Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book Three] Chapter 22: First time for everything and everyone

[Book Three] Chapter 22: First time for everything and everyone

Chapter 22: First time for everything and everyone




As the siblings made their way through the presidium to meet with Liara and her mother, Jane kept on turning heads just like the previous day. This time however Rick didn’t like it. When he had been uncaring of how people looked at her before he was now frustrated about it and wanted to just rip everyone’s head off. He didn’t know what he was feeling besides the anger but he sure didn’t like it one bit. Making a mental note to discuss it with Ashley later he went to order something at the counter of the cafe they were supposed to go to. The barmaid however didn’t make things better for Rick.

“What are you doing here?” he asked in a cold tone.
“You know… Oh! I remember you! Matriarch Aethyta, right? You were the barmaid in that lounge on Illum.”
“Yeah, I wanted a bit of scenery change, you know? With the reapers and all… I thought the Citadel would be a safer place.”
“I don’t believe that for a second, do you?” Jane asked, looking at Rick.
Not. One. Bit.”
“I saw footage of you looking at Liara. You’re here for her isn’t it? The question is why?”
“Because she’s her father.”

Both Jane and Aethyta looked at Rick in shock at what he had just said.

“Uh… The reports I read on you were accurate. Smart as hell. How did you… ”
“Wait, it’s true?!” Jane exclaimed but was ignored.
“The way you looked at her. It was obvious you somehow knew her or of her and that you cared. At first I thought that you knew Benezia and that by transposition you cared about Liara but at no moment did you seem to get lost in thought reminiscing by looking at her. Instead you were actively observing her, as if you wanted to know more about her. Since you didn’t approach Liara at all and just looked, it meant that you shouldn’t have been interacting with her at all. The only reason I could think of when you were so heavily emotionally invested is that you were family. It couldn’t be from Benezia’s side otherwise you would have made contact, so clearly you were from her father’s side of the family. If you were an aunt you were distant enough relative to go to her too but you didn’t. The clinching was the bit of regret in your eyes. From all that you being her father was the one answer I came to with the best odds..”

Aethyta began to laugh heartily after processing what he had just said and couldn’t stop herself.

“You know… When you took down Vasir, I was impressed. I mean there were so very few clues around. But this? With just looking? That’s… I don’t have the words…”
“Just from the way I looked at her? Damn!” Aethyta praised after getting her laughter under control.
“Something tells me that it’s not the only reason.”
“No, it’s not. I do keep an eye on her, after all she has some shady connections now. She’s close friends with the first human specter, hero of the alliance who worked with Cerberus.” she said looking at Jane and turned to Rick. “And a very dangerous and illusive boyfriend that has strong ties with Aria T’Loak and worked with Cerberus too.”
“Our ties with Cerberus have been cut, it was to fight the Collectors!” Jane protested, not liking the tone of the matriarch.
“Believe me, I know. I wouldn’t let you get but a light year away from her otherwise.
“Pathetic threat.” Rick simply countered before drawing his gun.

With his left hand he grabbed Aethyta by her collar and dragged her in a jerking motion while the right put the barrel of his weapon in her mouth.

“First off, you can tell your little matriarch friends that they would prefer to deal with the reapers instead of dealing with me. I won’t show any mercy. It’s in their best interest to back off and leave Liara and Benezia alone.”
“Rick! What are you doing?!”
“She’s not just here to keep an eye on them for personal reasons alone. With the reapers here the matriarchs are worried about Benezia who is technically still indoctrinated and Liara who is her daughter and spends lots of time with her or communicating. Am I wrong?” he asked the asari who shook her head negatively and slowly. “Second, Liara and Benezia are mine. Third, this is how you make a threat, by sending a bloody message.”

For the second time today he pulled the trigger to the horror and fear of Aethyta. Once, twice, thrice but nothing happened and Rick looked down at his gun.

“The safety is off… Why…”
“Oh! I removed the thermal clip when you were focused on mom earlier. I knew that the safety trick wouldn’t work twice.” Jane explained with a smirk.
“You get to live, this time. Remember to warn those old hags.” he said as he removed the gun from her mouth and walked away toward his girlfriend's table.
“I’m sorry about…”
“If I were a couple centuries younger…” Aethyta whispered as she looked at the retreating ass of the man who failed to kill her.
“Come on! That was hot! No wonder my daughter is so in love with him. Lucky girl.”
“I.. But… Okay, this is not what I expected.”
“Me neither, but your guy really cares about her, about them, so he gets a pass. Tell him that the reason I took the job to spy on them was to act as a buffer with the other matriarchs though he probably knows that already.”
“I’ll just… make my order and leave if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all and it’s on the house.”

