Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

242. Add a little bit of… spice

242. Add a little bit of… spice

“Alright, now that all members have assembled we will begin with the kage summit” Mifune began as he looked towards everyone present in the room. As the neutral party it is his job to ensure that this summit concludes without any fighting.

As he was about to continue the door to the chamber opened with a trio walking in. Instantly all people present in the room became on guard, with the guards each Kage had brought ready to spill blood. 

“Sorry for being tardy, our invitation seems to have gotten lost or something.” A woman or more like a girl spoke. Her long crimson red hair flowing around her in an unruly manner while its bright cyan tips gave it a sharp contrast. 

“I do believe there was no such invitation. This is the Kage summit; only the Kages were invited.” As he spoke Mifune realized that the Mizukage was about to say something until the girl gave her a small signal. One he is sure none in the room failed to see. 

“Right then I should probably give myself a Kage title or something… how about… Damn this is harder than I thought. How about Kaikage? Light shadow has a nice ring to it, no?” As soon as she finished talking Tomoka had to quickly dodge out of the way of a very irate A.

“Dammit all A you just made me lose a bet!” Tomoka shouted from the ceiling as she threw a scroll full of treats to a smug Hinata with a huff. She had made a bet with the trio as to who of the Kages would be the first to attack. She had bet on Tsunade while Nozomi did so on Jiraiya and finally Hinata placed her bets on A. 

“You come here and make a mockery of things!-” Before A could continue shouting at her, Tomoka threw a scroll at his face along with a few others for the other Kages. Of course she aimed the other scrolls at the desk instead of their faces. She is an educated lady afterall. 

“And here I thought to bring some really juicy pieces of info on Akatsuki and Yugure. After all, who better to speak about the latter than its founder herself!” At that everybody in the room raised an eyebrow except for A of course who…

“So you were the ones that attacked Yugito!” Before A could go ahead and attack her again Mifune gave the large man a look and a shake of the head. Somehow the trio managed to infiltrate his home and reach this room without triggering any alarms. Things are far more complicated than they would seem. 

“And? Your father tried to kidnap Konoha’s jinchuriki and you tried to kidnap the heiress of the Hyuga clan. Why should me kidnaping one of your jinchuriki be any different? Hell, I was nice enough to hand her back after I got what I wanted from her.” Hearing this A just huffed and sat down like a petulant child. 

“So!-” Tomoka fell from the roof she had been standing on so the conversation could continue without people having to look up at her. She didn’t want to give them neck pain afterall. 

“Those scrolls have all the info I have on Akatsuki, their members and their goals. As for my Yugure, they are a squad made to be a thorn in Akatsuki’s plans. Do peruse them at your leasure.” The first one to move was Mei Terumi current Mizukage after wich the others followed. 

“Are you sure all of this is true.” Asked Jiraya with a prominent forwn. Some of the info in the scroll he already knew from his spy network. However, what he had known palled in comparison with some of the data in the scroll.

“Yup, as you know I am the jinchuriki of half of the nine tails. I kidnapped Yugito to safe guard the two tails.” Well, she hadn’t done it perse, it had been her girls but taking into consideration it had been her plan anyway, she would take credit. 

“And that worked out.” A snarked back as soon as she said the last part. Afterall, Yugito had been kidnaped and had the two tails extracted. What he didn’t expect was to see the smile with unholy glee on Tomokas face as she sopke next.

“Well, it did. We extracted the two tails from Yugito and left a pseudo two tails as bait for Akatsuki, not only that but she is alive, in coma but alive. This is because we made sure that the bait could be extracted without being lethal. Would you know the last Kazekage died due to the extraction of the ichibi.” That earned her the scowl of not one but two kages, or well, one kage and one representative. 

It was at that moment that a new player entered the game as Tobi apeared from a swirling spatial patter on top of the table. Seeing this Mifune had to try really hard to contain a sigh. First the trio of girls somehow infiltrated the summit undetected and now this man in a mask clearly from Akatsuki did the same. 

“So that is why the chakra we extracted from the Nibi was incomplete.” Those were the first words the masked man spoke as he looked around at the kages. 

“Yo, Tobi how has it been? Or are you going by Madara still? Obito maybe, you really need to get you shit together and chose a name and stick with it.” At that Obito turned his head so fast he almost gave himself whiplash. 

“What, didn’t expect someone to know your true identity? Oh by the way, Rin is alive and working for me. I revived her cause death is my bitch and she likes getting spanked… huh, no head slap this time.” Tomoka turned around to see Hinata and Nozomi standing by one of the walls. The latter just shrug as Hinata simply sighed. 

“You keep her name off your mouth, how dare you desecrate her like that.” At that Tomoka just shrugged. She didn’t understand what the big deal was, shouldn’t he be happy that Rin is back amongst the living?

“I mean I also revived Satsuki’s parents and Naruko’s parents I don’t see the big deal.” At that a loud bang was heard as Jiraiya slammed his fist on the disk. He had read the reports, how Tomoka and Orochimaru had used the second’s forbidden jutsu to bring back the dead. 

“I can’t believe you would go so low as to desecrate those two’s parents! But could I expect from someone that would work with that snake.” At that Tomoka finally understood what was going on, those two were misunderstanding her. That made her break into giggles which earned her a withering glare from the two, not like she cared.

“Now now, you two are misunderstanding something, when I said revived I meant this.” As she finished Tomoka lightly threw a three pronged kunai onto the floor. One everyone in the room could recognize. 

