Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 351

There was a bit of a fuss, but anyway. The Regressor accepted Hekto’s suggestion and decided to give him a day’s grace. Hecto, who had been sitting vacantly as if he had been stripped of his fur, called Peru separately without removing the steel cover. I’m thinking of digging up some information about us.

It doesn’t look like a nation to be sincere to a good subject, but on the contrary, even nations look like nations when there are people like that.

The regressor who came out of the steel cover walked calmly and glanced back.

“You mean you didn’t use a living person as a stone statue? That is more surprising.”

“what. Shay knew that too.”

“It’s obvious. When you see an overly realistic statue, you have to first question whether it is human or not.”

and well made Isn’t it normal to think like this? What kind of life have you been living?

“By the way, did you manage to figure it out too?”

“I just picked up the words of the suppressor. It’s something that people don’t like about resonance. As Shay said, I did well not to eat foreign food.”

“People say it doesn’t matter much to outsiders, but that’s the case.”

‘If I don’t just die in all countries and get resonated by the golden mirror, will I be able to return?… Groan. I don’t really want to check.’

The regressor shook his head and said after getting ready.

“I’ll look for where the golden mirror is. According to the oppressors, it will be in a place not far away. If you know the location in advance, you will have a wider range of choices. If things don’t go well, you can shun the suppressor and go meet them.”

He proudly declares that he has no intention of keeping his promise. I guess you could call it a regressor.

Hilde also gave a compliment, not a compliment, with admiration.

“Wow. It seems that he has no intention of keeping even the promise he made earlier! Great! Impressive!”

“Noisy. Then what are you going to do for the day?”

“‘Me? ‘I’ collects information in disguise!”

“It’s the same!”

“Because it wasn’t Shay ‘me’ who accepted the offer! Besides, ‘I’ become a different person when I transform?”

“What about other people? Even if you transform, you are still you. It’s not about being someone else.”

The words thrown by the regressor without much thought coincidentally touched Hilde’s wrath. Perhaps these words were necessary for a shapeshifter who had lost himself.

However, messages sometimes use messengers. Hilde said with a smile on her lips.

“You have no right to say that. Because you can’t find ‘me’.”

“Can you notice? You guessed it a few times.”

“You use ‘eyes’? Pooh. Anyone in the world can do it based on doubt and notice. What’s more, you have to rely on the authority of light to confirm it, right? cowardly What’s worse, he doesn’t even know he’s cowardly. The only person who recognized ‘me’ from the beginning was my father.”

uh. Actually, I also used something similar to the power of mind reading. I’m very sorry if I raise it too much.

Still, I know that I am a coward, so I wonder if it will be okay.

“Why are you suddenly like this?”

“It’s because your pride hurts when you gossip about ‘my’ Transfiguration. Then, ‘I’ have to prepare to infiltrate.”

Hilde shook her hand and headed toward a dark alley. The regressor looked at Hilde’s back and made a puzzled expression.

“what. him?”

“I don’t know what it is, but it looks like Mr. Shay hates you.”

“Is it my fault?”

not to blame Guess I’m just not a good fit.

I was told to separate and gather information, but I had no intention of running around. It’s because I’m sick of what I do with my body.

golden mirror. Is he trying to become a king? Are you trying to become a god?

I can’t understand the intent at all. His behavior is inconsistent. Seeing how they produce food and build cities, they seem to be trying to save humans, but in the end, what they do by making so many humans is just collecting.

It is the king who kills others and lives on their blood and sweat.

It is God who divides himself and distributes the pieces to men.

However, the behavior of the golden mirror was somewhere between the two. ‘Collection’ is what the people who live in that way reach by spreading their abilities to provide a place for others to live. The people ultimately become part of the Golden Sutra. If you live, you are ‘collected’ and if you die, you are ‘disassembled’.

But… there’s no reason to collect things like humans.

Is that why you stick to the title ‘Golden Scene’? Because he is neither a king nor a god?

“I really need to meet you.”

I was on my way, muttering to myself, retracing the way I had come.

It was then. A murmur was heard in the street ahead. When I looked up, I saw that it was entangled with a carriage on a slightly steep road. Those who looked like the owners shouted with blood vessels in their necks.

“Who’s the bastard who brought a wagon into the city?!”

“The other side made a sudden stop!”

“What does it have to do with me stopping for a second and you crashing into the wall!”

it’s a car accident It’s common.

The city is temporarily inhabited by alchemists under the oppressive lord, and hounds hunting the corn fields. Public order is maintained by the power and popularity of the oppressive society, but there is no way that there will be no problems with the unruly wild cats living together.

I can’t help it. Shall I go back to Bing? You don’t know the geography of the city, but if you have a sense of direction, you’ll eventually get to where you want to be.

what? Gilchi? I will not treat such fantasy creatures as human beings. It’s so disgraceful to have a human who has only intelligence to trust. You are human fallout.

I’m trying to get out of the side alley and head to the next alley.

“what. There is no road here.”

weird. There must be a way to calculate it. Should I go a little further? where is the next alley?

That’s right. If you pass this way, you will come to the next street. As I was about to enter the alley, I stopped in a hurry at the thought I heard from inside.

‘If you come, shut up. It’s about stabbing a guy who looks like he has a lot of money. All it takes is one room!’

What robbers are there? He holds a dagger with a clear intent to kill. Even a surprise attack won’t work on such a person. Because if you talk to me, they’ll stab you right away.

run away Let’s take a natural turn to the right here.

