Papa Paladin

Chapter 108: Test of Will (3/3)

  Chapter 108 The Test of Will (33)

   "Brother Zhang..."

   After standing on the ring for about ten minutes, Zuo Yi waved at Zhang Dahai: "Come up."

  Zhang Dahai is near the ring.

  Hearing the call from Zuo Yi, he stopped practicing without hesitation, and strode up to the ring.

  When Zuo Yi was teaching Hongwu boxing to the students just now, Zhang Dahai was also learning.

  As Shang He’s last introductory disciple, Shang Yulin’s younger brother, when Zuo Yi first came to Tianhong Budokan, Zhang Dahai still had the idea of ​​saying goodbye to Zuo Yi.

  But today, this childish idea has long since dissipated, and all that remains is the deep awe of Zuo Yi.

  After the disastrous defeat to Xiong Wu of Shanhai Martial Arts Hall, Zhang Dahai became taciturn, and his daily martial arts practice time doubled.

  Shang Yulin tried to persuade him several times, but he didn't listen.

  Actually, Zuo Yi could see that this junior really wanted to learn martial arts from him.

   It's just that due to some inexplicable self-esteem, he hasn't spoken for a long time.

  Even Shang Yulin could see this.

  Although Zuo Yi doesn’t really like Zhang Dahai’s character, everyone is from the same school, and he has always stuck to the Budokan when Tianhong was in the most difficult time. There is no problem with his character.

  So Zuo Yi also gave Zhang Dahai a chance.

  A chance to make him really strong!

   "You will be in charge of leading the training in the future."

  Zuo Yi said to Zhang Dahai who had just come on stage: "Pay attention to controlling the rhythm of everyone's practice."

   Today, Zuo Yi taught Hongwu boxing for the first time. Like all the students, Zhang Dahai has just started to learn this martial art, but his comprehension ability is obviously much stronger than others, and the movements of repeated practice are the most standard.

   This is not to say that Zhang Dahai has the highest talent, but that he himself is a four-level fighter. He has received guidance from Shang He and has a very solid foundation in martial arts. Learning the basic moves of Hongwu boxing will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

  Since there is a foundation, Zuo Yi can't grasp it even under the guidance of Zuo Yi's deliberate momentum. Zuo Yi really doubts his IQ.

   Now Zhang Dahai has no problem leading the students to practice in the ring.

  Zhang Dahai swallowed, and nodded vigorously: "I understand!"

  Many students are often unable to control the rhythm when they first practice, and it is easy to cause damage to the muscles and membranes or excessive consumption of physical strength. The task Zuo Yi assigned to him is to guide the students correctly in this regard.

  For Zhang Dahai, who is an instructor in the martial arts school, this is within the scope of his job, so there is no problem.

  After agreeing, he couldn't help asking: "Brother, do you really want everyone to practice a thousand times today?"

  Zuo Yi smiled and said: "Do what you can, not a mandatory requirement."

  Zhang Dahai nodded again.

  Zuo Yi reached out and patted his shoulder: "Then leave it to you."

  Zhang Dahai was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Brother, thank you!"

   This is the second time Zhang Dahai said thank you to Zuo Yi. The last time was when Zuo Yi came back from the Shanhai Martial Arts Gym.

   What he thanked was Zuo Yi for giving him the opportunity.

  Zhang Dahai understands better than all the students present how precious such an opportunity is!

  Zuo Yi smiled: "You're welcome."

  Giving the martial arts arena to Zhang Dahai, Zuo Yi went down to the sword room.

  In the sword room, Sun Qiang was practicing basic sword skills, Wang Jiaojiao was practicing knight body training, Baoer was waving a dragon blood wooden sword, and Taike and Pippi were cheering her on.

  Everyone looked very serious, as if they were not the ones hiding at the door to watch the fun just now.

  Zuo Yi didn't expose it either, and sat down comfortably on the chair next to him.


  Wang Jiaojiao immediately ran over to offer her courtesy: "I'll pour you tea."

  She deftly lifted the kettle placed in the corner, and quickly brewed a cup of fragrant Dahongpao for Zuo Yi.

   This top-quality Dahongpao is still Wang Jiaojiao stealing her father's collection to honor Zuo Yi.


  Zuo Yi picked up the teacup and took a sip.

  Although the taste of the top grade Dahongpao is not as good as the ancient tea nourished by the spring of life, it is not bad.

  Wang Jiaojiao smiled brightly: "Teacher, you have worked hard, let me help you beat your back."

  Her father would probably vomit blood when he saw this scene—her daughter has never been so filial to her!


