One Punch of Justice

Chapter 71: Break-In!

Chapter 71: Break-In!

The city, once a chaotic battleground plagued by menacing monsters, gradually returned to its natural state of calm, reminiscent of the tranquility after a fierce storm. Inhabitants joined forces to repair the damage inflicted upon their homes. The fact that many of them possessed craftsmanship skills proved a valuable asset as they organized into teams. One team took on the vital mission of assisting the wounded, while another diligently assessed the extent of destruction and losses, ensuring the fair distribution of vital resources, including medical aid and sustenance. A third team focused on the daunting task of restoration and reconstruction, while a fourth team scrutinized the damage sustained by the city’s ships. Despite the initial shock and the strain on their mental well-being, everyone quickly assumed their roles. Yet, lingering questions persisted; How had these mysterious creatures infiltrated the city, and even more perplexing, how had they vanished? What about the massive elephant that changed its course, sparing the rest of the city from destruction? Unanswered questions lingered, an unsolved enigma that left them grasping for explanations. ——————— “That new boss caused quite a mess, didn’t he?” Over at the first dock, Kaku stood on an elevated platform, surveying the scene in the distance. He leaned over to chat with Lucci.  “I honestly thought he was just some high-ranking guy with little substance. Turns out, I might have underestimated him.” “CP0’s strength is absolutely terrifying! They’re from a different league!” Lucci exclaimed, his expression remaining as stoic as ever. “They’re the Celestial Dragons’ direct agency, and there’s no room for incompetence among them. The Chief of CP0, often hailed as the Celestial Dragons’ strongest shield, is rumored to be on par with Admirals and the Four Emperors…” He paused for a moment and then muttered, “I wonder why they spared me.” Lucci’s words carried a hidden meaning. Kaku raised an eyebrow in surprise at Lucci’s statement, then glanced down at Bakula, the new and relatively inexperienced member who had somehow made it onto the team. ——– “How did someone like him manage to join us? How did he pass the qualification exams?” Or that’s precisely what Spandam conveyed. “It’s true he’s a hard worker, but we don’t need that kind of agent here. He might be better suited as a Navy soldier rather than a CP9 member. And how long will he remain in the shadows?” Many questions filled Kaku’s mind. ——– “So, any ideas about his plan?” Kaku asked, looking thoughtful. Lucci shook his head. “I don’t know yet,” he replied, contemplating the possibilities. “And what about our mission?” Kaku inquired as he moved closer to the edge of the rooftop, stretching his legs. “Robin is under control, and we’re on the verge of retrieving the blueprints for the Ancient Weapon Pluton from Iceburg. Our five-year undercover operation is approaching its conclusion.” Lucci nodded. “Stick to the plan. You’ll handle it solo. We’re depending on you,” he said with conviction. “Alright, you can count on me,” Kaku replied before moving away. “Good luck with your mission tonight, Lucci.” With a graceful leap, Kaku descended to the ground, leaving Lucci standing alone. His gaze remained locked on his right hand, his thoughts churning. “Five years as a shipyard worker haven’t dulled my killing skills,” he whispered to himself. “Tonight, I’ll show everyone that I can achieve what CP0 couldn’t.” ——————— As the evening cast its shadow over Blue Station, the sea train pulled into the station, carrying Fukurou, who had received orders to join Scholar’s team. In the dimly lit alley, not far from the imposing Saitama battleship, Scholar quietly gathered his team. One hand casually in his pocket and the other thoughtfully stroking his chin, initiated the meeting in a calm and pragmatic tone, “Gentlemen, our mission is highly confidential. Our target holds a critical position, necessitating absolute discretion. We should only resort to direct confrontation if it becomes an absolute necessity,” Speaking in hushed voices, Scholar adjusted his glasses and moved purposefully in front of the selected team members, “At this hour, most of the battleship’s crew should be asleep, with only the night-shift soldiers active. Here’s the plan…” He paused in front of Blueno, looking him in the eyes, “You, with your ‘Door-Door Fruit,’ will create an entry point into the target’s quarters.” He then moved on to Lucci, “Afterward, you’ll employ the Shigan technique to eliminate the target swiftly.” Stepping back and making eye contact with each member, he concluded, “Clear enough, understood?” “Yes Sir!” Blueno and Lucci nodded in unison, their expressions resolute. Fukurou, driven by curiosity, couldn’t help but ask, “If the plan relies heavily on their unique abilities, why have Khalifa and I been included, chapapa!?” “You and Khalifa serve as our backup plan, in case the mission encounters unforeseen complications,” Scholar replied with a sense of urgency. “The Five Elders issued a stern directive today. This mission holds the highest priority and must be executed promptly. Failure is not an option. Thus, we must be prepared for any unexpected challenges.” With roles clarified, CP9 accepted their assignments with a sense of purpose, fully aware of the gravity of their mission and the need for discretion in their actions. — With Blueno’s door