Otome Game Rokkushuume, Automode ga Kiremashita

Chapter 88

Author note: Volume two is on sale in Japan! Please look forward to it (*)

She tilted her head slightly and traced her cheek with her finger.

Her movement, the shape of her eyes, the shape of her mouth; every part of her was like a work of art. I was so enchanted by her beauty it took me some time to understand her words.

She said she wanted to meet me. She wanted to meet me.

Eh, why?

I have thought that I wanted to meet her before, but to her I should be a complete stranger. One among a sea of underclassmen. Im on the same level as villager C.

Did she hear about me from Cattleya-sama? She does value me too highly and kind of dotes on me for some reason.

They are in the same club and about as popular so they are probably friends right? Club members are different from friends but I feel like they have some kind of solidarity. Is that just my preconception?

Ah, Im sorry. I havent even introduced myself yet, how rude of me.

N-no, thats my line

Im Chris, Christine Reishia. I perform in the drama club.

I saw you perform as Red Riding Hood at the school excursion. It was very wonderful My friends and I were completely absorbed in your performance.

Oh thank you. It was a difficult role so when you say it like that it makes me happy.

Um So, why do you know about me

Cattleya said she asked an underclassman to help out. Before that I heard from her about a beautiful girl in school but I didnt think it was you. Im glad, it saves me some trouble.


I have always wanted to speak to you.

The corners of her beautiful mouth were raised so it looked like she was smiling. However, I had a feeling that she didnt have such welcoming feelings for me.

From my experiences up until now, when youre called to in these kinds of settings, generally something bad is going to go down. I know from experience and Im used to unpleasantness.

I wanted to run away but the exit was behind Christine-sama There have been many times where I have wanted to talk to someone face to face, but if I had the courage to do so, I wouldnt have avoided so many things in the first place.

Umm Do you need something?

Getting into a quarrel with an upperclassman in the bathroom If this were a shoujo manga then it would certainly be pointless bullying. It definitely feels like that kind of scene. Ive done it before, back in the automode times.

But, this probably isnt anything like bullying, right? Surely.

I say this because of Christine-samas personality if it were bullying, she wouldnt be speaking beautifully. Her behavior was too lukewarm for this to be an attack on me.

Its a one-on-one between me and Christine-sama. Considering that we are an upperclassmen and an underclassman, she needs at least three people. Better too big than too small. The majority has the edge over the minority. Moreover, the first impression is the most important. Of course, appearances are important but if you want to overpower the opponent quickly, then the more lackeys you bring the better.

If you cant bring enough people, then you shouldnt try a frontal attack. Its best to act quietly from the shadows or to pretend like you are a kind bystander. Supposing the bathroom is the stage, pouring water into a stall from above would be a basic procedure.

Why do I know so many details? Of course its from experience. A page from my black history.

Could it be, there was something wrong with my help?

No. About that, all of the club members are very grateful. Thank you.

Is that so

Then I cant think of any other reasons If she were here to complain, then I could have laughed it off like Francia-sama. These kinds of enigmatic opponents trouble me the most.

Um, then why

I came to ask Mariabell-sama you, in a battle.

Oh, thats it

. Hm? A battle?

A battle, eh EH!?

Whats with this sudden development? Today was our first time meeting, right? I remember saying nice to meet you.

Also, was Christine-sama a belligerent type of person, contrary to her appearance? I wont be infatuated by that kind of gap so please fix this right now. [look up gap moe if youre confused]

U-um, why do you what do you mean by battle?

The Oz Contest.


I will be participating in it. And, I recommended you as a participant.


I let out a noise unbecoming of a young lady, but I think this much should be allowed this time. Its better than grabbing Chris-samas collar and yelling YOURE FUCKING KIDDING ME right?

Why did she do such an unnecessary thing? I cried from the depths of my heart. I heard about the recommendation system for the Ozcon. From experience I knew that if I were recommended that there would be a strict examination. Its difficult to refuse. Thats why my friends were careful not to recommend me and refused any recommendations for me.

As I thought, this person came to attack me. Rather than using numbers or petty tricks, she used something that would critically damage me, something they knew I hated.

At Ozcon, I want to have a match with you.

Dont say such selfish things. I really wanted to tell her offit would be easy. My head was in a chaotic frenzy and I honestly couldnt think straight. Using the last of my reason, I tried to cool my head and think of a way to resolve this situation.

With the position of Runa-samas fianc as the stake.

Until I heard the words that left Christine-samas mouth.

Thanks to her words, my brain completely cooled off, but at the same time I went pale. What the hell is this person saying?

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