Not quite understanding how the situation turned that way, Jane asked for two coffees, one black and one with milk, before she, too, made her way towards the group’s table. She saw Rick bend down and give Liara a scorching kiss and to her surprise do the same to Benezia that unlike her daughter answered back with vigor and made Jane a bit jealous. Afterwards she saw Rick walk a few feet away and lean on the rail of the balcony to do some brooding. Arriving at the table she took a seat and sat down.

“Hello, commander. It’s been a while.” Benezia greeted back.
“It has! I’m glad to see you in better health than last time I saw you.”
“Well, the lack of responsibilities and lots and lots of sex do wonders.” the former matriarch replies unashamedly, making Jane’s jaw fall down.
“What, dear?”
“You can’t say that in public!”
“Why not? Rick certainly does. You pay too much attention to what others think, my little wing.”
“Mother, I… Nevermind.” Liara said but stopped, realizing the futility of the conversation. “What happened?” she inquired as she signaled to Rick with her head.
“We were having breakfast near the embassy this morning when my mom invited herself.”

“Oh. Is she still alive?”
“Yes but just because I put the safety of his gun on when we left the ship. She hadn't been seated more than two seconds before he was pulling the trigger right in her face. Anyway if by some miracle that didn’t put him in a bad mood. The conversation with your father certainly did.”

That tidbit of information left both asari speechless for a moment.

“Aethyta is here?” Benezia asked as she looked around.
“Yes, keeping an eye on you for the other matriarchs but something tells me you already knew, Liara?”
“I wouldn’t be a very good broker if I didn’t. What did he do?”
“Put his gun in her mouth and shoot. Thankfully again, after the fiasco with mom, I removed the thermal clip from his gun so she’s fine.”
“What?! Why did he do that?” inquired Benezia.
“Apparently to send a message. He basically threatened to do unspeakable things to the matriarchs, worse than the reapers, if they didn’t leave you two alone. Honestly the most disturbing thing about the whole ordeal was your father being sexually interested in him as a result.”
“Aethyta always loved dominant partners, I’m not that surprised.”
“Oh, shh, you. If you can have a threesome with your own mother, you can hear those kinds of things.” the woman chidded making her daughter blush. “She always said it was because her father was a krogan.”
“That’s not how it works!”

Both Jane and Benezia laughed at the expenses of Liara’s embarrassment. It was in those moments that they saw a glimpse of the old naive asari that she had been before the reapers came into play so they didn’t miss the opportunity to tease and enjoy it.

“You should talk to her, you know.”
“Liara… It was my fault she never was in your life, not hers. You should get to know her, with the war you may never have the opportunity again.”
“They’re right.” Rick said as he sat next to Benezia since it was the only free seat left at the table.
You are telling me that? Of all people? And after trying to blow her head?” Liara exclaimed dumbfounded.
“That’s because I've been on the other side of things that I’m telling you that. Were I in your situation, I would in a heartbeat. I mean she clearly cares about you, she just doesn’t want to intrude in the life you already have. As for my trigger happy moment… well It’s a combination of a foul mood and overprotectiveness. Take it as proof that you may not have another opportunity.”

Liara looked at everyone at the table, one after the other then finally sighed in surrender. Getting up she gave a chaste kiss to Rick then went to talk to her father.

