Parallel World Pharmacy

Volume 4 - Ch 5.2

Translator: Ese

I feel like a thief.

Im going to touch it

What? How would you touch the treasure without opening the case?

Falma raised his hands and extends it towards the glass case. His hand penetrates and reached out through the glass. Carefully minding that he would trigger the alarm, he grabbed the Great Treasure and slips it out of the glass.

Oh never would I thought that itd really exist!

It was translucent and had been hidden away, but it was undeniably.

Its my official idendity card .

His lifelong identity card. If his memory was correct, he would have died with his identity card in his breast pocket. It seems that his identity card back on Earth was also transferred in this realm.

What kind of miracle would occur? Since it is a treasure of Medicine God, is it going to produce a miracle?

Nothing of that sort would happen. This is just an identity card

Falma thinks that there should have been something else thatve been transported aside from his identity card. For example, mobile phones and Personal Computer (PC). He thought that if he couldve produce electricity, he could use it for a variety of purposes.

He sighed wondering why he came here with his identity card.

What are the features of that identity card?

Solomon is thrilled to hear about the purpose of the identity card.

Aside from identification of personnel. Well, it could unlock certain facilities

A laboratory

Where are the certain facilities?

Solomon further asked question. The secret of the Great Treasure was about to be revealed.

Oh, its not in this realm

A key to a place that is not in this world. I see

Solomon thought

Before. Solomon-san, you mentioned that the Medicine God used the power of holy spring to return to heaven

Falma remembered Solomons words.

Where do you think that spring is?

It is not written in the scriptures that we can read. It may be in the original scriptures which could only be viewed by the High Priest

Solomon who spoke up to that point suddenly heard a noise.

I feel like I heard a voice. Lets get out of here

I agree

I want to know more about this identification card Lets borrow it for a while

Falma took the replica in his pocket and compared it.

I guess itll be found out if I replace the original with replica as it is.

The replica identification card is elaborately painted iron plate. Falma made a glass made of SiO2(Silicon dioxide) on the spot, made it the size of a card, placed the iron replica plate on it, and erased the Iron component. Then only the picture of the replica is transferred to the glass plate.

T/L Note: The SiO2(Silicon dioxide) created by Falma is not a sand (one of the 3 main ingredients in non-crystalline glass) but a quartz a crystalline glass.

Furthermore, Falma coated the surface of the replica with reflective material to make it look like the original. He also enchanted it with divine power and subjected it to moderate frosted glass processing.

The replica card is gleaming with Falmas divine power and is also translucent.

Done. How is it? It looks exactly like the original Great Treasure

Solomon was stunned.

Well, it is

Falma enclosed the replica with both hands. He then concentrated his divine power thus allowing the replica card to become a part of his body then turns it into semi-entity (in order to penetrate the glass case without activating the alarm). Falma then placed the replica inside the glass case.

Though its not my original body, it seems that this body is useful

Falma realized that his semi-entity body proves to be advantageous aside from having no shadow.

Im just going to borrow it for a while. Ill return it after

In the first place, all the divine treasures belong to the Guardian Deities. They are just kept by humans

Thats when

I heard a voice from here!

The sentry priests rushed in. The group consists of 10 sentry priests armed with divine wands.

It looks like weve spent too much time here

Falma turns around and don his hood to hide his face. He then also inserted the original Great Treasure inside his pocket.

Solomon also hid his face using the cloth he brought from his cell block.

Intruders!? Who are you!

Im sorry. I didnt touch the treasure!

In the dark, they cannot see each others faces. Falma and Solomon cant hide their presence since some luminescence are radiating from the Medicine God Staff. It seems that a sentry priest noticed Solomons escape and notified a group to arrest Solomon.

Flche de la glace (Ice Arrow)

The invocation was casted by one of the priests, and countless ice arrows flew.


Falma casted a chantless invocation and holds his staff while envisioning an image of a melting arrow. Then the ice arrow casted by the priest evaporates.

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