  However, Zuo Yi stopped flattering: "Go and practice hard, don't be lazy just because of your talent."


  Wang Jiaojiao stuck out her tongue and continued to practice obediently.

  Zuo Yi put down the teacup, and smiled at the little girl with a real daddy smile: "Baby, are you tired, let's drink some water first."

   This time it was Wang Jiaojiao's turn to vomit blood secretly: Why, why are they all talented and beautiful girls, and the treatment is so poor?

  The Lun family is also very patient!

  Bao'er wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, raised his head and said, "I'm not tired, I can practice a little longer."


  The Tek dogleg next to him: Boa is mighty, Boa is the best!

  Boa gave it a smiling face of appreciation.

  Zuo Yi smiled and said: "Okay then, you can practice for a while, rest and drink water when you are tired, take your time and don't rush."

   While speaking, the door of the sword room was pushed open again.

   It was Shang Yulin who came: "Are you free? Let me talk to you about something."

   "Then let's talk in the office."

  Zuo Yi picked up the teacup and drank it down, got up and went to the latter's office with Shang Yulin.

  After the two sat down, Shang Yulin asked suspiciously: "You let the new students practice one thousand times today, and two thousand times tomorrow, will they be able to complete it?"

  Shang Yulin was also watching it just now. Although the three-stroke boxing technique taught by Zuo Yi is quite simple, it can be practiced one or two thousand times, even for professional fighters, it is not easy to do it!

  So she has the same question as Zhang Dahai.

   "It doesn't matter whether it can be completed..."

  Zuo Yi smiled and said: "This is just a small test. I mainly want to understand the will of these new students."

   Without a tenacious and tenacious will, one cannot become a true warrior!

  With the help of spiritual vision, although Zuo Yi can directly judge the talents of new students, but spiritual vision cannot see willpower.

  Some people seem cowardly and honest, but they have a tenacious will and dare to face difficulties when encountering obstacles. Some people are stubborn and stubborn, and easily collapse and escape when they encounter setbacks.

  Faced with an impossible goal, there will naturally be some students who shrink back and even feel resentful, and there must be some students who strive to persevere and challenge bravely, regardless of success or failure, they just want to have no regrets.

  The results are bound to be very different.

  This small test can help Zuo Yi select a group of talented people as quickly as possible.

  Practicing Hongwu boxing, which is a combination of Sadya's world warrior body fixing technique and combat boxing, willpower is even more important than talent.

  When Zuo Yi came out of the sword room just now, he noticed that some students began to slack off in practice.

   How long has it been!

  The reason is actually very simple—it is not Zuo Yi but Zhang Dahai who supervises in the arena.

   What they are in awe of is Zuo Yi, the martial artist, not Zhang Dahai, the instructor of the Budokan.

   And this kind of opportunistic person is destined to have no future in martial arts!

  Shang Yulin nodded and didn't ask any more questions, because she knew that Zuo Yi must have her own intentions. What she, the owner of Tianhong Budokan, can do is to give Zuo Yi the greatest trust and support.

   "Don't forget to go to the Wumeng at 2:00 p.m. to complete the vocational eighth certification..."

  Shang Yulin reminded: "The appointment has been made, and the two assessment instructors invited by the Jiangnan Branch of the Wumeng have arrived."

"Do not worry."

  Zuo Yi said: "I will go there on time."

  The Martial League High Rank 8 certification is actually a dispensable thing for Zuo Yi, but because it is very important to Tianhong Budokan, and the Jiangnan branch took the initiative to contact, so he has already decided to make a trip.

   Get it all done at once, and get the professional eight certifications in fighting and swordsmanship.

"That's good."

Shang Yulin said: "By the way, the weather is getting hotter and hotter now. Speaking of which, you should also buy a car. You can't drive Bao'er back and forth on a motorcycle every day, right? It's inconvenient when it's windy, rainy and sunny. It's not safe for Bao'er either."

   "As for the money to buy the car, Budokan can pay you a share first!"

  Under normal circumstances, the tutor's share is paid after the student's semester is over, but Zuo Yi is completely different.

   In fact, with Zuo Yi around to protect, Bao'er couldn't possibly have any safety issues, but he felt that what Shang Yulin said made sense, after all, a car is more convenient than a motorcycle.

  Zuo Yi also has a driver's license.

  He smiled and said, "Don't worry about the share. I don't need money now. I'll buy a car tomorrow."


  The third update is here, I sincerely ask for subscription support, please readers and friends to subscribe genuinely, thank you everyone!

  (end of this chapter)

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