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7 months ago
The pursuit of knowledge and the pursuit of happiness. That’s all Dream ever wanted. As he grew up... Read more The pursuit of knowledge and the pursuit of happiness. That’s all Dream ever wanted. As he grew up though, his naivety vanished and he found that the world was nothing more than a prison that would allow neither of those things. However, after giving himself up to the endless abyss expecting to disappear, he found himself awoken in a new world!Magic, skills, science, technology, and the secrets of the universe within his reach.Dream found everything he ever needed and wanted, and alongside a twin pair of magical fox princesses, he would go on to unintentionally dominate the lands with his unprecedented ability to fuse the world of the arcane with the world of science. Collapse Ability Steal, Accelerated Growth, Alternate World, Beautiful Female Lead, Calm Protagonist, Curious Protagonist, Fantasy World, Game Elements, Gunfighters, Handsome Male Lead, Human-Nonhuman Relationship, Level System, Magic, Magical Technology, Mercenaries, Modern Knowledge, Reincarnation, Skill Assimilation, Skill Creation, Weak to Strong, LitRPG DREAM????? THATS WHAT THE MASK IS!!!!!TIME TO SNAPCHAT WITH MINORS LETS GO Come on, this novel was very interesting and very good for the most part.but its biggest problem is the author constantly making the mc lose his powers, dragging his feet to raise his level, he simply lost his powers or had them nerfed about 4 times in the novel, yes he always recovers quickly, but that's annoying.but it was good until then, but the last 50 chapters were shit, the author started to make a mess with things about concepts, he got lost in his own logic, it became a mess.nothing is explained correctly, he was just talking nonsense after nonsense, all this shit about concepts,of MC dying and coming back, nothing makes the slightest sense.all the explanations have no logic at all, it became a mess of filling in words talking about the concepts.He doesn't even make it clear what MC's power is at the end, he was supposed to be the successor of the archons, but for some reason he became his wives, he is a mix of order and chaos, something called koria or something like that.but at one point it is said that this is above chaos and order, but at another time it is limited by them, and everything is a mess, it is not clear if the mc has a concept superior to them, or if he just has the energy of the mixture of both.We don't know what the mc is in the end.the ending is pure nonsense.ends and doesn't say who killed the archons and helped the false order and chaos to take power.the final fight has a shitty garbage climax.the great enemy that killed the archons without them even seeing how they died, is not shown, does not appear, there is no explanation about it.The only thing that saves in the end is that MC resurrected everyone, his family and friends and made them immortal and created a city to live with all of them, the rest is supreme trash.the ending is a mess of hallucinations from the author who seemed to be on drugs because there is no logic at all, it turned into total nonsense.It's sad, because despite the problems and some stupid ideas, like destroying his body and creating a 100% robot/android body for him in the beginning, the novel was still very good and interesting in the beginning and magic and science mixed, it was really cool, but the ending sucks Mc is simy an diot. Extremely selfless. Sharing his powers to simp around. İ do not recommend this garbage at all. Finally.... But ive forgot most of the story Does he stop using firearms at a some point? While the story and explanations were great, and I loved it, the conversations were too 'basic' , 'childish'? Idk, I felt the particular emotions were not too prominent. The argument at the start was like a child throwing a tantrum, but hey, the plot was refreshing after reading too much MTL.Edit: It gets better once you get used to it.Edit: While it gets better, the arguments are still like throwing a tantrum, like an impulsive kid. Doesn't act his age. The descriptions of grandeur are muted, like the author couldn't properly express. Absolutely fantastic novel. Here's why ,I've a read lot of novels nd finding a unique novel is very hard though I've read 1 or 2 novels like this but still , for me a unique novel is always better than good written cliche novels .¹In this novel you will find system but the mc will not be overly dependent on it like others. but it will still have significance. ¹ The other characters growth is also good and his gfs , yes there is harem but in it every gf has a unique role nd is not only as showpiece. ¹ The plot development is very good which i find to be the best part.¹ The world building is quite good as the mc just doesn't leave his home planet or base of operation. ¹ It is a bit like legendary mechanic novel but this is far more interesting .¹ At the starting many will not find it interesting but wait for some chs it will improve.