Parallel World Pharmacy

Volume 2 - Ch 4

Hmm, we finally arrived.

The sound of sea waves breaking on the shore could be heard.

Three members of Falmas family exited the carriage. One was Falmas father, Bruno; another was his mother, Beatrice; the last was his younger sister, Blanche. Each one of them carried an appearance that showed they had been waiting for this day to come. Falma was the last to get off. He took a deep breath of the crisp and salt infused air, then stepped firmly on the chalky ground. They had disembarked near the Medioccasean Sea.

After travelling a whole day from the Imperial Capital via carriage, they had arrived in the Archdukes province of Marseille.

True Era 1146, half a year had passed since the establishment of Different World Pharmacy, Falma had become 11 years old.

A great 360-degree panoramic view spread out before the servants of the de Mdicis family.

The pure white hillsides and beaches made a vivid contrast against the blue sea that appeared to be glittering to the eyes. Stone houses of the nearby fishing village dotted along the coast, their red painted roofs and pure white walls facing alongside the hill. In the emerald green ocean, trading ships came and went busily. A ship could be seen anchored at the large trading port. A scenery that certainly resembles Southern France.

We have been waiting for you our Lord, the New Archduke of Marseille.

Hmm, I see that youve been doing well, Adam. Youre still burnt by the sun.

Yes, I did not neglect to patrol the province day in and day out.

Bruno greeted his butler Adam, who was the acting Governor, also known as the manager of the province and supervisor of the farmers. Bruno received a bombastic greetings from the knights, who warmly ushered him to the Lords Mansion on top of the hill. There, Falmas family was welcomed and served a light meal.

Since Bruno wasnt a native feudal lord of the Marseille province, he assigned Adam: a young, well-behaved, and able butler from the de Mdicis family (A rank lower than a Steward), as the acting governor.

Adam had dark brown hair, dark skin, and deep chiseled features.I wonder if hes Hispanic?, was the impression Falma had towards Adam.

The province has 21 villages, 47 knights, 635 farmers, and 938 medicinal plant growers. . .

Please have a look at this map of the province. From here to here is the area that will become the medicinal herb plantation, while the farmlands and pastures will be over here. The harvest of each district will be gathered here.

Compulsory labor, conscription will be done on each village in rotation. . .

And so on and so forth, Adam reported to Bruno as he showed various documents rather quickly. It appeared he had carefully practiced this presentation. Though he also seemed to be tensed too.

What is the status of the harbor?

While Bruno was playing with his mustache, he pointed at Marseille harbor.

There are 14 trade routes, connecting with harbors from 31 countries and 3 colonies,

Yes, as you know, Marseille harbor is the pride of the Empire that boasts the second busiest trading port. Trade is higher this year compared to last year, our top 10 trading partners continue to transition their imports and exports to us year after year.

Hmm. Not bad at all. Both trade volume and tax revenue have increased.

It is as you said, but the Nederground East Indai Company have been showing latitude. Since this was a former province of a Marquis, but is now the province of an Archduke, my Lord should bear in mind our relations with them. Because they are a company that has been granted a royal charter by the country of Nederground, they dont comply to tax collection,they have the rights to wage war, and negotiate treaties.

As for foreign trade, it is desirable if there is freedom to do so. Reduce the tariff rate. But if they still dont follow our rules, then drive them away.

Is this alright my Lord?

If we lower the tariff rate, both people and goods will flow in. As for the logistics. . . What are you still doing here Falma? You go play outside, the sandy beach is wonderful.

Bruno noticed Falma, who had erased his presence and blended in with the wall to eavesdrop. He seems to be cautious as he drove Falma outside.

Waa, I can see the sea!

After hearing what was said, he had no other choice but to go out while being in high spirits like a child.

Dont go into the sea!


Nederground East Indai Company. . . Isnt it just like an imitation toDutch East India Company (V.O.C.). . .?

Falma was finally convinced that there was no doubt about how similar the geography of this world was to his old world.

The next day Falma was brought to his father by Cedric, with the attending Knights accompanying them on 3 carriages. They went off to inspect the medicinal herb plantation closest to the Lords mansion. There, many medicinal herbs were planted in the arable land that was compartmentalized. The farmers who were working in the fields had stopped to respectfully greet the new feudal lord and the young nobleman.

Is the production of the medicinal herbs going well?

Oh, yes. We were able to supply our annual tribute as usual.

It seemed it was very unusual for a feudal lord to come directly for inspection, the farmers felt very much obliged.

Very good, continue to work hard. Cedric.

Yes, my Lord.

Cedric came down from the carriage with a wand and rolled up his sleeves, then he placed both of his hands on the ground. After he lightly psyched himself up with aHmph, his hands began to give out a warm orange light.

Blessings of Mother Earth (Bndiction de la terre nourricire)

Burbling sounds could be heard as the ground rose up to form concentric circles, like a chain reaction..

Lets see, perhaps. . .

Falma noticed the undulation of the earth as it moved along the ground.

Falma, dont tell me you forgot it already?

Hahaha, its because I havent shown this to master Falma before, mainly because I forgot to. Since I am a Divine Art user with the Earth attribute, I was able to give the blessing of Mother Earth to the ground just now.

Cedric Luneau was also a respected Divine Art user.

I entrusted him with the important duty of promoting the growth of the herb garden in our mansion.

I see.

I cant smell any manure being used as fertilizer, and the medicinal herbs are also growing at such an amazing speed, is there really such a thing?Falma was surprised. He thought some kind of fertilization wouldve been carried out but. . .

The farmers showed their gratitude to Cedric, because of him their work had become easier.This years harvest is going to be quite bountiful, dont you agree??, the villagers said many optimistic things such as that. Few nobles had the Earth attribute, and those who did were quite valuable.

Are there any other problems?

Bruno asked them.

We had a slight drought this year due to a lack of rain.

Is that so?

Well then, this would be my gift to you all.

Bruno drew a simple Divine Art formation with his wand and then started to do his questionable dance, causing a haze like a mirage to envelope his entire body.

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