Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Chapter 308

Year 7447, Month 7, Day 14

Ah..Really, shit!! Even though we were getting to the good point for the first time in a while!?

In the first place what's the meaning of someone other than a lodging customer coming to someone's room!?

Even Kamu, Kimu, and Rodrick get stopped at the front you know?

Employees of the inn properly do your jobs!

"Let's just ignore it."

I lift up Miduchi's chin.

"Is that okay? Wouldn't it be better to answer it?"

Miduchi said with a slightly worried face.

It seems the moods completely gone cold. Damn it.

"Something might have happened."

I'm sure. If she didn't have any business she wouldn't come here.

"Hey!? Are you here!?"

Along with some slightly more violent knocking I can hear Anderson's voice from outside the door again.

It sounds like she's at her limits.

Furthermore at almost the same time I could hear the voices of the inn's owner, employees, and the brat saying things like, "Customer, please stop!" or "Hey, you, stop her!", and "Is..isn't it obvious that's impossible~"

"It can't be helped, I'll go out for a bit."

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea."

I stood up from the chair and went towards the door.


"..is the reason why. I'll blow up the compensation from father and their parents so wouldn't you lend me a hand?"

I looked down at the middle-aged woman with deep pink hair holding her head down with both hands on the table and looking up at me with upturned eyes and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

After opening the door just now, Anderson was standing there with her leather armor breastplate on, a crossbow hanging down, and a sword at her side fully armed with a desperate expression on her face. Along with the employees of Boil Manor following her like goldfish poop. When I opened the door while making annoyed expression everyone including Anderson made relieved expressions. It couldn't be helped so I invited her into the room and started listening to her together with Miduchi.

She started off with saying, "I'll tell you everything without any secrets" before talking.

Last Wednesday(in other words, July 9th), 14 knights came here from the capital on their holiday. Supposedly each of them were split into groups of four or five people. Furthermore, the group was made up of activate duty knights so those with decent official positions in the knight group were mixed in with them as well. It seems all of them took a long holiday from the knight group.

It doesn't even need to be said that hearing this both Miduchi and I started to get a bad premonition.

Just as expected the bad premonition hit the mark and the three groups were each lead by Noirura.Jibekuto, Yorire.Refaisu, and Mimaru.Fokein. All three of them are the King's illegitimate children. They brought along what could be called their group of retainers, squires from their parents households and all of them were the same as them active duty knights in the kingdom's third and fourth knight groups.

They might have been the most elite of the squires from their households.

Putting that aside and the reason they came along to Baldukk was the same. They were going to have the {Verdure.Brotherhood} and {Black.Topaz} who have connections with the King accompany them as they gain combat experience against monsters in the dungeon and build up strength as adventurers.

According to what sis Anderson was saying it's because they needed to be useful talents to me as an adventurer. Well~ I'm sure it will be necessary to hunt monsters to maintain peace in my territory in the future so it's not as if I don't understand. It's also necessary for a new lord to gain popularity with the population of their territory so if an army from the country is willing to hunt monsters without request any compensation anyone would be willing to welcome them.

In other words rather than bringing in money when they come to my place they wanted to bring along some immediately useful subordinates. Additionally I'm sure it's an appeal that they can combat and defeat monsters themselves as well. It's not unusual for the spouse of a lord to stand on the battlefield and in this sort of era I'm sure it's necessary as well.

Even more so you could say it's indispensable in a place like the Dirt Plains where combat occurs with Devas once every 4~5 years.

In any case, the 14 people who came along to Baldukk just to get used to combat against monsters first off made contact with Viruhaima and Anderson, and requested that they train them as adventurers in exchange for some pretty good compensation. Putting it simply they were hired as guides.

In regards to their circumstances as illegitimate children not only Anderson knew but Viruhaima did as well. Come to think of it when I was invited to the Elm Tree Manor where Yorire-ojosama was staying I ran into Viruhaima but I guess that wasn't a coincidence. It must have been because they were clearing everyone out~ Before even that, there's no way they who worked as spies for the King in Baldukk could turn it down I'm sure.

Also, putting aside the matter about spies, since several members of the {Verdure.Brotherhood} suffered some pretty heavy injuries and they weren't able to do very much during that time, they might have also been interested in the decent compensation as well. If they aren't going to the 5th floor then it's probably just right for rehabilitation. In regards to {Black.Topaz} it seems that Anderson was on pretty good terms with the youngest daughter of the three Mimairu, so I guess it wouldn't be surprising if she happily threw down training the slaves they just purchased to be hired by her for a few weeks.

Noirura and three of her followers jointed with Viruhaima and five of his party to form a party of 10 and Yorire and three of her followers joined with the Basu the sub-leader of {Verdure.Brotherhood} and four other members to form a party of 9. Anderson brought along Mimairu and three of her followers to form a party of 10 and they all supposedly entered the dungeon the next day on Thursday.

Since they're accompanying them they obviously properly confirmed that they had a decent level of skill. They're active duty knights so even if they aren't at the level of first-rate adventurers they can still match up to second-rate or so. Even the three illegitimate children themselves were forced to train by the knight groups so I don't think there was any doubt about them having decent skills.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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