¹ There is many scientific knowledge but not overly dumped like extraordinary genius ( i don't know if this was the novel).So I will definitely recommend it And if you know any novel like this or with sci fi setting with technology nd universe scale world ..plz comment nd tell.. And can anyone tell when it will update . PS- Its Scholar's Advanced Technological System not extraordinary genius. “I wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time.” Ukrainian translation from Russian ^^Guys, I'm on chapter 272. It's unimaginable!!! The author explains the higher sciences, like particle physics, matter, space, the soul from the real world, as well as magic, cultivation from the fantasy world with the help of a novel. It is enough to be in physics lessons to understand a little what is at stake. And what the author explains sounds very believable and understandable, especially with the help of the attributes of any fantasy story. Damn, it seems at chapter 228, the author explains his presentation of "Love", which is not based on carnal desire or the culture of society. This is very much in line with my thoughts, and it's nice to know you're not the only one who thinks so. I will be a little crazy, but I will print this novel and keep it and sometimes reread it. For if there is even the slightest chance of reincarnation, soul transfer, etc. this story is better than any cultivation technique and old ring monsters. Sounds cool I will translate with Google translator, for brothers in hobbies)For the sake of this story, I signed up to clear up some misunderstandings in the comments below. So far I've completed 100 chapters. The history is very interesting. The most magical thing is how the author scientifically explains magic, how he combines this magic and science. Yes, I admit, I do not read much into scientific information. For me, the hero ceases to be something distant and unattainable, but a little closer to us, mortals. All the intimacy with the hero of the story is due to the technologies of the hero's home world, which I understand a little. This improves immersion in the story itself.At the time of chapter 100, the hero is not a cable, there is no harem, he thinks not with a member but with his head! He maintains a warm relationship with the twins, but that's all. The guy is not a lecimer, he does not kill left and right. The hero is a mad scientist whose brains are filled with research and experiments. The hero's dream: to learn something new, to explore something unknown. If the author launches the hero to explore space, it will be just a BOMB! Something like Star Trek.Most give a negative assessment due to the scientific content of the chapters, because. we are used to the fact that the hero of the story is the OP, who cuts everything and everything and easily becomes a genocide mazhina, and the story itself is understandable for an elementary school student ....Be not too lazy, read a couple of dozen chapters, this will wean you from all sorts of cultivators and cruelty. Big agree. It's a pretty good novel if you look past things that are a no go in cultivation novels. Like they would never admit it if they were from another world, it's natural for cultivators to not trust others I guess. But in this novel it's not a unique thing to be an otherworlder. And the first time he reveals that he is to someone else it's from coercion, he had to tell them. But naturally the MC still keeps secrets from basically everyone, even people relatively close to him. The novel also has pretty funny moments even if they aren't supposed to be, like when he says something like "deadass". I think the novel is a solid 8/10 and I enjoy reading it, the only negatives being it's cringy sometimes and lacks somethings that could make it a 9 or 10/10 but it's a lot better than bland and cliche cultivation novels that only have 1 interesting thing Science : [the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.]Technology : [the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes]As long as something operates specific rules/laws or groups of rules/laws then it's theoretical knowledge can be part of Science. When ever I see Science/Technology vs Magic/Cultivation/etc I laugh out loud and proceed to skip the novel. If the author didn't even bother to google the definition of Science/Technology , I hold little hope that he would be invested in making any decent world building.Probably what most people think when they talk about Science/Technology is Human X Century Science/Technology. What we have found thus far is biased to our world view. Not to mention most scientific "facts" get debunked every so often. To treat them as the absolute truth is the peak of human arrogance. What we have found thus far is biased to our world view. Not to mention most scientific "facts" get debunked every so often. To treat them as the absolute truth is the peak of human arrogance.I've actually read a novel that have written the same that you've said. I completely forgot about it now, just remembered it again.Btw wdym about Human X Century Science? Human 21st Century Science. As in the Science we have established in the 21st Century as humans. The Science established by us in the 16th Century was different. The Science in 5 centuries might be completely different than today. Just calling it Science only invites confusion. Having a different name for the products of Science is the only logical thing to do. It would cause little confusion changing the name. On the contrary not doing so just makes the situation worse with the passage of time. As long as something operates specific rules/laws or groups of rules/laws then it's theoretical knowledge can be part of Science.In general you are right but we have pseudoscience and science: alchemy and chemistry, astrology and astronomy, etc. In science society pseudoscience