As soon as the kunai hit the floor a person appeared next to it. Despite his brown hair people could instantly tell who this was, or at least who they think it is. Minato Namikaze, fourth Hokage and father of Naruko Uzumaki.

“Tomoka, you called?...” As he finished his question Minato looked around to see the faces of the Kages. Some he recognized, others not. Still he felt like whatever was to happen now would end up with him nursing a migraine. Especially so when his eyes landed on Obito, or well, his mask. 

“Yup, just showing these people that when I say revive I mean it. You should probably get rid of the wig and makeup by the way.” Sighing Minato did so revealing his bright yellow hair. Now no one could say this isn’t Minato, once done he spoke. 

“You know, with this my cover is gone.” hearing that Tomoka just shrugged. After the war there isn’t a real reason for her to have Minato and Kushina spy on Konoha, anyone could do it really. Not to mention if she felt like it she could just take over. 

“Minato, is that really you?” Jiraiya asked, trying his best to keep his voice leveled and cool. He knew how those revived by the edo tensei looked and felt. This however felt different, as if the real Minato was truly standing before him.

“Yes, it is me sensei. I don’t truly know how she did it but she did.” Minato answered with a solemn tone. The tense atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by a crisp clap making every one turn towards Tomoka who was grinning with malice. 

“Now, before you two can get to catching up, we should continue with the summit. So I will resume things cause I don’t feel like wasting time.” That said, Tomoka cleared her throat before pointing towards Obito. 

“So he came here to demand that the last two remaining bijus he needs for his plan be handed to him. Of course y’all will say no, so he will declare war on the ninja world before disappearing the same way he came in. That being said, Minato could you please go and discipline your student with your other student?” 

With a simple nod Minato disappeared before repairing next to Obito only to disappear again alongside the masked Uchiha. Silence, those in the room were still trying to figure out what the fuck was going on taking into account that nothing had gone how they expected it. 

Mifune, who had been paying half attention due to the madness that seemed to have been taking place decided to steer the summit back into a more normal pace. Truthfully he was done with the summit. He had expected weird things to be discussed in the summit, Ninjas were a weird bunch in his opinion. However, he never expected this level of insanity. 

“Ahem, so I would like to propose an alliance between the ninja villages to combat the Akatsuki.” And wouldn’t that be nice. If all the villages were to take part then after this whole thing were to finish a new era of peace could ensue. Sure, it wouldn’t last forever, nothing ever did. However, peace for a while would be nice. 

“Nice, so who is going to be the leader?” Hearing Tomoka question all the Kages turned to her with an eyebrow raised. Some of them expected her to want to be the leader. Some expected her to demand it. Only one knew that the girl would never be caught in such a roll unless forcefully thrust onto her. 

“Don’t look at me like that, I don’t want to be the leader nor do I need to. I have known about this whole thing for so long I have countermeasures against it. For all I care Akatsuki could succeed and it wouldn’t affect me. I am participating because it sounds like fun. That made everyone’s present eyebrows twitch in annoyance. 

“You think this is a game?” A roared slamming his fist onto the table breaking it. All he got for his trouble was a shrug and a one word answer. 

“Yes.” The next moment Tomoka’s upper body exploded into wood chips as Tsunade's fist slammed against her chest. Only her legs remained standing attached to her hips. Said legs began running around the desk as if panicked. 

“Buahahaha you all should have seen your faces, fucking hilarious.” Hearing the laughter all of them turned to a corner of the room where Tomoka was rolling on the floor laughing while the legs continued to run laps around the table. The only reason as to why Tsunade didn’t attack her again was because Jiraiya had stopped her knowing that should she do so it would only lead to a repeat of the situation. 

“No but seriously, it is a game for me. I can literally take over each of your villages if I wished so, I could destroy them with a single command. Akatsuki is as much a threat to me as an angry ant is to one of your villages.” As Tomoka spoke the kages got angrier except for Mei who was aware of these things. 

“I left Konoha and it almost collapsed because I decided to air all their dirty secrets for anybody to see. I made Iwa my bitch by crippling its economy before taking over.” At that the Tsuchikage's eyes widened. 

“No.” That's all he could say as with mounting horror he realized something.

“Yes! I am the mysterious owner of Akomots economic empire. Your entire economy is mine to do as I please Onoki and there is nothing you can do about it.” Hearing that Onoki felt rage and yet there was nothing he could do. Tomoka truly had his entire village by the balls.

“As for Kumo, do you remember that one monster that would come daily to cause trouble to your village Raikage.” Hearing that A flew into a rage as he attacked Tomoka with his armor going at full throttle. One finger extended in the form of his strongest attack. To everyone’s horror Tomoka stopped the finger with one of her own as her body too became covered in a perfect replica of the Raikage's famous lightning armor.  

“That was one of my weapons. I sent it to keep you all busy while Konoha either collapsed on itself or got its shit back together. Afterall, Kumo and Iwa have always been the ones to start the previous wars. I didn’t feel like letting the two of you start a new one.” 

As she finished speaking Tomoka moved faster than anyone could see. Not even A who is used to his extreme speed could see her move. Not only that but to his horror the girl had somehow moved him from right in front of her back to his seat. 

“I didn’t mess with Suna because frankly you guys were miserable already as you were, having lost your Kage and all that.” Seeing as Tomoka stopped speaking without mentioning Kiri Onoki decided to air the question he knew the other Kage had. 

“What about Kirigakure?” Ah yes, the question Tomoka had been waiting for. She had noticed how the other Kages were giving Mei looks. They had realized she knew something they hadn’t, or at least they thought so. 

“Well, in Kiri I…” 

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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