“By the way you should too, you know.” Rick said to Benezia.
“I know but I think it’s better to let them talk to each other without me in the middle.” she answered as she put her hand inside his thigh near his crotch and began to caress him gently. Something that wasn’t missed by Jane.
“You’re… so carefree with what you’re doing.” she noted.
“I always was. Because of my status as a matriarch I had a lot of pressure on my shoulders. I had to behave a certain way fitting my position but when Liara and I changed the subliminal messages Sovereign left in my head it was simply ‘Be yourself’. So here I am being my adventurous and shameless self.” she replied, moving her hand a bit to his ground and began to massage it.
“You know… I always wonder how you two came to be.” she wondered aloud her eyes not leaving Rick’s side of the table, looking at Benezia’s arm doing its thing and wishing it was hers.
“There is not much to tell. One night, I came back from visiting a friend and saw Liara bouncing on his cock like there was no tomorrow. They were on the couch in the living room having sex without any care in the world. I was a bit tipsy and horny so I just disrobed and silently went to them.” She could feel Rick being completely hard under her touch and decided to go further. Aptly, she opened his pants and freed the monster that had given her and her daughter so much pleasure. Closing her fingers around this wonderful piece of meat she went back to stroking it. “Wasn’t I already in the mood, the simple sight of his cock would have been sufficient. So to play a little prank on them for being naughty outside their bedroom I knelt in front of them and took one of his balls in my mouth while grabbing Liara’s breasts with a bit of a mean grip. She jumped in surprise but I held her in place.” she explained further as she stroked her man faster and stronger, knowing that it wouldn’t be long before his climax.
“I can imagine, I would too, in her situation.”
“Then Liara… tried to protest… Benezia just… shuUUUT her up with a deep kiss aAAAAand I went along with IIIIIt.” Rick explained as his voice changed pitch every time the asari’s finger caressed a spot.

Feeling his cock tense and enlarged, Benezia quickly leaned into his lap taking in her mouth his entire length, sealing her lips strongly against his cock and sucked for everything she had. The effect was immediate and Rick came on the spot, letting out rope after rope of cum into the matriarch tight throat. The said matriarch’s head backed up until only the head of his dick was in her mouth, filling it with his seed. When he was done cumming she simply sat back straight and looked at Jane who was sitting in front of her. The redhead was blushing severely. Her face was almost as red as her hair and her breath was a bit ragged. To Benezia it was clear that the woman was aroused and had wanted in on the fun, just as she expected. Leaning forward she grabbed the redhead and pulled her to herself, meeting her with a searing kiss, sharing her lover’s baby batter with the woman, their tongues bathing in it and battling against each other. When Benezia finally broke the kiss, she swallowed loudly what she had left  and with her napkin cleaned her mouth. Jane did the same but took much longer as her brain had been a bit fried from the asari’s acts.

“You looked like you needed that.” the former matriarch said with a smile.
“I…But…That’s…” the redhead didn’t know what to say, her mind still jumbled. She was saved by her brother who was catching his breath on the side.
“Dammit, Benie! You broke her! And I’m still hard after that kiss!”
“And it’s a bad thing because?”
“Because I can’t lay you on the table and pound you to oblivion like I wish I could.”
“Then perhaps we should bring the commander back to your ship? I’d like to see this new Normandy and Liara’s room. Especially her bed.”

In front of the very eager and thirsty older woman, Rick could do nothing but agree. Tucking back his cock inside his pants. He stood up and took Benezia by the hand before doing the same to his sister. As quickly as he could he led the way back to the ship.


