One Punch of Justice

Chapter 69: CP9

Chapter 69: CP9

“Tsk… Sorry, but that’s not possible, Sir!” Lucci’s face displayed a mix with a dash of annoyance as he said, “Helping you with your request is beyond our authority. The mission we’re on goes way above your rank, … Sir!” “And why’s that?” Scholar asked. “Because it’s coming straight from ‘The Five Elders,’ … Sir.” “Exactly!” A stylish woman with golden hair adjusted her glasses and added, “We’ve been on this mission for five damn years, chasing after the Ancient Weapon ‘Pluton’. We’ve been deep undercover in this city all that time… I mean, I doubt whatever you’re after could top that, right?” “Well, well, playing the Five Elders card, huh?” Scholar sighed in disappointment. “That’s just how it is! Even if we wanted to help, which we don’t, we can’t without blowing our cover, … Sir.” Every time Lucci talked to Scholar, he threw in a kinda rude “Sir.” “Uh-huh, what a mess! So, what’s the plan now?” Scholar talked to himself before asking, “By the way, is there a problem? Seems like respect is a bit missing around here.” “No problem. We’re just waiting for this act to end… Sir…” Just as Lucci finished speaking, Scholar appeared behind him, swiftly grabbed him by the head, and brought him crashing down to the ground. “I think team seriously needs some discipline!” Scholar’s last unexpected move sent a shockwave through the present members. The realization that the mighty agent of CP9 had been caught off guard by that attack was a jarring revelation. Scholar’s words sliced through the tension. “We’re just looking for an item. You can send some of your team to deal with it. CP9 has more members, right? And where the hell are the others? You have 15 minutes Bring them here now!” Witnessing the turn of events, CP9 saw no need for further words. After all, the man in front of them held the status of a CP0 agent, positioned at the highest echelons of the organization’s hierarchy, directly overseeing over all its members From CP1 to CP9. He looked right at them and yelled, “What the hell are you waiting for? Get moving!” ———–Adult Speech———– Later that night, both Rob Lucci and the blonde woman attempted to reach out to Spandam. Unfortunately, their efforts were in vain, as Spandam was already engaged in communication with Scholar. It appeared to be marked by a surge of anger. “What’s the meaning of this?” Spandam’s voice carried a mix of disbelief and irritation. “Do you believe you can simply stroll in here and wrest control of my team? This behavior is absolutely unacceptable!” “My What? ‘behavior’? And your team? Have you completely lost your mind? Do you even grasp the weight of who the hell you’re talking to?” Scholar’s patience seemed to be wearing thin as his voice adopted a tone of exasperated authority. “No, I’m damn well aware of who I’m talking to,” Spandam shot back, his arrogance undeterred. “Then perhaps you’d do well to shut that damn mouth and show a goddamn respect!” “Don’t you dare talk to me like that!” “Why not? You honestly believe your daddy will ride in to save your damn ass? You’re a pathetic excuse for a human being! You actually think a worthless piece of shit like you can stand against us? You’re nothing more than a little lapdog, yapping at our heels!” “But I’m in the midst of an active mission, directly assigned by the Five…” Spandam’s attempt to defend himself was brutally cut short by Scholar’s interruption. “The Five Elders. So what? They handed you a mission, and what? Does that give you the right to disrespect your goddamn superiors? Have you ever wondered how the heck we receive our orders? Do you seriously think your daddy whispers commands in our ears? Is your brain really that shit?” Scholar’s frustration boiled over, his voice growing louder with each incendiary word. “What the fuck is wrong with this idiot? Did we make a mistake in recruiting him?! Like father, like son!” In that charged moment, Spandam finally grasped the gravity of his error. He scrambled to make amends, “I’m sorry, sir! I’m truly sorry… The stress from the mission got to me…” But as was often the case, his words were abruptly cut off. “Because you’re a damn fool! An utterly incompetent agent! Now hand over that goddamn report!” Scholar’s voice boomed with authority, the tension in the room reaching its peak. ———– Quickly and without any fuss, Spandam started talking about CP9 members in a detailed report. -Rob Lucci- He’s smart and tricky person. got trained by Bartholomew Kuma and became the strongest CP9 agent ever, with a Doriki score of 4000. He’s the only one in the group who knows all six Rokushiki techniques plus Rokuogan. He ate the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard, a Zoan-type Devil Fruit, which lets him turn into a full leopard or a mix of leopard and human whenever he wants. -Kaku- The second vanguard of CP9’s might. Kaku’s distinctive skill set encompasses not only his mastery of the six Rokushiki techniques, which has garnered him a Doriki rating of 2200, but also his uncanny talent as a human lie detector. Despite lacking the advantages of a Devil Fruit, he proudly claims the mantle of the group’s second strongest member. -Jabra- Positioned as