC named Priasis Al Ragna had some value worth resurrecting.

I closed my eyes.

As a Master, I remembered the mission of my previous game, Nieflheimr.

At first glance, they seemed unrelated. Scenes of heroes and NPCs having conversations-like interactions were visible, but the contents were inaudible. The locations and times were all mixed up. But upon closer examination, I came to the conclusion that there might be common threads connecting the missions.

I wonder if the contract has already been made.

I chuckled.

My name is Han.


Priasis muttered my name repeatedly as if tasting it.

Thank you. If it werent for you, I would have died.

Its not over yet.

Is that so?

They want to kill you. Do you have any idea why?

I dont know.

If you dont know, then forget about it.

Priasis lowered her head.

I seemed to have acquired roughly the information I could get by asking.

Waiting began again.

I decided to take another look around the house. Until a few years ago, this seemed to be the home of a prosperous family. The feeling of life remained in every corner.

In the wardrobe on the second floor, I found worn but relatively clean clothes.

I came downstairs to the living room and tossed the clothes to Priasis, who was half-dozing.

Change into these.

Priasis widened her eyes and looked at the fabric.

It was a worn shirt and skirt with traces of use.

You stand out too much. Youre like a walking billboard.

A billboard?

Used the wrong term.

I chuckled bitterly.

Anyway, Priasiss attire easily caught the eye. Even if it was dirty, the golden crown and the silver dress would shine even in darkness. It would be a hindrance to our future actions.

You want me to wear these clothes? Then, what I was wearing

Ill get rid of that. Theres a trash bin outside.

I see.

Do you dislike it?

Priasis raised her head, but her face was visibly gloomy.

No, Im grateful. Its about time to get rid of it. However


Let me be alone.


I walked into the corridor leading to the living room.

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