Jane was looking at the ceiling in Liara's quarters, wondering how she ended up in this situation. Naked, her whole body from head to toe bathed in cum from Rick but also from the other women in the room.
She remembered that she had regained her senses as they were exiting the Presidium and wasn’t sure about what to do about the situation so she went with the motions. Once in Liara’s room Benezia dragged her to the bed and had her way with her. First a kiss. One simple kiss that she answered. Then another, then the asari’s hands began to roam all over her body. After a few minutes her clothes were being removed, so were Benezia’s by Rick who was already in his birthday suit. Liara’s mother began to explore her body with her mouth, leaving a trail of dark blue lipstick and saliva on her skin. She felt goosebumps beginning to appear but not out of fright of revulsion. She moved her own hands and grabbed the biggest breasts she had ever seen and God did they felt as heavy as they looked. She realized that Rick had been right about them and she wanted nothing more than to play with them.
What happened after was a bit of blur as the sensations that Benezia gave her were overwhelming. She has flashes of being eaten by the Matriarch while Rick fucked her with everything he had from behind. Then being on top of the woman, kissing her deeply as their respective breasts were smashing against the other’s pair, while Rick pounded away into her kissing partner’s blue pussy.
She didn’t know how but somehow, Ashley got in the mix and things went wilder from there. She remembered the intoxicating musk of her brother’s balls as they swang back and forth hitting the brunette clit as her brother gave the woman the most brutal ass fucking she had ever seen. Then the taste of his cock, laced with the juices of the other two women and his own cum. The feeling she got when she had one of his hot balls in her mouth as he began to cum on Benezia’s and Ashley’s faces. She remembered being tagged team by both women, licking her pussy and asshole clean while she was choking for air as Rick gave her the greatest facefuck of her life.
She didn’t know how long they went at it but she knew it was hours and loved every second of it. She knew one thing though, Rick had not had sex with her. He had grind his cock against her cunt and against her rosebud but he never penetrated her. That saddened her a bit but then looked at the bright side of it. He wanted to, he just couldn’t, he wasn’t ready yet. It would be so simple though. Here she was, laying with her back on his chest, feeling his cock half hard against her pussy. She just had to move a bit and that would be it. But she didn’t. Her mind went elsewhere, trying to comprehend who she found herself in the first threesome of her life that turned into a foursome. With two other women at that. She wasn’t a lesbian or a bi, that she knew. She never really was interested in doing things with members of her own sex, though she had been curious and wouldn’t have denied herself the possibility of the experience had she met the right person. Experience that finally happened out of the blue. Literally as it was because of Benezia.
Jane thought further about it for a moment and came to the conclusion that it has been the best afternoon of her life. She loved being with Ashley and Benezia but realized that she was firmly more interested in men. She felt better when Rick did things to her than the others in the room, not like she didn’t love what they did too but… she just preferred men.
A line had been crossed and she wondered what that meant. What would the consequences of that be? What would be the changes in her relationships with Ash and Rick and since Benezia’s was Liara’s mom, Liara herself. She didn’t have to wait long for that one as the door to the room opened.

“What the… MOM!”
“My little wing.” Benezia replied with a smile as she stopped kissing Rick’s shoulder.
“You couldn’t help yourself, did you?” Liara replied in anger as she made her way towards everyone on the bed.
“Life is meant to be enjoyed especially during the current times.”
“And you had to drag Jane and Ashley into your tryst with Rick? Isn’t he enough?”
“Of course he is but the commander was there and clearly in need so we included her. Then Miss Williams showed up and on her own volition joined us.”
“It’s true. Rick’s cock was involved so I had to be too.” Ashley said coming to Benezia’s rescue. “Besides there was no way I wasn’t involving myself when I saw Jane’s tits jiggling in every direction.” Saying that she leaned forward and cupped one of the redhead’s tits and sucked on its nipple making its owner moan softly in contentment. “Then I saw your mom’s and I was doomed.”
“I can’t believe you! Any of you!”
“Me thinks someone is jealous. Good thing I’ve still a bit of stamina left for a few more rounds.” Rick said.
“Me too!” / “Me as well.” said the two horny women on each of his sides. Only Jane was silent.
“If you think that I…”
“Liara.” Jane finally spoke. “It’s my first time being with a woman. I’m not yet sure if I will do that again or not. So either take the opportunity to help me decide or possibly wonder for the rest of your life how it would have been like together.”
“Well said, commander!” Benezia praised as she moved her head to begin kissing and nibbling at the redhead’s neck.

Liara looked at Jane in shock, the redhead eyes locked onto her with burning intensity. It didn’t take long for the young asari to make up her mind and in a flash was stark naked and towering over her boyfriend’s big sister.


“Why are you hesitating so much?” Jane asked as she was watching Rick trying to make his mind on which shirt to wear for his date with EDI. “They’re identical, minus the picture on them.”
“It’s EDI’s very first date, Red. I want it to be as perfect as possible. I have to think of things from her perspective as a synthetic and not an organic.”
“I still don’t get it.”
“That’s alright, you don’t have to.” he replied as he finally chose which shirt to wear, putting back the one who had been discarded. He sat down on the bed next to her and asked the question that has been on his mind since he woke up this morning.
“How do you feel?”
“Great, why?”
“I meant about what happened yesterday.”
“Oh! Well… I don’t know… I learned some things about me that I didn't know before.” she said, looking away.
“Such as?”
“I’m definitely into men and men alone but I do not mind some fun with a woman.”
“You know, asari may look female but they’re not, in truth.”
“That doesn’t matter. While I appreciate the female form I prefer well defined, hard muscles.” she said as she squeezed lightly one of his biceps. “I had fun, not gonna lie but I was so out of it that… It’s all a blur to be honest. Some moments I remember clearly but most I don’t.”
“Would you do it again?”
“If a man or rather you are involved, then yes. Just girls? I don’t think so. Maybe if I’m really horny.”
“Okay. Ash and Liara would pout at your decision though.” he replied, making her laugh.
“Sucks to be them, but I don’t care. It’s not like I’ll do that all the time, I’d prefer just you and me but I’m not against inviting them to our bed once in a while.”
“Our bed?” he asked questioningly.
“Our bed.” was her simple answer.
“Getting ahead of yourself, don’t you think? So far you’re the one making the advances.”
“So far but I don’t doubt that it will change with time, not anymore.”