the third most formidable presence within the organization, emerges as a potent assassin, his prowess honed through dedicated Rokushiki training. Bolstered by a robust Doriki rating of 2180, he wields exceptional physical might. Notably, he stands as a master of all six Rokushiki techniques. Jabra’s transformation lies in the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Wolf, a Zoan-type Devil Fruit that grants him the ability to seamlessly shift into a complete wolf form or adopt a hybrid configuration resembling a fearsome werewolf. His combat strategy centers around Tekkai Kenpo, a skill that empowers him to maintain mobility while employing it. -Blueno- A figure of extraordinary might. Boasting an impressive Doriki of 820, he is endowed with superhuman physical strength that defies conventional limits. Blueno’s prowess stems in part from his consumption of the Doa Doa no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit. This exceptional fruit empowers him to forge and manipulate doors on virtually any surface, providing a unique tactical advantage. What’s more, Blueno stands as a proficient practitioner of all six Rokushiki techniques, further solidifying his reputation as an exceptional force within the ranks. -Kalifa- Exhibits an impressive level of superhuman strength, a trait that significantly contributes to her capabilities. Despite holding the title of the team’s weakest agent, she defies expectations with her mastery over all six Rokushiki techniques. Her Doriki rests at 630. Notably, she has yet to acquire a Devil Fruit ability. -Kumadori- His combat methodology seamlessly fuses his martial arts expertise with adept staff manipulation and bodily control. This harmonious blend enhances his versatility and destructive prowess. His Doriki, reaching a commendable 810, reflects his complete mastery of all six Rokushiki techniques. -Fukurou- Marked by notable superhuman physical prowess, records a Doriki of 800. While his mastery encompasses all six Rokushiki techniques, a distinctive feature is his adeptness in executing Geppo with a single leg, showcasing remarkable control. Similar to Kalifa and Kaku, he lacks a Devil Fruit ability. -Bakula- Talking about Bakula, he’s a new addition to the group, but there’s nothing special about him. He got in mainly because of his family connections, he’s the grandson of Commander-in-Chief Kong. Unlike the others, he doesn’t have any special powers or skills. That’s why he’s been given the job of connecting CP9 and the Navy – it’s safer for him because he’s not as skilled as the rest. ———– Sigh… Listening to Spandam’s report, Scholar couldn’t help but feel a bit amazed. He was only let down by the info about the new recruit Bakula. Commander-in-Chief Kong, who’s like almost the strongest person in the world after the Five Elders, had wielded his connections to clear the path for his grandson’s ascent to a sensitive position, while sidelining the deserving candidates. It was reminiscent of how Spandam’s own father had handed him the reins of CP9 leadership. The ties of family, it seemed, often held more weight than qualifications, a fact that Scholar expressed with a touch of melancholy, saying, “That’s too bad.” 15 minutes later. Scholar’s gaze rested upon the assembly of CP9 members. His mind raced, considering his selections, before he crisply uttered, “Lucci, Blueno, Kalifa, and Fukurou, you’re with me. The rest of you, proceed with the tasks you’ve been assigned.” The selected few exchanged glances before stepping forward. Lucci respectfully interjected, “Um, about Fukurou… he’s actually stationed over on Judicial Island. He won’t be back until tomorrow. If you’re in a rush, we might need to pick someone else to fill in.” Scholar nodded, saying, “No problem, for now, we just need Kalifa,” He turned his attention to the others and added, “As for the rest of you, keep up with your daily tasks as usual. We don’t want anyone to suspect a thing. I’ll send you the specific instructions later. Is that clear?” “Yes, sir!” all four responded in unison. A faint, crafty smile played across Scholar’s lips as he remarked, “I’m curious to see how you handle this situation, Vice Admiral Saitama!” ———– The Next Day. After a night’s rest, everything was set up and supplies were ready. However, due to a series of recent events, the ship needed extensive repairs after its long voyage. This left Saitama and his group with no choice but to stay in the city until the maintenance was finished. Water 7, often called the ‘Capital of Water,’ was a picturesque city renowned along the Grand Line for its unique charm, attracting visitors from far and wide. This inspired Tashigi to suggest a sightseeing tour. “Saitama-san, what do you think about exploring the city?” She preferred to have his company. “Ah!? No, thanks!” Saitama casually replied. It was clear that he had no interest in monuments or sightseeing. He picked up the day’s newspaper and settled into his chair, engrossed in the latest headlines. The newspaper’s headlines were as follows:
    • ‘One of the Four Emperors, Kaidou, Caught in Marine Custody’
    • ‘New Vice Admiral Appointed’
    • ‘Alabasta: A Once-Prosperous Town Now Ghost Town.’
