Overpowered Sword

Chapter 13

Overpowered Sword Chapter 13

Level up with swords (13)

It’s raining.

The sky covered with dark clouds is a gloomy gray-white color that makes even the people looking under it feel depressed. This was especially true if it was accompanied by heavy rain that made it impossible to see even an inch ahead.

Ryan, who was looking out the window, also had similar feelings.

Shoot ahhh.

Something closer to a storm than a rainstorm is already hitting the windows. The noise resembled the knocking of an uninvited guest. The weather today was so bad that I had to look at the door from time to time even though I knew there were no customers coming.

“…are you back?”

Lian put down her cooled coffee cup and turned around.

There was a sound of footsteps getting closer.

Still, there was only one person who would purposely show up and visit the mansion, which had few occupants.

“I’m back, Your Highness.”

“Come on in.”

Sure enough, it was Gilbert who opened the door.

A strong man who was a loyal follower of the Clyde Empire and served as vice-captain as a knight of the royal guard. It was now difficult to count how many crises we had been able to escape thanks to that.

The old knight, looking neat as always, entered the room.

His shoes and coat, which were supposed to be wet and dirty from the wind and rain, were as clean as new, as if he had cleaned them up before coming to visit him.

“Have you looked into the rumors?”


It is a place with only two people.

Gilbert took the example as a knight of the guard, not as a butler. He politely kneels down on one knee and answers his lord.

Although he was long past his prime, spying on the academy of a small or medium-sized kingdom was not a big deal when he led the royal guard of a great empire. Helmut, who could be said to be the strongest in the Academy, was still a child compared to him.

“First of all, it’s clear that Leon overpowered those bastards. “There are those who make excuses, but no one wants to fight again, so the difference in skill can be seen as clear.”

“It means that people with nothing but pride gave in.”

“It is as you said.”

This means that they were defeated so thoroughly that they could not even use force. It was also proof that Leon had overwhelmed their bodies and minds to the point where they recoiled in fear before retaliating.

Lian smiled in satisfaction at those words.

As expected, his insight was accurate. I just thought it was very Leon-like to think that he would break the nobles’ arrogance without an Auror.

“The others are fine, but what about El Monte?”


“That’s amazing. “The result exceeded my expectations.”

Gilbert also bowed his head as if agreeing with those words.

It wasn’t something I would say proudly, but the nobles who entered the academy were generally half-baked people. This is because if a person is worthy of inheriting a title, they are trained directly by the family.

For nobles, nurturing successors was the most important responsibility.

Even if it means paying a huge price, they bring in excellent teachers and mobilize all of the family’s capabilities to train them. To put it bluntly, even a baron in the countryside can rise to the level of a count or higher if he has just one sword master. This is not a problem that should be left to the academy or something like that.

To put it the other way around, attending the academy meant that it wasn’t worth it to develop that much.

‘Still, it’s a little different if you’re the legitimate son of a count family.’

If you are a direct descendant of the earldom, which can be said to be the border of high-ranking nobles, it is difficult to ignore it like other people.

Even if you are not selected as a successor, you can afford to prepare a spare in case of an unexpected situation. He must have taught at least a little bit of arcane swordsmanship, so he was a person who could not be compared to those who were just left out.

However, Leon defeated Elmont in a head-to-head match.


“hmm? What else is left?”

Gilbert answered softly in his puzzled voice.

“This is a message from Leon. ‘I’m ready.’”


At those words, Lian’s pupils widened for a moment, but then returned to their original state and sank deeply.

Although not as much as Leon, he too felt new.

It was a whopping three years.

It was time to break off one relationship and form a new one.

“I guess it’s finally… It’s been quite a long time.”

“It is not a long time if it is spent on suitable talent.”


Lian smiled cheerfully after hearing that advice.

“Lord Gilbert also approved it? “I remember the last evaluation being ambiguous.”

“He showed results that were beyond my insight.”

Gilbert obediently retracted what he had previously said.

“He defeated the Count’s second son without having acquired Aurors, so there is no need to doubt his potential.”

Age refers to the depth of life, not vain stubbornness. Gilbert acknowledged Leon without any sign of shame.

That flexible way of thinking is Gilbert’s strength.

There were several knights stronger than him, but the reason he took on the position of vice-captain was the same. Because he was a person who accepted reality faster than anyone else and thought about how to deal with it.

At that time, Lian turned towards the window and opened her mouth.

“Please tell me I’m calling an observer for Gilbert.”

“Are you talking about observers?”

Gilbert asked back with a look that he didn’t know what that meant.

This was because he was the one who would serve as a witness to the fight between the two, so there was no need for a separate observer.

But even before hearing the reason, Gilbert realized.

“No way, Your Highness!”

“I know this is cruel treatment.”

Lian continued speaking in a dry voice. It was his own implicit way of saying not to raise objections.

“But it is also necessary. If I don’t completely cut off my feelings for her, the resentment will remain even after she becomes my knight. “Isn’t this something that Sir Gilbert was also concerned about?”

“…I will follow your orders.”

“Go away.”

As Gilbert left the room as instructed, Ryan looked out the window where the wind and rain were still strong.

It was as if the inside of his heart had been cut out.

It’s something that can’t be helped. Even when I thought about it that way, thinking about Leon’s distorted face made me feel uncomfortable. I didn’t want to bring these two people next to me like this.

No matter how much I thought about it, no answer came to mind.

Born as a member of the royal family of the Clyde Empire, he had never made a single true friend, so it was a problem he could not solve.