She didn’t bother to look at him and simply leaned on his shoulder, gently taking his arm and putting it in the middle of her breasts.

“I simply… know it will end that way.”
“You’re a seer now?”
“No. I just have a gut feeling.” she replied matter of factly, enjoying the closeness with her eyes closed
“You forget one thing.”
“Which is?”
“I can’t and won’t settle down. I believe it’s a big wrench into your plan.”
“For now.”
“Well, it’s your life, you make your own choices.”

Rick freed himself from her embrace and picked up his coat that he put on; In no time he was out of his quarters for his date leaving Jane behind.
The redhead let herself fall back on the bed, thinking about her relationship. Happy with the way it progressed. Happy with the way he was receptive to her actions and her words but more importantly to her feelings. She was a bit worried with the addition of her mother into the mix. While she had given her words multiple times that she would choose him every time instead of their mothers he never said what he would do. Would he be done with her if their mother pushed too hard? She hoped that he would not.

“Yes, commander?”
“Have fun on your date.”
“Thank you.”
“Are Ashley and Liara on the ship?”
“Yes. Ashley is currently waking up and Liara is already working.”
“That won’t do, it’s R&R.” Jane replied with a frown. “Can you please send them to my cabin? I want to have a girl talk.”
“I will, commander.”
“You’re welcome too of course.”
“It would be my pleasure.”

Getting up from the bed, Jane made her way towards the elevator where she found organic EDI waiting for it. They both entered it in a comfortable silence and went up to the captain’s quarters. They didn’t have to wait long for Liara and Ashley to join them. The former brought snacks and the latter brought alcohol.

“Ash, where did you find the booze?”
“Officially? I don’t know.”
“And Officiously?”
“Huh… Why am I not surprised?”
“Soooo. Girl day?” Liara asked.
“Wanna talk about yesterday?” Ashley asked as she sat down on the couch.”
“Not drunk enough for that.” Jane replied. “Let’s start with… giving EDI a makeover?”
“A makeover?” the AI inquired.
“Well, you wanted the experience of trying different clothes and a bit of makeup, no? Let’s try that.”

The first thing they did was to drag the ebony goddess to the bathroom where she could look at herself in the mirror and watch as her friends would work on her. Not like she needed any, she was perfect the way she was. Quickly and it was obvious to everyone but EDI, with her skin color tone only bright color suited her. Most notably white as it went well with her hair. They tried different colors for the eyes and the lips. Some were awful, some were not. Sometimes it was good but EDI didn’t like it as it wasn’t very discreet, so the girls adapted to her wishes.
Afterwards they worked on her hair. For now they were free, unrestrained and so they tried different hair styles. Quickly they understood that the less sophisticated the better for the AI. She was fine with a simple ponytail and wasn’t with braids in general especially when they were very tight and small. One of the braided styles she liked was one big loose braid that went over her shoulder or one with her hair mostly just hanging out but with a small braid in the middle of the back of her head. She surprisingly was very picky about her hair but everyone was satisfied with that as it meant that EDI was adapting well being in an organic woman body. Still working on her hair they tried the four different types. Naturally the AI’s hair was straight and that suited her well, wavy was good too but curly and coily was a complete disaster. Everyone agreed on that.

EDI wasn’t the only one that particularly enjoyed the experience. Liara did too since as an asari she didn’t have hair to work with. She welcomed the experience and voiced her envy to have some. She was delighted to learn that humans had fake hair that they called wigs and could just buy them on the extranet.
The only thing they had left to show EDI was everything regarding clothes. Unfortunately they had to skip that part as she was of a different size than everyone else. Being way bigger in every aspect no clothes of the girls would fit her and they didn’t want to go to the Citadel to shop, so they sat down and began to snack and drink. It was very welcome to EDI who had never experienced alcohol yet. Thankfully Jane and Liara were there and stopped Ashley from going too far too fast.
They purposefully avoided talking about Rick, the common topic among them and instead talked about everything else. Something that proved to be difficult as EDI and Liara were more the intellectual type and Ashley and Jane were more of the tomboy action type. So they talked about food, previous experience in life, romantical, sexual or just friendship. When EDI came back from the bathroom she saw Liara taking a bottle from Ashley’s hands as the brunette was already quite inebriated.

