Other World’s Monster Breeder

Chapter 33

Translator: Rumanshi

Helpers:Yoshiro, Wes, Nymph

Godly eyes


After walking for an hour, we arrived at Gassur forest.

Its impossible! To subdue a cockatrice with this amount of peopleits impossible!

Sheryls complexed turned blue when I spoke about the method to raise 3,000,000 cols and advocated a dissenting opinion.

When speaking of the Cockatrice, its a monster famous amongst uz blacksmithz! Because this dragon pozzezzes strong scales which are the materials used in high quality protective gear that the kingdomz knights wear. However! The Cockatrice iz originallya monster which even 10 skilled adventurerz cant fight against.

.you should have waited in town if you thought so.

Thats not what Im saying! Thiz, izz a problem of myzelf and my masterz. I couldz not show my face in front of my mazter if another person gotz involved and injured!

Hey. I thought it a while ago, but why is Sheryl managing a store by herself? You said master, but, where is he now?

If he just suddenly disappeared and pushed the stores debt to Sheryl, then this is not a too cruel story.

Thiz Being frank, onzelf doez not know either. Master waz a remarkable blacksmith while alzo being a remarkable adventurer. Two yearz ago.. He went to subjugate demonic beingz and haz never returned.

So thats what happened

As further investigation seems like itd be like taking a snake out from a thicket, I stop.

She has her own circumstances.

I understand that Sheryl is worried, but its alright! I look like this but in fact, Im really strong! I will not lose to a dragon!

EttoHow do I say thisWill it really be alright? Saying thiz might be rude..but I dont really see it that way. (Nymph: Shes talking about MCs strength)


The numbers in my status seem pretty high looking at it like this, but as expected I dont seem to be too strong.

I am aware of it myself, so the next time a girl points it out I wont feel hurt.

Its reasonable for Sheryl-chan to say! When judging by appearance, Souta does not seen like the reliable type at all! However, you should feel relieved. Because the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite is on Soutas side!

Aphrodite sticks out her chest and makes a hmph sound.

Aphrodite is One of the twelve gods of Olympus!? Nono, by no meanz could you meanz that. Onezelf may be a countryman, but thiz one would not fall for such an obvious lie!

I thought about it at the time with Carolina, but Aphrodites popularity in this world is truly an amazing thing.

Fu~n. If you cant believe it, Ill prove it. Let me see E~ I see. Your three sizes from the top are 86 58 83. Is Sheryl-chan the type to be enormous when she takes it off? Its a pretty nice body for your height.

Wh-. Whahaha!? Where did youz get thiz information!?

Fufufu. If I use the skill that only the divine can use [Godly eyes] then I can see through anything.

STOP ! I believe! I believe you! Dont zpeak about my own information in front of souta-zan anymore!

Sheryl began to use all her effort in an attempt to seal Aphrodites mouth with teary eyes.

Tsu~ka, you Wasnt it the case that you were under a cursewhen you came to the ground?

Fufufu. I certainly said that. However, did I say this? The capsule ball has a healing power which can heal the curse. To tell you the truth, the Godly eyes skill returned a while ago~


In addition to the three sizes, theGodly Eyesskill can even see the colour of the panties.

Such a thing is quite the enviable ability.

The Gods eyes skill has the feeling of being a strengthened version of Soutas Judgement eyes. If you want to make use of my skill then say Aphrodite-sama Please lend me your assistance while licking my shoes. Like that, I may think about it?


Being truthful, Id like to kneel down in front of Aphrodite right now.

And Id like for her to tell me the colour of the panties of the beautiful girls walking around the town to no end.


If something like that is requested, the mood of the group of surrounding women being ruined can be seen in the future.

Master. By the way, my panties are black?

Due to the Gods Eyes skill being too enviable, she almost went mad with jealousy.

The motivated Carolina later on sneakily told the color of the panties.

Her affection managed to make me stay in line somehow.

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