doesn't worth to be part of science at all.Being real science needed to follow scientific philosophy to the last line but not "operate rules".When ever I see Science/Technology vs Magic/Cultivation/etc I laugh out loud and proceed to skip the novel. If the author didn't even bother to google the definition of Science/Technology , I hold little hope that he would be invested in making any decent world building.Main difference between science and magic is source of facts. Science operates only objective facts that everyone else can get. Magick mostly about spiritual or subjective facts that relying to person perception.So mostly science vs magick are matter vs idea or real vs mysticism. When you can say science=magick, that "versus" can turn into discovering similarities between both or straight "science of magick" in disguise. Being real science needed to follow scientific philosophy to the last line but not "operate rules".You misunderstood me. I meant that it has the qualifications to be studied through the Scientific Method. What I wanted to highlight is that Science is basically a way of viewing the world. It doesn't have such rigid boundaries where everything that we have discovered thus far is the only thing that the scientific method can offerMain difference between science and magic is source of facts. Science operates only objective facts that everyone else can get. Magick mostly about spiritual or subjective facts that relying to person perception.You are right and wrong. Magic does rely on you individual perception of the world. The problem comes when you introduce the hillarity that our Science is objective. The products of our Science (theories , models , etc) are our biased interpertation of data we have gathered through experimentation and observation. To say they are objective is short sighted and outrageous. We take data and then interpert it and draw a conclusion. Thus creating various theories , models and "facts". Based on your comparison Science and Magic aint the different. Well you can't compare Science with Magic since they are completely different things. Like comparing apples with oranges but worse. Science can be seen as a way of life. How you operate every day and how you view you world. On the contrary Magic is a natural part of the World. One is how we decided to explore our world and the other is part of the world.Anyway its difficult to talk about Magic since we have no data on it besides our imagination. Though how we see Science at the moment can be discussed. There are obvious problems with it. Science is supposed to be neutral and non-biased. But the moment you have humans interpreting data in order to created theories , models , etc it has become biased. Personal ideologies , upbringing , culture , our physiology (our senses aren't built to understand the world around us) , etc cause us to be in some shape or form biased in our interpretation to be non-neutral and biased even a little. Those biases stickpile with the passage of time and become big problems. Painting fundamentally biased facts as unbiased is a huge pitfall that we must avoid. Self reflection in this case is really important.A small thought experiment: Imagine that we weren't organice ( carbon based) lifeforms or we were sea creatures or any other scenario fundamentally different from our current human situation and think how our Scientific results would be. Science is science. It's not way of live or viewpoint on world. All that abstract stuff is science philosophy and work as every other philosophy school. You just talk like any other gods worshiper that try to get new flock for their god when you talk about science as lifestyle.Science is objective. Objective not means "absolute peak of truth" it's mean that parts of our world that science covered predictable calculating and everyone with knowledge can use it.Science have 3 levels of statements by their objectiveness:Axioms - we don't need to prove it, it's obvious. It's about thing that all humans and tech can get correctly like falling down apple. No one say that apple fall into sky, right?Theories - It's complex constructs that defines not so obvious things and it;s need proof. Where theory using to calculate part of world that it describe, it's objective. Like gravitation that can be described and calculation easily in macro world and near to impossible in quantum. Gravitations still objective and using formulas we can get numbers that proved by reality. When theories that proved as working loosing it's coverage, we don't trow it in trash but add it to bigger theory so theories still objective. So theories objective with conditions they created for.Hypothesis - theory that don't work or can't be checked now. It's unobjective part of science. Objective as any other sci-fi.Science can't be biased. Science is tool to describe objective data. All other not science. Maybe you talk about war between string theory and m theory and smth else? It's not science yet in full meaning because that theories can't be checked and every scientist can choose any of them to follow and develop. When you talked about "biased science" you talk about magick actually... Follow your thought experiment: If we can create tools, science will be same. If we can't do it, science will not exist. It's that simple because when we got formulas and numbers (like pi, e , h) we get consciousness independent knowledge. Do you think light fly other speed specially for fish?