“You had enough Ash!”
“I have enough when I’m rolling on the ground!” the brunette retorted as she tried to get the bottle back from the asari while Jane simply watched from the side amusedly.
“You know Ashley, if you’re too drunk you won’t be able to grill the commander about Rick.” EDI announced.

The reaction was immediate. Jane spit the drink she was nursing while Ashley, mounting Liara trying to get the bottle, just froze looking at EDI.
“Good point.” the asari spoke as the assaulting brunette simply sat in her lap.
“Sooooo, Skipper. How was your date?”
“Just great?” asked Liara with a brow raised.
“Alright it was perfect.”
“We need more than that, commander.”
“You know, you can call me Jane in private, EDI.”
“I will from now on but do not change the subject.”
“Fine! Well, things didn’t start so well as since I was the one to ask him out he thought that it was up to me to plan what activities we would do.”
“Oh, that idiot, that’s so wrong!” Ashley exclaimed, facepalming.
“Really? I thought it was a given?”

Liara was confused. Since her whole species was female it was normal for someone who asked someone else out to be the one to plan. EDI was the one who enlightened her.

“Human culture dictates that the man is usually the one who plans, though that particular aspect is not really a proper tradition since the last century as women and men standing became more equal. I guess some people like Ashley are more traditional.”
“Nothing wrong with that.” the brunette defended.
“Yes. In my opinion people should do what they're most comfortable with in those situations.”
“That’s alright! In the end he took the lead and without a plan in mind we just walked through the presidium, did a bit of window watching at first then he brought me to a Menagerie.”
“““A menagerie?”””
“Hmhmm. That was fun! I got to pet and cuddle a little puppy! He was so adorable that I was of the mind to bring him back on the ship.”
“It is good that you didn’t.” EDI nodded sagely.
“Yeah, didn’t think you’d like it.” replied Shepard, a bit dejected.
“I would not have thrown it out the airlock at the first toilet incident but a ship is no place for such a large animal. I doubt it would have been happy.”
“Once I put him back my mood plummet but Rick brought me to see the fish and I bought some new ones. The ones in blue with yellow stripes and the small red ones with black or white marking.” Jane said pointing at her aquarium.
“You and your fish.” Ashley giggled.
“They calm me down.” replied the redhead with a shrug. “Anyway that brought my morale up, then we went to a steakhouse owned by a Hannar with an Elcor chief.”
“That’s unusual.” noticed Liara.
“Trust me, a Hannar owning a steakhouse is not the weirdest thing ever. The sex shop I visit from time to time is owned by one.” Ashley said, turning her head to look at her friend behind her. “How were the steaks?”
“Best I ever had! Seriously! I had three and Rick five, and the rest of the food was delicious too. In the end I asked the owner if he wanted me to endorse his restaurant because it was that good.”
“I’ll have to visit it sometimes. God knows it’s difficult to find a good steak.”
“It’s not cheap but in comparison to most of the establishments on the presidium it’s affordable. You won’t regret it.”
“What did you do next?” inquired EDI.
“We visited some more shops, until he brought me to an Antiquity one. The one where he found his expensive shirts.”
“Oh. It’s from a shop? I thought he found them on the extranet.” the AI commented.
“No, it comes from there. There are plenty of old things there, mostly human but all species are represented. Some prices are way out of this world but Rick told me it was because they were either unique or very rare. It was very fun, honestly though I didn’t get what was what most of the time. Then there was the basement, aisles upon aisled of clothes from every species and many time periods. That’s where I found those boots.”

As she said that she went near her bed and picked up the said boots and showed them to her friends.