* * *

The day of the decisive battle.



left the dormitory and looked out into the distant sky.

The dark clouds that had arrived a few days ago covered the entire sky in black and roared as if a storm was about to vomit at any moment. The sky was as ferocious as an animal about to be cut off its leash.

Anyone could see that the weather was unusual. Even though it was a long-awaited holiday, all the students except him stayed in the dormitory.

“It looks like someone in the sky is laying the boards.”

El Cid responded to Leon’s muttering to himself without realizing it.

[It really might be so. I heard that the Holy Sword Hero is putting his future on the line. Isn’t it natural for the sky to be a little upset?]


[Of course it’s a lie!]

El Cid was giggling and teasing Leon as usual.

[If the sky reacts to every action of a warrior, would this continent have remained when I was alive? Well, there were quite a few times when lightning struck the goddess when she got on her nerves.]

“Goddess of mercy…?”

[Keep in mind that God always has two sides.]

Leon thought about what the opposite of mercy was, and then broke into a cold sweat. Surely if I lose this fight, lightning won’t strike me…?

One more reason why we should never be defeated.

Leon, who was walking down the empty hallway, opened his mouth again. This time, he wasn’t talking to himself, but to El Cid.

“Anyway, who are you as an observer? “It was decided that the old man would be the inductee.”

[huh? Don’t you know?]

El Cid answered as if he had been asked a trivial question.

[Probably Chloe.]

“Chloe? why?”

[Hmm, now that I think about it, there must be a bit of a difference in perception.]

El Cid briefly explained for Leon, who was puzzled.

[Because Rian still thinks you have feelings for her. So, starting from this match, we will try to close that gap. There are many cases where a king and his subjects fought over a woman.]


It was an easy reason to understand. It was a thorough method, typical of Rian, to eliminate any potential flaws in the relationship between military and government.

Of course, there is no consideration for Chloe or Leon in that method.

It is a ploy to unilaterally sever the relationship between the two people.

Leon, sensing the cunningness of the tactic, smiled bitterly. I knew it in my head, but it was only now that I could understand that Lian was really a high-ranking noble.

‘I don’t like it either.’

This was the way of the nobility and the rule of royalty.

The art of politics that does not treat others as equals, trying to manipulate people’s emotions and relationships.

Leon’s fists clenched tightly.

[Are you angry?]


Open the annex door. As he walked at a slightly rougher pace, Leon accepted the anger rising inside him.

I don’t know about anything else, but this wasn’t it.

If Rihanna really cares about Chloe, she shouldn’t try to manipulate them in this way. If the emotions left behind were to rot, the deeply engraved wounds were bound to fester.

“Rian, I’m going to give that smartass a proper beating.”

Leaving one door open for the last time, Leon took a breath.

Even though your chest is hot, your head should be cool.

This is not an opponent you can beat by being swayed by emotions.

As his superhuman will calmed his body and mind, a soft golden light overflowed in Leon’s eyes.


At the same time, the gazes of the two men crossed.

“You’re a little late.”

“You came quickly.”

Leon shrugged his shoulders and approached Lian.

How much more is there to say after coming this far?

The two of them entered the circle and warmed up without worrying about who went first, but Leon broke the silence first by asking a question.

“Where is the observer? “They said they were calling one person.”

“It’s in a place we can’t see. If you pay too much attention and make a mistake, it’s unfair, right? “It will also be an excuse.”

“Hmm, I guess so.”

It seemed like he had no intention of revealing Chloe.

It was probably in case Leon got agitated when he saw her, or in case the two of them rebelled.

Coincidentally, the two people’s warm-up ended almost at the same time.

Gilbert, seeing this, approached and held out two swords.

“Leon, please choose whichever you want.”

“…All right.”

Although he was taken aback by the unexpected politeness, Leon accepted the sword without showing it. Since Rian had not revealed his identity yet, it seemed like he was trying to stick to his role as a butler.

Afterwards, Lian received the remaining sword.


When I tapped the blade once, a clear sound came out.

It was not something commonly found rolling around in the training hall.

It may be difficult to cut something by crushing the blade, but at this level, even if you hit the rock hard, it will not bend easily. If you don’t use aurors, it’s difficult to destroy even Rian.

While Leon was reviewing some information, Lian swallowed what he had taken out of his pocket.

“What did you suddenly eat?”

“Ah, it’s a simple medicine that suppresses auras. Even though I said I don’t use it, it may come out unconsciously. “If that happens, there will be a catastrophe, whether it’s a game or not.”


Leon was horrified as he imagined himself being torn in two.

Rian chuckled at the reaction, and soon, as if the medicine had taken effect, he lowered his sword and straightened his posture.

Unlike usual, there is no sign of being playful.

It was proof that he too was serious about competing.

“Let’s get started quickly.”

“I guess so.”

Leon, holding his sword in a straight posture, faced him at an angle.

Rian’s eyebrows twitched once as he faced him directly. As a genius, his innate sense kept him alert to the enemy in front of him. This was something that had never happened since three years ago until today.

The atmosphere between the two becomes even heavier.

Leon’s concentration was more overwhelming than usual, and Rian let go of all his leisure and said it with all his heart.


Gilbert, who sensed the impending atmosphere, quickly interjected.


It was not a human voice that answered the cry.


The steel cries as it bites each other’s bodies. The eyes of Leon and Lian flash as they stand between the two swords.

This is the beginning.

This is the last one.

The conflicting resolve of the two people pushed the sword away.

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