I haven’t lost my way yet. He knows the direction the sun rises and clearly grasps the north, south, east, and west. If that doesn’t work, it’s enough to climb on the roof and run around. ‘Cause I’m not gullible

so it’s even weirder

I didn’t even intend it, but I chose it at that time without much worry, and it seems that I was automatically driven to a certain path. It’s definitely the right way, but it’s a bit obscure and it’s not strange if someone jumps out.

It’s weird. How can I explain this? My choice had no meaning, and I felt like a puppet moving as someone predicted. In the hands of a chess player who looks ahead to move 10, I feel a sense of displeasure as if dancing.

but that can’t be I am a mind reader. He is a psychological warfare swindler who can read the thoughts of players looking ahead and set traps. I didn’t feel anything in my mind reading.

The wildcats that blocked the road, the highwayman, the wannabe, and the blocked wall. I didn’t intentionally block the road. If I had known, I would have read and dealt with it in advance. Even if someone designed it, how would they know that I would walk that distance in that time and prepare such a device?

It must have been sheer chance that I came this way…

“I will warn you. You savage.”

…No, there is one more possibility.

Seonghwangcheong speaks of ‘fate’.

A woman wearing a deep robe was standing blocking the narrow alleyway. The only visible parts of his body were the narrow corners of his mouth, his gray hair, and his hardened fists poking through his sleeves.

Should I say that too?

I read my thoughts, but since I’ve already come this far, I can’t escape. From the moment I changed direction on the first street, this encounter was already ‘scheduled’.

By the saintess of Seonghwangcheong.

Standing in this place as planned, she glared at me as planned. Hostile, but unwilling to attack. She’s only here as a warning.

“If you want to stop the war, let it be. Rather, there will be blessings ahead of you. However, if you intend to pursue another mess. If you try to reduce humans back to wild beasts.”

steel maiden. Ferel.

Among the saints who are the apex of the Seonghwangcheong, she is the only one with pure power.

The Saint of Steel raised her hand and pointed at me. The reason why the fist that pulverizes heresy with one blow was covered with holy water was not to protect the fist, but to protect the person who would be hit by the fist. However, it is said that no one was protected in spite of that tearful consideration.

Everything the saintess’ fist touched was shattered.

“Accept the will of the first saint who blessed this maid and cursed barbarism.”

I admit that I came alone without a sense of danger, but it wouldn’t have been safer to have come with someone. Because the steel saint cannot be stopped. Literally.

Ferel warned me by pointing a finger at me.

“I will punish you directly with these fists!”

No, not towards me, but towards the king of men.

People cannot decide how they will be born. The same goes for the human king. Do you have any other descendants? When I opened my eyes, I was the king of humans.

You may think that a human king is something great, but if a king does not have a country, he is just a mentally ill person who believes he is a king. What about the human king who lost all his powers? He’s just an ordinary psychopath who’s only slightly adept at what humans do.

So I tried to live a normal life, to do my chores, to be normal.

The problem is that the world didn’t leave me alone, so I got stuck among special people, and I’m an animal that adapts, so I’ve just adapted, but the essence hasn’t changed.

But suddenly, a saintess came to see me and warned me. They say that if you do, you will punish them with your fists. It’s unfair. It makes no sense! Why should I be beaten to death!

Emotions surge. I cried out with a lot of resentment.

“What am I going to do? I was just trying to live a normal life and got caught up in something strange!”

“Are you cheating while touching the demon designation of the bottomless pit?”

“Drank? What is it? are you eating? Who the hell thinks I touched it? Did you get in and out of me? Rather, I’m to the point where I want to challenge the heavenly gods! They were suddenly caught and thrown into the abyss. Where is their self-righteousness in that!”

“Don’t pretend! Because you worked with magician Lancart…!”

Ferel, who was about to shout in a fit of rage, suddenly covered his mouth and murmured.

“…no. Talking to savages is foolish! Don’t be fooled!”

“Is it a delusion? Do you say that the appeal of the innocent lamb is also a delusion? Since when has God been so heartless?”

“Don’t tarnish God’s name! Your actions have already made it clear!”

“Because I didn’t do it. We seem to have a misunderstanding, so let’s talk for a while and clear it up.”

“No need!”

“Why? Didn’t the Bible say that the ability to communicate with one another is the noblest power given to human beings? If it is that precious, we should use it even more.”

“It is also what the devil uses best! I don’t need to talk to you!”

Ferel kicked off the ground and ran. I think I stomped my feet lightly, but my body soared. Ferel, who had returned to the entrance of the street, pointed at me with his finger and said,

“This maid is leaving today. Just don’t forget! There are always eyes watching over you!”

“They kept watching darkly. Are you a pervert? If we keep watching like that, let’s talk about each other honestly. There are a lot of empty houses here, so go somewhere first…”

Ferel covered his ears and ran away without looking back. I tried desperately to call, but none of my voice could pass through the ears covered in seonghaepo.

Chet. Too bad. It was a chance to read more thoughts.

My mind reading is to read people. Since the saintess is a human, her mind can be read. But you can’t directly steal the future they saw. Just as not all humans see the truth just because there is truth in the world.

In addition, the steel saint’s wisdom was special and more difficult.

So I had to gradually elicit information through conversation…. The education is well done.

I feel it again, but the world is too unreasonable. Without any strength, I roll my head and use all my means to survive far away, but the other side appears with destiny.

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