Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 349

The regressor asked the void, but only Peru can answer this question. Naturally, the eyes focused on Peru.


Peru, who was stared at, walked slowly to the window.

There was a small window in the golden chest, but even that was closed with a thick curtain by Tyr’s strong will. Peru lifted the curtains slightly and looked at the scenery outside.

And murmured in a low voice.

“…it’s getting closer.”

Peru is short on words, but this time I didn’t even have to explain what it was. There is only one place to get close to in these nations.

would be golden

We left the cabin as if we had made an appointment. After climbing the narrow stairs and stepping on the deck, I looked around, frowning at the pouring sunlight.

On one side of the cramped deck, Aurea was fuming excitedly. With Peru taking care of Aurea, I slowly approached the bow. The landscape that had been hidden by the golden horizon was gradually revealed.

“I didn’t know until now because I was stuck in the cabin. The scenery has changed quite a bit, hasn’t it?”

Eventually, arriving at the bow, I muttered as I looked at the scenery unfolding in front of me.

On one side of the field of vision was an endless field of corn. Corn tall enough to submerge a person to the top of his head filled his field of vision.

The cornfields at the edges had been dug up, probably for harvesting, but compared to the overall size, they were only about a claw. If all this corn were gathered, the nations would not have to worry about food for years.

The sea of corn, which seemed to continue endlessly, was suddenly cut off somewhere.

If you cross the small stone wall, the city center spreads out inside. It was a beautiful city made of pure white stone, from the rock to the roof. A winding road leading from the water supply running across the building. And to the huge and magnificent palace that can be seen in the distance. It must be a historic city left by a great civilization…

“This isn’t the Golden Palace, right?”


“Then it must have been made by the golden mirror. This field and that city.”

…if only these places weren’t for the nations.

Looking back, I feel a sense of alienation. You don’t even have to find out what it is. It was foreign enough, starting with the cornfield openly next to the city.

“It’s a city with no plans whatsoever. Building that size of a field right next to a city this big without running water? In just a few weeks, the fields will wither and the cities will become breeding grounds for diseases and insects. The city is not worth it.”

As I muttered, Hilde, who had been carefully examining the city, helped out.

“Well~? Doesn’t the city look too precious? On the outside, it looks gorgeous and grand, but the aesthetic sense is completely bad. The military would be more beautiful!”

“I don’t know much about art, but it seems difficult to be worse than the military. Isn’t this place better than a country built of square blocks?”

“Your father has a really bad sense of aesthetics too! You don’t want to feel this discomfort?”

aesthetic sense? Isn’t it strange to feel uncomfortable about not being able to eat? Beauty is such a subjective concept that I, who can read hearts, rather have no standards for it. I don’t know if it’s universal enough that everyone nods their heads.

“Let me give you a hint. look at the pillars Then you will know!”

As Hilde said, I focused on the pillars in the city.

temple pillars. leg pillars. and pillars of the building. If each support is different, the people who make it are different, and then the way it is made naturally also changes. There may be styles that are popular, but they are all different. Even if we see the same thing, the process of human reproduction is all different.

But this city was not like that.

same. The pillars of the bridge and the pillars of the temple. Even the pillars of the building. Or even the pillars placed to decorate the roadside are similar.

There are variations in size, thickness, and minor patterns… but they seem to come from the same branch, not from the same root.

“It was fine when I didn’t listen, but now that I’ve heard and seen it, I’m a little concerned.”

“It’s not just that. brick pattern. way of stacking. layout of the building. the shape of the compartment. All the same. It’s the same pattern over and over again. It’s so bizarre that it’s not trite.”

Is this person seeing that from the beginning? While others are looking at the city and the cornfields, I am alone looking at the pillars and patterns of the city one by one. Should I be observant, or should I be a little sullen?

Regardless of the shapeshifter’s power of observation, the discomfort increases every time I hear it. The ‘knowledge’ that came from reading Hilde’s mind itself doesn’t move my heart. However, whenever I noticed what Hilde pointed out, my senses were telling me that I was uncomfortable.