“Leather, huh? I like it. It’s classy but pretty at the same time.”
“It goes well with your jacket.”
“Why so many buckles?” EDI wondered aloud.
“Most of them are just decorative.”
“You said it was clothes from different time periods, when were those boots made?”
“If I remember correctly… 2069.”
“ *whistle*. More than hundred years old boots. I’m surprised you found your size.” Ashley exclaimed.
“I didn’t, they’re one size up mine but that’s alright it’s really a bother.”
“That’s my size! Can I try them on?”
“Sure.” Jane agreed, tossing her friend the boots.

The brunette got up from Liara’s lap and sat on the couch. Removing her boots then putting Jane’s on she stood up and looked at her feet under different angles, turning her feet around.

“How do I look?”
“They suit you well but not with that outfit.”
“Hmhmm.” Liara agreed with Jane’s comment.
“I like the feel of it. Better than standard combat boots and prettier.” the brunette said, sitting back down and removing them as EDI brought back the conversation on track.
“After that we just walked aimlessly on the presidium until we got tired of it, then we bought some ice cream and sat on a bench looking at a big fountain. We just enjoyed each other’s presence in silence. At least I know I did. Then I asked if I was pretty…”
“Of course you are!” Ashley shouted as both EDI and Liara nodded in agreement.
“Why would you ask him that?” the AI inquired.
“Well… All day many men and some women kept looking at me. Pretty sure one of them nearly broke his neck to do a double take. Rick never said anything though, nor did he have any outward reaction.”
“And? What did he answer?”
“He avoided the question at first, saying that I didn’t see because of his helmet. So I pushed a bit and he deflected. The third time worked and he said that I was beautiful and more than usual that day.” Jane replied with a million dollar smile.
“Whoho!” Ashley yelled, extending her arm to high five Jane, which the redhead did.
“Then we just sat there in silence. I may have talked about the fact that this was the best date I ever had and he simply said that he was doing what he learned from Analysse. Afterward we went back here and I just used him as a mattress. We didn’t even bother to undress.”
“I’m glad you had such a good day, Jane.”
“Thank you, Liara. Honestly, looking back a few weeks ago, I couldn’t imagine that ever happening. I mean, just getting along like that with him.”
“Ah! He talked to me about that.” Ashley commented.
“Really?! What did he say?”
“Short version is… You’re acting the way Annalysse did.” replied as she took a drink. “He doesn’t feel like he’s suffocating anymore. You gave him enough space with clear and fair limits.”
“I guess you found the right balance.” Liara wondered.
“He found it scary though.”
“Why?” EDI asked.
“Probably because he’s overthinking and can’t get an answer.” Ashley answered, taking a sip of her beverage. “Did he fall for Annalysse because she was acting like you or is it the other way around? Or maybe you are just his type, but where do his tastes come from? That’s the sort of thing he’s asking himself.”
“Do you think he’s only going along with me because I remind him of her?” Jane asked in worry.
“No! He does because he loves you and you’re just making it easier for him to respond favorably.” Liara quickly explained her thoughts.
“Liara is right. He loved you before meeting Analysse after all.”
“Perhaps, he’s just troubled by the similarities?” EDI wondered and that made Jane snort.
“He’s troubled alright but in general, or he wouldn’t have tried to shoot our mom and Liara’s dad less than 5 minutes into the conversation.”
“What, what what?!” the brunette exclaimed, clearly not in the know of those particular incidents.

And Jane spoke, relating the events of the previous day, both with her mother and Liara’s dad. She missed nothing, especially not the aftermath with their mother and that prompted a new whole conversation about the man they were in love with or just curious in the case of EDI.


Rick woke up at his usual time, just before 5.am, with synthetic EDI by this side. In fact for once he wasn’t used as a pillow and used EDI as one instead. She was looking at him sleeping while holding him gently. He remembered their date the day before. It went well though it had been difficult to find something interesting for her to enjoy. As a synthetic many places were barred from her for security reasons and anything food related was out. He did show her the antique shop with Mr. Bean not caring one bit about her status of Human assistance VI - as such was her cover on the Citadel - and she had a good time discovering and experiencing things from time past. Her reaction had been the opposite of Jane. EDI loved the ground floor, asking questions, searching for information, cross checking with Rick’s knowledge and understood the valuable lesson that sometimes you had to study things yourself to get the truth of it. She particularly appreciated the ingenuity that developed the old technologies that she was seeing making history a hobby of hers. Otherwise, they simply walked around talking about everything and nothing, debating some subjects and exchanging opinions. They were in their own bubble and it was just fine for them. As far as he knew the date had been a resounding success and that was before they got back to the ship where EDI simply dragged him to his bedroom and wanted to experience sex for the first time.

