Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Chapter 303

Year 7447, Month 7, Day 10

I spent a short while contemplating while glaring at the altar.

"For the time being, let's try going to a different place."

It's not like we've seen any monsters. If we approach the altar then there's a high possibility that a monster will be summoned but it's not like we've actually seen it. This is different from fleeing. It's simply changing directions.

No, though it's fine even if we're running from monsters. Even up until now we've run from them a number of times.

For the time being I decided to move to the right along the grassland that's believed to be in the shape of a doughnut. The next time there's an opening in the forest I intend to go further inside from there.

After walking for a short while just as expected we arrived at an opening in the forest. It's about 10 meters wide and the trees of just that area has no trees growing almost like a hallway. After trying to look further inside and it seems to gently curve to the right. It seems like there's no traps either. Then, shall we try advancing from here?

After a distance of about 100 meters this time it curved to the left and then after another 100 meters we were surrounded by forest again almost like a dead end. After advancing a bit further while remaining cautious and this time Miduchi said "Wait" so we all stopped.

"That, it's an altar right?"

..Miduchi pointed her finger but even looking to the left the trees are too dense so I can't see anything.

After all the vegetation of the forest is thick so it seems it can't be seen other than from Miduchi's position.

I have her open up the place she's standing.

"It looks like an altar..But I can't see anything like gargoyles."

"Al-san. Show me as well.."

I switch places with Gwine.

We need her to properly remember the location.

After advancing a bit from there again and this time Angela discovered an altar in the opposite direction.

"That altar, it seems to be about 200 meters from the one we just saw."

Gwine said after confirming the location of the newly discovered altar.


Unexpectedly this is the third altar we've discovered today.

I wonder if there's such a high density of altars on this 11th floor...

I guess that means this hallway like opening in the forest passes in between the altars?

It seems everyone else has the same questions as me.

Up until now all of the altars that have existed inside of this dungeon have been in what you could call monster rooms and they're enshrine together with statues of gargoyles inside a room with a decent area. If you step foot inside of that room then the gargoyle statues start to move as if they were given life and simultaneously the large magic circle like pattern in front of the altar floats up while giving off light before summoning a monster that could be called the guardian of the room.

If you defeat all of those then the door of the shrine installed on the top of the altar opens and if you're lucky you could obtain some kind of treasure. For adventurers who's goal is to obtain treasure other than this the only way is the magic items which room bosses are confirmed to be holding with a low probability once every couple of years. Other than that, it's possible to obtain valuable ores and gems from mining the walls and such below the 3rd floor, just that. After that is..I guess just the guardians?

That's why it's not limited to just us {Saviors} but normally it's absurd to overlook an altar you find. I think the only ones who would normally overlook them are the {Butchers} and {Exterminators} when Kamu and Kimu are commanding them. If Kamu and Kimu hadn't said, "it's fine if it's a monster you can defeat without any casualties.." then I think they would have challenged it.

Even when it comes to them I heard they met with some firmly rooted opposition when they made the decision to overlook the altar and go around it.

There's a possibility of obtaining treasure worth that much from the altars in the dungeon after all.

Eh? It's something you can only say if you're alive?

That's right.

Shall we put it into an easy to understand example?

There's clearly a gap between you who normally neglects your health and an adventurer that's decently trained and used to fighting. Let's go easy on the opponent as well.

If you were to fight against a Tosa dog that does dog-fighting and if you win it's okay for you to roll some dice.

If you roll a decent number then you get several hundred million yen.

If you were told that depending on the roll of the dice you might be given something worth several billion yen, what would you do?

Of course, it's fine for you to bring allies as well. Though it's only up to 9 people other than yourself.

It's fine if you wear armor and it's even okay if you use a katana, spear, or bow as your weapon.

Though there's no guarantee that it'll only be one Tosa dog either.

But, judging from past precedents even at most there's rarely more than 5 of them.

I think challengers would appear at a decent rate.

Even if you're thinking, "there's no way I could do something so frightening", there's at least one person around you who would be delighted to aim for a gamble that could turn around their life in a single go right?

The adventurers who enter the dungeon are people like that.

Kamu and Kimu said they struggled quite a bit to hold everyone back.

I can tell that even those two are anticipating it every time they look at the altar because they have powerful allies with them right now.

Though as expected they have at least enough judgement to not bring up challenging the altar when it's a floor in the depths of the dungeon and almost our first time here.

Well, we can anytime after all.

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