    • ‘…’
———– The most earth-shattering headline echoed around the world: ‘Shichibukai Disbanded!’ Saitama couldn’t help but mutter, “Huh, that’s interesting,” as he perused the article. ‘Following the formal approval of the World Government Commander-in-Chief, the authority and privileges of all Seven Warlords of the Sea have been permanently revoked. The Marine Headquarters is now in the process of deploying Admirals to each Warlord’s location for their arrest. There will be no more pardons for their actions or crimes, and their bounties have all been reinstated.’ This revelation indeed created waves across every island in the sea. This top-secret plan was closely guarded within the highest echelons of the Navy, known only to a select few with connections to the World Government. Even the Five Elders had expressed reservations about its execution. But now, the Navy had astounded everyone, managing to bypass established channels and secure the Commander‘s approval. His unprecedented authority empowered him to directly dismantle the Seven Warlords, a move that promised to have profound consequences, especially in the eyes of the Five Elders. ———– -Pangaea Castle- Secret Meeting of the Five Elders. In a dimly lit chamber, the Five Elders gathered, their expressions a mix of concern and frustration. “This is unacceptable! How can the Navy defy us and make such a dangerous move?” Topman Warcury exclaimed, his voice tense with anger. “This is the Navy’s response to our recent actions,” commented Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro. Topman, seeking clarification, inquired,“What specific actions are you referring to?”. Marcus Mars leaned forward, adding, “The assassination mission, of course! It should come as no surprise that they would react strongly to our attempt on their secret weapon.” “However,” Shepherd Ju Peter interjected, “If the Navy decides to openly challenge us now, it could plunge the entire world into chaos. Pirates would seize this opportunity like never before. This is precisely why we initially appointed the Shichibukai.” Jaygarcia, visibly concerned, questioned, “Kong, of all people, approved this decree? What are his intentions?” Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro replied, his tone laced with frustration, “It’s a somewhat predictable move, given his history as a former Fleet Admiral.” Topman, who seemed ready to take drastic action, proposed, “Should we consider removing him from his position and replacing him with someone more compliant?” Jaygarcia quickly dismissed this idea, saying, “No, such an action could turn him into a hero, and we would lose our grip on the Navy.” Then looked around, asking, “Have you attempted to contact Sengoku to gauge his stance on this matter?” Marcus replied with a hint of frustration. “Unfortunately, he has been unresponsive to all communication.” “The Navy’s discipline seems to be slipping by the day,” Shepherd mused, a hint of concern in his voice. “We must find a solution that doesn’t escalate the situation further.” Jaygarcia, feeling the weight of the moment, inquired, “What’s the status of the assassination mission? Any new developments?” Marcus sighed deeply, his frustration apparent, as he answered, “No significant updates yet.” “This situation is becoming increasingly intolerable. Our patience is wearing thin,” Topman’s tone remained firm, but his anger was more controlled. Jaygarcia, after a moment of contemplation, spoke decisively, “Given the current circumstances, our top priority must be to ensure Doflamingo’s safety. Instruct CP0 to proceed immediately to Doflamingo’s palace, protect him, and if necessary, discreetly relocate him to one of our secure facilities. If they encounter insurmountable difficulties, they have our authorization to eliminate him. We simply cannot risk any unauthorized disclosures.” —————————————————————— Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter! I’m really excited to hear your thoughts and get your feedback. Don’t forget to drop a comment and let me know what you think!   Patreon:  /Otaku_TNN   Instagram:
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