Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 355

“Isn’t it? Did you get inside me or did you see me?”

If that happens, you should be the king of humans. When I stretched out openly, Hector didn’t say anything and just sighed.

It was then.

“It happened. Let them come.”

The door of the town hall opened and a woman appeared.

Brilliant blonde hair that seemed to have melted real gold was tied back in a ponytail. The clothes that stick to the body are not meant to reveal the figure, but simply seem to have been removed so that the long hem does not interfere with the work. A woman wearing leather gloves and ankle-length boots dug me in with a sharp eye.

“Are you the golden mirror?”

“no. However, you will have something to say to Jim.”

“I came to propose peace to the golden mirror? Do you know who he is?”

However, the woman introduced herself by putting a hand on her chest.

“I am Yuria Elric, the Golden Lord. The lord of understanding who rules the golden kingdom.”

The ruler of the golden kingdom and the ruler with the power to reproduce all the technologies in the world.

And the king ‘eaten’ by the monster of understanding.

“It is also… the golden palace that governs the nations.”

King Elric’s homunculus spoke resolutely.

It was from the low hill in the distance that I felt something strange. It is a very ordinary and ordinary sight with the ridgeline visible behind the field of view.

Except that such a garden did not exist before arriving at the Golden Palace.

A sight that cannot be seen from the outside. Is that reality or is it an illusion? I, who have no ability, need mind reading to tell him apart.

But right now I have no way to figure it out.

Because none of those who belong to this golden palace are alive!

At least, Hector, the only human in the Golden Palace, pointed at me and said.

“Golden Sashimi. I am the author.”

Elric looked at me intently. Should I calmly say that she… I read its expression.

Residual thoughts are not alive. Still, it’s a trace of being a human once, so you can pick it up in quite a bit of detail, but you can’t read it perfectly like a living human. In other words, my mind-reading is currently sealed.

Tyr disappeared and I was alone in the middle of enemy lines. In the meantime, mind reading doesn’t work. Is this a bit dangerous

While I was thinking about running away, Elric pulled out a notebook and read something.

“Did you say he was an envoy who came to negotiate an armistice?”

“That’s right. It seems they don’t want a dispute in the Plain of the Abyss.”

“…the land of opportunity where the abyss disappeared?”

I read something while holding my notebook again. Even if I stare at the back of the notebook, I cannot see the contents of the notebook.

If mind-reading worked normally, what was written in Elric’s notebook, what he was thinking, what he was going to do. From likes and dislikes, you would have read what happened in the past. However, there was no reaction from Elric right now.

Only the chance that the golden kingdom was destroyed in the distant past and the remorse she had are floating in the air.

What the hell happened? I want to know a little more detail, but mind reading doesn’t work either.

While I was thinking, Elric opened his mouth after finishing his judgment…

“The oppressor. How do you judge?”

There is no awkwardness at all in treating an elderly person in a disrespectful way. Even though it was a corpse, the king’s corpse was dignified.

As if he was accustomed to such an attitude, Hekto naturally raised his voice to the much younger-looking woman.

“I don’t see it as bad. It has been too long since the nations have tilled the land properly. Even if I give seeds to the seungnyang now, I wonder if they won’t turn it into a meal. Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to let the military cultivate the land and take some of it from us…” ”


Elric asserted without any disagreement. Hector kept his mouth shut. While he looked at his eyes and grasped the meaning of the words of the Golden Lord, Elric turned to me and spread one hand.

“The Plain of the Bottomless Pit was originally a forbidden land. It has been like that since the beginning of the Golden Kingdom, and it will continue to be like that.”

Gold country…? Why was the country ruined in the past?

“If you have not forgotten history, you will know that the Elric royal family used the abyss as a tomb for failures. Isn’t that right, messenger?”

Elric said vaguely as if he were still a king. It’s an overly confident attitude for a king who was ‘eaten’ by the golden mirror.

perhaps. As I expected… But is it right?

I took a deep breath.

Let’s admit it. My best friend all my life Mind reading doesn’t work now.

But mind reading isn’t my only strength.

My mind reader can’t read anything other than the human mind. I can’t read the thoughts of animals, nor can I read the weather that will come tomorrow. I don’t know what the seeds I sow will grow into. ‘Cause I’m not a prophet

But human ability is not mind reading. Because the true ability of human beings is the power itself to use all kinds of means for the purpose.

Examine the world, disassemble it, predict it, use it. Even if it goes wrong, it is human to use it as a stepping stone and move on again. Impossibility is a deliberately determined sentence after all possibilities have been eliminated. Even, as time passes, unexpected possibilities arise.

It’s not too late to stigmatize that you can’t do it after you conclude that you can’t do it. Giving up early is what prophets do.

Let’s do it. from my hypothesis.

“That’s right. In Geumguk, a country of artisans, there was a custom of burning firewood and then throwing ashes or miscellaneous iron that could not be used again into the abyss. Between the Kingdom and the Golden Kingdom, the one that took greater interest in the bottomless pit and effectively ruled it was the Golden Kingdom.”

“You know me well.”

“But that’s a story between the gold country and the kingdom.”

The Golden Sutra is known as the mystery of the nations… so there is no reason to use the title of the Golden Sutra.