There are things I just don’t like that I can’t explain in words. This city was like that. It is splendid, splendid and magnificent, but every time I see it, a mosaic is caught in a corner of my field of vision. Difficulty distinguishing between left and right. Small blocks look the same as large buildings. It’s like looking at a forest where all the leaves are mosaics.

In fact, aesthetic sense is also an extension of this instinct. I shrugged.

“What can you do? Because this city was created by the golden mirror alone.”

The power of the golden sutra is divine, but the world he created is within the scope of his imagination. The golden gyeong might be able to create all things in the world, but it did not know all things in the world.

In other words, the problems seen in this city are evidence proving that the Golden View is not perfect. Hilde was delighted like a child upon discovering this fact.

“Golden Jing may be a great alchemist, but it seems he hasn’t become a great artist~. No matter how great you are, you can’t do ‘everything’, right? Cook Cook.”

There is no one in the world who can do everything alone. It means that even the Golden King is a human being.

However, Hilde’s mocking attitude made Peru feel bad. Peru approached with a slight frown.

“…so. What are you going to do?”

“What do you do? I have to go to the Golden Palace… Ah.”

why did we come out The golden ship suddenly stopped, so you came out to find out what happened, right? I forgot to look at the scenery.

“…Look down.”

Peru said, pointing down the stern. Did you say that the bottom of the lamp is dark? We, who hadn’t been paying attention to our feet because we were looking at the scenery, finally looked down.

The golden ship was spinning around with the player lifted.

There were lifts with huge pistons suspended on either side. It was digging into the bottom of the golden box and pushing it up. As the wheel fell off the ground, the caterpillar scratched the air pitifully.

No matter how advanced the displacement movement method is, it is the kind that moves while stepping on the ground. You cannot move while floating in the air. So if you lift the Juggernaut, you can stop the Juggernaut… that’s within common sense.

but. The target is emergency.

“You lifted this big lump of metal?”

Why is Juggernaut a Juggernaut? This is because it is a super-giant piece of metal that overlooks a few buildings. Inside, there is a mechanical device that only Golden Kyung can design and create.

It’s natural that it’s heavy, and there’s no material comparable to the strength in the world, so no matter how powerful a lift is, it’s bound to collapse instead of lifting it.

The strength of that lift is also strong… The power of the piston is also phenomenal. Impossible with mediocre abilities. maybe that too

“…Atlas Winnie. It’s an oppressor’s equipment.”

Peru answered that question.

“…blocked the golden. I wonder if the city will be destroyed.”

When I looked around, there were wolves riding on the side of the golden box, watching this side. I was told that there were no people in the city, but he had already run away after seeing the gold.

“Well, from the point of view of the other side, it must have looked like some crazy piece of metal was running rampant and trying to crash into the city. Apologize and take a detour?”

“…no. Everything is here.”

Peru stopped being golden. As she regained her powers, the boat’s horn sounded softly, announcing that the engine had stopped. The caterpillar, which had been whirling wildly, stopped moving. Soon after, the golden ship lost power and cooled down.

Push profit.

As if in response, I heard the sound of air escaping from the piston below. I thought my body would lighten up for a moment, but the golden ship tilted greatly and sat down with a thud. The lift also stopped working.

The clash of the steel behemoths ended with that. It feels like the world has quieted down for a while. Peru said in the empty silence.

“…The suppressor is the closest aide to the Golden Palace. There is a golden palace near him. You arrived.”

The hatch of the golden ship was lowered. When we came out, an old man wearing a straw hat was waiting for us right in front of us. When we saw him, we were momentarily speechless.

Because he was standing there with no knees below, looking up at us.

It’s scary, but it’s so sudden that it’s a little disconcerting. I’m not sure if I’m trying to appeal to my pity or if I’m trying to look scary. before we even reacted.