opening up their entry, Lucci and Fukurou slipped into the room seamlessly. Yet, Khalifa’s attempt to follow was met with Scholar’s firm, practical gesture, instructing her to hold her position. “Wait!” Seated on the floor, Scholar engaged his Observation Haki, his senses becoming finely attuned to the happenings aboard the battleship and the unfolding mission. His concentration was unwavering, leaving no room for oversight in his intricately planned operation. ——————— As Lucci entered the warship, he found Saitama’s quarters enveloped in darkness. On the bed, a bald man lay, snoring loudly, his nose occasionally bubbling with drool. He slept like a log, with the blanket haphazardly covering him. At first glance, he didn’t seem like a Vice Admiral by any stretch. Instead, he resembled a regular Navy crew member. “Hey, are you sure we’re in the right room?” Lucci whispered to Blueno, his voice barely audible. “Yeah, this is it,” Blueno replied confidently. After a few tense seconds, Lucci asked again, “Are you really sure?” His gaze remained fixed on Saitama, who was peacefully asleep. Blueno nodded. “Yes I am.” Lucci examined Saitama’s sleeping form. “Does this guy even look like a Vice Admiral to you? Are we sure we’ve got the right person?” Blueno scratched his head, his doubt growing. “I don’t know, man. I’m just following orders.” “Hey, why’s this taking so long?” A voice came from the other side. “He’s asking about the target,” Blueno explained. “Just finish the mission, idiots!” Scholar’s voice sounded annoyed. “What’s wrong with these guys?” “Hey, Blueno, psst…” Lucci beckoned quietly. “What is it?” “What did Scholar say? Is this our guy?” Lucci inquired. Scholar’s voice came through again, “Just complete the got damn mission, you moron!” Lucci shushed him, his nervousness increasing. “Keep it down! We don’t want to wake him up, and we definitely don’t want to mess up this mission by targeting the wrong person.” Lucci slowly raised his hand towards Saitama’s head, ready to strike. “Goodbye, Ex-Vice Admiral,” he whispered. But… Things didn’t go as planned. Suddenly, Lucci’s eyes widened with shock, and his face gradually flushed with disbelief. -Finger Pistol- This was no ordinary attack, but a technique that concentrated finger force into a devastating bullet-like strike, capable of demolishing concrete and steel, not to mention a human skull. But what occurred next shattered their carefully crafted plan. -Crack!!- The room was filled with a jarring sound! Lucci’s Finger Pistol connected squarely with Saitama’s bald head. However, reality proved far from their expectations. In less than a second, Lucci’s confident expression twisted into a grimace. His face turned pallid, beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and he bit his lip, trying to suppress the pain he couldn’t deny. Behind him, Fukurou watched in silence for a moment before whispering, “What’s wrong, chapapa!?” Lucci slowly withdrew his trembling right hand. Illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the window, Fukurou  saw that Lucci’s finger had assumed an unnatural, crooked shape. Meanwhile, Saitama, lying on the bed, continued to snore blissfully, seemingly oblivious to the ordeal. “Whoa!!!” Fukurou  exclaimed in disbelief, “Lucci, did he just break your finger!?” “What the heck!? Lucci, Enies Lobby’s top agent! His Finger Pistol technique, known for its invincibility, shattered by a bald guy’s head! Just how tough was that skull!?” Fukurou was lost in thought. “Damn it!” Lucci muttered, nursing his injured finger, still staring at Saitama’s rather ordinary physique. How could he break his finger without noticing his surroundings? “This guy…,” He pondered, his mind racing with theories, “Is he really asleep or just pretending? And why hasn’t he reacted? Could he be genuinely asleep, protected by some unique Haki?” Meanwhile, Scholar watched in shock. He knew his target was strong, but this level of power was beyond imagination. “How could someone have Haki protection while sleeping? Even more perplexing, how did he effortlessly thwart Lucci’s attack?” “Damn! Only freakin’ monsters can pull this off,” Scholar cursed under his breath. He had never expected to encounter someone like this, and his backup plan seemed futile. This opponent was beyond CP9’s reach. “It looks like only the Boss could take him down,” he conceded. “Blueno! Quick, call them back!” As the sentence hung in the air, the door to Saitama’s cabin creaked open, revealing a young woman in a semi-transparent nightgown. “Saitama-san, you’re still awake…” Her voice was groggy, her eyes half-shut as she blinked into the dimly lit room. “It’s pretty late, and we should…” Her drowsiness evaporated instantly as her eyes settled on the two strangers within the cabin. Suddenly wide awake, she exclaimed, “Who are you!? What are you doing here? GUARDS!” Her urgent cry echoed through the ship, instantly rousing all the sleeping soldiers. In a matter of seconds, the ship’s atmosphere shifted into high alert. “This is a Marine vessel! Unauthorized entry is strictly forbidden! Anyone trespassing is committing a crime!” —————————————————————— Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter! I’m really excited to hear your thoughts and get your feedback. Don’t forget to drop a comment and let me know what you think!   Patreon: /Otaku_TNN   Instagram:
  • One Punch Of Justice
  • Otaku Tnn
  • Otaku_Tnn
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