The modifier golden in front is gold. The following title, Gyeong, means a servant of the king.

In other words, the Golden Sutra itself contains the Golden Kingdom.

Why did you use that title? Maybe Golden Jing hasn’t forgotten Geumguk yet? Or…

“The relationship between a nation and a nation is exactly the opposite. After becoming a country of alchemy, you didn’t even come close because you were afraid of permanent loss of alchemy cost, right? After that, the military government invested in the neglected land and got results, so isn’t the military government’s share bigger now?”

“You seem to be an envoy, only mentioning the advantageous parts of my country. Let me point out your stupidity.”

What do you know? It doesn’t matter whether the Plain of the Bottomless Pit is a kingdom or a nation. All I need now is information.

A golden mirror that keeps moving while creating something. However, there is something strange about creating each one. Even if you say it’s a cornfield, cities built with stone or tall castles are buildings that don’t fit the trend these days. With the development of alchemy, there was a theory about the uselessness of the wall, but it was actually made by the golden mirror, the beginning of alchemists.

Because it was made by the golden mirror, it is the reason for its existence. The question of why the golden mirror was created still remains.

However, that question can also be solved with one simple hypothesis.

“You are wrong. Because this is a golden country.”

Maybe the Golden Goblet.

It may be making a gold country on this land.

“Nonsense. The Golden Kingdom was destroyed by the hands of the Golden Jing.”

“You are wrong. There are kings, territories, and people who follow them. They are the king of the kingdom, the territory of the kingdom, and the people of the kingdom. Therefore, this country is forbidden.”

“The king of gold, Elric, is dead. In the hands of the golden mirror! You are not King Elric!”

“The burden is still there. A king’s memory, a king’s appearance, what do you call a burden with the power of a king?”

Among the components of the golden kingdom, the most necessary thing is none other than the king. In order to create a Golden Kingdom, it must have been necessary to embody King Elric first.

good. I could barely see the outline. Elric, the Golden Lord, is a homunculus. It is a golden creation. If so, there must be Hwang Keum-gyeong himself in this space.

“I came to negotiate with Hwang Geum-gyeong, the ruler of the nations. It wasn’t Elric, the king of the golden kingdom. call the golden mirror I will negotiate with him.”

Let’s call the golden mirror. All mysteries will be solved if I can see the golden mirror myself.

However, Elric didn’t move the way I thought.

“There is not a speck of courtesy. good night. If so, I will tell you more clearly.”

Elric reached out.

A large spear rose like a tree from under the alchemy of the earth. There is no way that a high-cost Alchemy River can come out by alchemy of common soil, but this place is a land of golden scenery. Old-fashioned concepts such as equivalent exchange do not work.

Elric held a spear twice his height in one hand. A spear made of unusual metal aimed at my neck with a cool light.

“There is no surer declaration of war than beheading an envoy. Show me with actions instead of words.”

come on Did you touch it too hard? He asked me to call the golden mirror, so he suddenly tried to kill me. I guess that was the opposite!

“Wait a minute. wait it out I know who is behind me.”

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll personally execute you.”

“No, Your Majesty! really!”

die like this Now that mind reading doesn’t work, there’s no way to defeat that homunculus. If I had mind reading, I would have escaped somehow. No, I wouldn’t have asked to sing the golden mirror in the first place! Give me back my mind reading!

It was then. Hector, the suppressor who had been listening quietly, was hurriedly surprised and dissuaded Elric.

“Wait, Lord of the Golden Hours. Their strength cannot be ignored.”

‘In the words of Jannokhoeju, it was said that the founder, Tirkanjaka, was a colleague. Vampires who wield blood dominance are tricky. If possible, it’s better to send them to the duchy…’

However, Elric ignored Hekto’s advice and fixed the barbed wire.

“It doesn’t matter who comes. The kingdom of gold will be forever as steel.”


Should I fight? no diamonds How long can you last with magic on your cards?

It was the time when I was preparing for a desperate fight with my card in hand.

The daughter and the clear bell rang out.

The sound is not loud. However, you can tell that it is a carefully made paper just by hearing the full sound. If the material was iron rather than gold, there would have been a chord that would move the hearts of the listeners.

Elric’s gaze swam around. At the end of her gaze was the slowly opening door of the town hall. An innocent voice came through the gap.

“your majesty! Done!”

At the same time, the feeling that everything in the world was far away grabbed me and led me.

not just the senses. A thin but invisible membrane came out and separated them. As if the air had hardened like glass, my hand could not go any further.

You probably won’t even hear your voice. Maybe you won’t even see it. As if the existence of me was excluded from the world on the other side.

It’s not because of the mood. Elric and Hekto’s expressions changed just by his appearance. Elric greeted the owner of the voice with a bright smile that he had never seen before.


While calling the name of the golden mirror.

The one who appeared by the name of Hwanggeumgyeong was a young boy. He didn’t feel anything special or strong. All I could see on his innocent face was curiosity and inquisitiveness.

The boy ran out of the town hall ringing the bell and excitedly began to boast about what he had done.

“It is a maize harvesting machine! It is designed to be moved only by pistons according to the request. No one will be able to move unless you are the oppressor!”

Hector looked around urgently as if he had been waiting.

“Are you done? Where are you?”

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