“Ku-k-k-k-k! It’s always fun to see your goofy expression!”

The old man laughed mischievously and took a deep breath.

Chi profit. He heard the sound of a rushing wind and his body suddenly rose. The old man, who had the same eye level as me, smiled cheerfully.

It wasn’t below the knee. He was completely missing the lower half of his body. Instead, he attached pistons to his legs and walked around.

Oppressor Lord Hekto. Members of the nations who treat the piston as if it were their own body greeted each other with a push-like sound from their joints.

“It’s been a while, Jannok. Sorry for the sudden stop. I got the report late because I was at work. Still, I trust you will understand.”

“Is it all about saying sorry? You spilled all the tea water because you suddenly stopped.”

While everyone was reacting, I was the only one who showed dental plaque. How are you going to compensate for my mental damage? When I grumbled, Hector shrugged his shoulders as if to say something.

“Then what? A gold ship galloping through rocks and steel is about to trample the farmland. Saying I’m sorry was polite without even thinking about it. If I had trampled on the cornfield, I would have turned it upside down.”

The answer was so eloquent that I doubted my ears for a moment.

People from all countries with whom I have talked so far are cogwheel lovers, hot-tempered, and have communication difficulties. According to the inductive principle, I implicitly thought that the next week was also abnormal.

I even thought he was an enemy or a madman because he even lifted the gold with a lift. Are you better at talking than you think?

“what. Why do you look like a normal person?”

Oops. true heart.

“Ku-k-k-k-k! I’m the odd one in this country! The country needs at least one sane person like me, won’t it?”

It’s really strange. Are you saying my words are just a joke and laugh? Are these nations?

This is why you shouldn’t judge people by their appearance. The personality of a person without legs is so good.

Hekto responded kindly, took out his staff, stretched it out, and touched the ground. Balanced, he asked Peru with sharp eyes.

“ruler. anyway. If you don’t have anything to do, you can take a detour and pass by. Judging from the fact that it has a different purpose. Since I’m getting older and it’s hard to stand still for a long time, why don’t you tell me something soon?”

The regressor stepped over Peru and said.

“We are envoys of peace from the military. I want to talk to Hwanggeumgyeong about stopping the war and making an agreement.”

It was a straight ball that was tight to the body. It was so honest that there was no room for misunderstanding, so it was hard to believe.

Hekto, the head of the oppression society, couldn’t accept it for a moment and blinked his eyes. I looked at the regressor suspiciously as if I didn’t believe it. Fortunately, there was a Peru that could vouch for our identities.

“Really Jannok?”


“Do you have anything to prove your identity?”

Common sense procedure, but nothing to prove to the regressor. The regressor hesitated, but Hilde stepped in instead.

“I have something to prove, but would you like to know what it is? If it’s a minister, it’s a minister, but can I tell you why Maximilien didn’t become the head of the church?”

“All right. It’s true that he came from a military country. In the first place, if there was no business with Hwanggeumgyeong, what kind of fool would ride the Juggernaut of Jannokhoeju and end the nations.”

Convinced, Hecto wrinkled his forehead and stroked his beard.

“Hmm. It’s a peace envoy. I didn’t know that the military would send them first.”

It deserves it. The military did not know either. If it weren’t for the regressors, they would have sent troops instead of peace envoys.

It is not easy to draw conclusions like this. Hekto scratched his straw hat and looked at the wildcats surrounding him.

“This is not a good place to voice a political opinion. Shall we go inside and talk?”

“good. Guide me.”

The regressor nodded happily, and Hector hesitated.

“To step into a land that might be a trap so willingly. Are you feeling a sense of crisis? If you, the peace envoys, disappear, peace itself may become nothing.”

“Have you tried it?”

kya stylish. When can I say something like that?

Even if you have the ability to read minds, you can’t say things like that. There are cases where I didn’t think much of it, but suddenly it went wrong and I really did it. You have to have the confidence to survive in the middle of an explosion like a regressor.

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