Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 140: 140. Facing the Army (part-2)

The desert, once a silt witness to the ebb and flow of battle, now trembled under the shadow of a colossal demon. It stood like a pillar betwe heav and earth, its form so vast that the warriors beath it were rdered insignificant, mere ants in the face of a behemoth.

The demon's face, obscured by swirling clouds of mystery, remained unse, but its immse body was a stark testamt to its power.

Kai and Ye Lin, paralyzed by an overwhelming sse of dread, found themselves robbed of breath, their bodies rigid with fear. Kai's heart hammered against his ribs, a frantic drumbeat echoing his thoughts of impding doom. Ev the seasoned warriors Jiang Ch, Jiang Tai, and Li Mu were snared in the grip of terror, their usual composure shattered by the presce of the demon king.

Jiang Ch's voice, tinged with despair, broke the silce. "How could a demon king appear here?" The question hung in the air, unanswered, as the demon king's laughter boomed across the battlefield, a sound laced with mockery and the promise of annihilation.

"I will crush you, ants," the demon king declared, his amusemt clear in the cruel twist of his words.

It was th that Yue rose, her figure cutting through the fear that had settled over the warriors. Her voice, wh she spoke, was a blade of pure hatred and restmt. "Today, I will beat you and let you know your place, you filthy demon."

The demon king's mocking reply was cut short by Yue's calm retort. "If you appeared with your main body, I would probably die, but with just your projection, I can easily beat you up."

The demon king, tacitly acknowledging her words, raised his hand with the intt to crush Yue. But she stood undaunted, her resolve as unyielding as the ancit stones that lined the desert.

Yue began to chant, her voice weaving through the fabric of the cosmos, calling upon the fundamtal rules of the universe. The air a her shimmered with pottial, the ergy of creation and destruction at her fingertips. She raised her hands, and the g beath her feet glowed with sigils of power, each one a complex equation that bt reality to her will.

The demon king's hand descded, a mountain falling from the sky, but Yue was ready. She stepped forward, her form blurring as she tapped into the velocity of celestial bodies. Her sword, imbued with the essce of stars, met the demon king's hand with a force that rivaled the birth of galaxies.

A shockwave rippled through the desert, sand lifting into the air like a testamt to Yue's defiance. The demon king roared in frustration as his hand recoiled, the impact leaving a crater where Yue had stood momts before.

Undeterred, Yue launched herself into the air, her sword trailing cosmic fire. She moved through the demon king's attacks with the grace of a comet, each dodge a calculation of astrophysics, each counterstrike a manipulation of gravitational forces.

The demon king, raged by her resistance, summoned meteors from the void, hurling them toward Yue with the intt to obliterate. But Yue, her understanding of the universe's laws unparalleled, turned the demon king's own weapons against him. With a flick of her wrist, the meteors reversed course, drawn back to the demon king by the inexorable pull of gravity she commanded.

The desert, a vast amphitheater under the canopy of the night sky, bore witness to a battle that would be etched into legd. Yue stood alone, facing the towering projection of the demon king, a being whose very presce distorted the air a it. The demon's laughter, a sound like thunder, rolled across the dunes, mocking the solitary figure before him.

Yue's stance was unwavering, her eyes fixed on the behemoth that loomed above. The first clash was monumtal, her sword meeting the demon's fist in a collision that st shockwaves radiating across the battlefield. Sand lifted into the air, obscuring the stars, as if the heavs themselves were holding their breath.

The demon king, his amusemt fading into irritation, unleashed a barrage of attacks, each one more ferocious than the last. Yue parried and dodged, her movemts a blur, but for every step she took, the demon seemed to grow larger, his power magnifying with his rage.

"Is this all you have, human?" the demon king bellowed, his voice a gale that threated to sweep Yue away.

Yue's reply was a fierce cry, her blade cutting through the air, leaving trails of light in its wake. "I have not ev begun to show you my strgth!" she declared, but her breath was heavy, her limbs beginning to feel the strain of the reltless assault.

The demon king laughed, a sound that shook the earth. "You are but an insect to me. I could crush you with a thought!"

Yue faltered, her next strike missing its mark as the demon's hand came crashing down towards her. At the last momt, she rolled away, the impact of the demon's fist creating a crater where she had stood seconds before.

Her teammates, Kai, Ye Lin, Jiang Ch, Jiang Tai, and Li Mu, watched from a distance, their expressions a mix of awe and concern. They had never se Yue pushed to her limits like this, her usual grace replaced by a desperate struggle for survival.

"The demon king is strong, but this... this is something else," Kai murmured, his knuckles as he gripped his sword. He never thought that his captain would be so strong, Kai can be sure that this demon king was never a Tier 4 creature, but Yue was competing with it, indicating that she too was a Tier 5 cultivator. This was the first time, he was seeing a battle betwe Tier 5 cultivators.

Ye Lin nodded, her eyes never leaving the battle. " I wonder how captain will defeat the demon king, I never se such a huge creature in my tire life."

The demon king, ssing victory, raised his arms high, the ergy a him crackling with the intt to obliterate. "This ds now, human!"

Yue, her ergy waning, looked up at the towering figure, her resolve harding. "No, it ds wh I say it ds," she whispered, more to herself than to the demon.

With a burst of speed born of sheer will, Yue launched herself at the demon king, her sword a comet streaking across the night. The demon king, caught off guard by her sudd ferocity, stumbled backward, his conctration brok.

Yue's blade found its mark, carving runes of light across the demon's form. The runes pulsed with ergy, the very fabric of the universe bding to Yue's command. She was not just fighting; she was rewriting the laws of reality, imposing her will upon the demon king.

The demon king roared in frustration, his form flickering as Yue's attacks began to take their toll. "Enough!" he thundered. "I will d this farce!"

With a final act of defiance, the demon king gathered all his power, the air a him shimmering with the heat of his rage. He intded to self-destruct, to take Yue with him in a final, devastating blow.

But Yue, her spirit unbrok, raised her hands, her fingers weaving through the air, crafting an incantation of sealing. The runes she had inscribed on the demon king glowed brighter, forming a cage of light that contained the explosion.

The demon king's laughter turned to a howl of defeat as his projection dissipated, the ergy of his self-destruction harmlessly absorbed by Yue's spell. The desert fell silt once more, the only sound the gtle whisper of sand settling back to the g.

Yue stood amidst the ruins of the battle, her chest heaving, her sword lowered but still ready. Her teammates rushed to her side, their faces alight with relief and admiration.

"You were incredible, Yue," Jiang Ch said, his voice filled with respect.

Yue sheathed her sword, a small smile playing on her lips. "It was a necessary. I never thought that the demon king would be so weak. He died with a single move from me"

Seeing Yue's words, Jiang Ch said "Captain but that was just a projection"

"Ev if he came here, I will kill him without fail." Yue replied calmly with dless confidce.

Kai stood in amazemt as he understood Yue never used her full strgth in the battle. She was honing her in the battle with demon king and successfully killed his projection after using him.

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