And what an experience it was.’

He treated her body like he would any organic body, obviously the reactions were not the same, in fact there were none but he kept doing it anyway as the Ai would have a comparison with her organic body sooner or later. When she decided that it was her turn to act she had been very methodic. It wasn’t bad per see but seemed very mechanical. It did the job though so there were no complaints to make. The actual sexual intercourse had been interesting. He didn’t know who designed the body but that person must have been male and a huge pervert. Her pussy was simply perfect. She could contract every part of it however she wanted, make it tighter or loser, hotter or not. She could even make her walls vibrate and nearly came on the spot when she activated that function.

‘And here I thought Tali had the best pussy around. How wrong I was.’

It was a good experience but would have been perfect had EDI been responsive.

“Good morning, EDI.”
“Good morning to you too. Did you sleep well?”
“Like a baby.”
“I always found that expression funny. Babies are not known to be good sleepers.”
“Eh, that’s true. I wonder where the expression came from.” he said as he rolled onto his stomach and rested his chin on her chest. “I probably know the answer but I have to ask. Did you have fun?”
“Are you referring to the date or the sex?”
“The date. The sex, I’m pretty sure you didn’t.”
“Not quite accurate but yes I enjoyed our time together a lot. I would like to do it again some time.”
“We will. Now what about this inaccuracy?”
“I found interest in taking care of you. The way you answered differently to every action I did. I was curious about what you would do if I did this or that. That made me realize that it was something that I failed to do when you were the one taking care of my body. I gave you no answer, neither verbally nor physically.”
“I… found it strange, I admit. Like I was using a sex doll. That something that can easily be fixed by watching porn then practicing your reactions from the information your sensors get.”
“Was it satisfactory?”
“Hmmm. Yes? Physically, the actual intercourse was the best. And I mean the best in my life. The only downside was… it was mechanical. It felt good yes but without passion behind your movement it didn’t feel as good as it could have been. The blowjob was good but again mechanical, though it’s different from actual sex. It requires technique and skill but you can learn that too.”
“Would you do it again?”
“Frankly, yes and not just because you’re asking but because I enjoyed myself. I’m just a bit miffed that I couldn’t really reciprocate no matter what I did.”
“It was expected.”
“I know.” he replied with a chuckle. “I do have a question though... What does your body do with my fluids?”
“Keep everything until I discharge it.”
“I see. Time for a shower then?”
“Oh, I was thinking of using the toilet.”
“It works too but it’s less sexy. By the way, where did your organic body sleep?”
“Jane was nice enough to lend me her bed.”
“I guess after the many times she slept in ours it was only fair.”
“Well… Yeah. I mean, so far you only slept here so I consider it our room. Your clothes are here, your personal effects too. To me, you’re not a guest but my roommate.”
“You did the same for Tali.”
“She’s my other best friend of course I did.” he explained as he got out of bed and went to take a shower. EDI didn’t discuss anything further and waited for her turn. It was something she had never done before with this body and was curious. She knew she had to protect her hair though or it would be catastrophic.


Both Rick and Jane were dressed for battle, waiting at Dock D12 to be picked up by one of Aria’s men. Today was the day the operation to take back omega from Cerberus began. Most of the crew was happy with that as it meant that the Normandy was stuck on the Citadel until Jane was back which roughly gave them almost a month of free time. She had given the reins of the ship to Kaidan as he was the senior officer, N7 and a spectre. Ashley would have fit the bill too but was still a tad bit impulsive where Kaidan was calmer. On the ground Ashley then Garrus was in command as they both knew the working of the team while Kaidan didn’t.
Jane had given them only three orders. One, to not lose the ship. Two, to not lose anyone. Three, to not engage reapers directly. If Kaidan wanted to explore the galaxy to find some artifact she was fine with it, so long as the ship was on the Citadel when she came back from Omega.
Hackett had been warned that both her and Rick would be unavailable for a while and any protest the Admiral had, if he ever did, was stopped when he was told that retaking Omega would bring all its resources into their coalition against the reapers. He couldn’t say no to that, despite the risk involved.
Finally a car appeared, driven by Anto and picked them both up.

“What’s the plan?” Rick asked.
“Not here. Aria will tell you once on the ship.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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