Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 337


Pew woo woo woo woo.

Along with his outburst, the sound of cutting the wind stretches and tears the sky. The blazing light flying through the sky seems as if someone is cutting the night sky with scissors. The flaming arrow or the long rocket that flew in like that… fell into the tent on the other side.

Kwakwawang right

after .

A beat later, a roar rang. The time-limited sun rose over the camp. A shadow falls on the tent and a hot wind grabs and shakes the shadow.

and scream. Fear and confusion spread with man. People who are confused are running through the streets in a hurry. Free nations are always ready to flee. Now, that ability has been fully exercised.

Peru asked, frowning at the light.

“…What happened?”

“I do not know! It’s an attack. Could it be the military?”

‘…the flying shells? no. For the purpose of delivering tactical damage, noisy shells are ineffective. If you create confusion, the hounds scatter. This is not a soldier’s way, but a hunter’s way.’

“…no. this way.”

Peru recalled someone, and before she could say the name, an explosion became a voice and identified herself.

[Lord Rowket tells you.]

It was a strange voice. Obviously, the elemental element is a loud explosion sound that hurts the ears, but it is strangely connected and takes the voice of one person.

Acoustic pointillism. It was hard to guess what kind of technology he mixed without reading his thoughts.

In the meantime, the leader muttered when he heard the name.

“Rocket? A heat blast?”

[The great Golden Sutra has commanded you. Strike the army.]

A scourge of heat and explosions. It’s scary when you hear each one individually, but it’s a bit pitiful when you hear it together. If you ever meet face to face, ask if it was intentional. If you get angry, it’s on purpose.

The voice of the heat bombist continued.

[But these pigs are licking each other’s buttholes when they set up a camp. I’m just busy filling my stomach! why didn’t you leave Why don’t you follow orders?!]

He scolded an unspecified number of people in a nervous voice. Someone made an excuse that was not an excuse, saying, ‘I was going to go…’, but there is no way for his voice to be heard.

And the other person probably doesn’t want to hear that much either.

[What you eat. What to wear. Vehicle. All made by the golden mirror. Everything that makes you is bestowed by the Golden Sutra! Our god is a golden mirror! But you guys! Even after hearing God’s command, you ignore it!]

In the meantime, even a spoonful of blasphemy.

[Then let me follow you! I am Lord Rowket, a faithful servant of the Golden Temple. From now on, the hunt for apostates begins!]

At the end of the shout, dozens of piercing bells were heard. The moment of pause passed again. The humans who stood to listen to the voice started running again. Lord Lockett’s shouts scattered behind the fleeing crowd.

[Leave if you want to live! loot! As the golden mirror ordered…! Gold and silver you can have! Plunder guaranteed! It’s only gold for the military!]

Wome. What kind of fuss is this? Are you plundering here now? Among the same nations?

I think I know a little bit why the nations were defeated by the army in seven days.

At that time, a terrible tragedy occurred in front of the tent tavern.

A beautiful white-silver-haired girl appeared, as if she had just jumped out of a fairy tale book. A girl in a dress with a black parasol over her shoulder walked resolutely even in an unfamiliar place.

To say that he had met the king of the Golden Kingdom, or that he would reward someone who knew the location of the Golden Palace. He was only saying unrealistic things, but no one questioned him because the narrator was more unrealistic than that. Like a fairy in a fairy tale, it seemed like a fantasy that would soon disappear…

But I never thought it would disappear by being hit directly by a rocket flying across the sky.

Arms were broken and bodies were pierced. Dark red blood bloomed next to the bright red flame. Around the time someone muttered that the human body resembles a flower, those who finally realized something screamed.


“People! A person is dead!”

“Are you a person?”


Around the time when people who grasped the situation a beat late because of the shock were about to run away in a panic.

“Not dead.”

The girl who looked like her limbs were cut off by a rocket opened her mouth. A thick darkness bloomed on the body that he thought had been pierced, and he had swallowed the rocket. Rocket was half immersed in the darkness, emitting only pitiful dying flames.

The girl looked at the rocket with red eyes. The only emotion in those eyes was… displeasure.

“one. It’s an arrow of flame… It’s very unpleasant. I’ve been trying to get information in my own way for a long time.”

But no one heard the voice. Because everyone ran away in fear greater than rockets.

that time. Aji was running on the ground.

It would be difficult to express it in human language, but if I dare to guess the thought, it was ‘pleasure’. So far, Aji has snatched flying things with his mouth, and the results have mostly ended in pleasure. By inductive reasoning, it was concluded that the same result could be obtained if the same action was performed this time.

Also, the twinkling lights strangely stimulated the hunting instinct. Where else could there be a tail that burns so reliably?

So Aji ran. Just in the direction the rocket landed.

Fortunately, I smelled it before the explosion. Aji instinctively changed direction and jumped up.

“Keep it!”

The flames engulfed Aji. Aji cried bitterly. He didn’t get hurt too much, but the excessive drinking, fumes, and flames were stressful in themselves. Aji desperately ran away from there.

Surprised, Aji ran to the person he could trust.

To the dog’s most precious friend, man.

that time. One opened his eyes. When she heard the explosion, she stood up as if she had waited and muttered.

“You finally showed up. waited a long time I thought it would appear soon after I sown the gold of understanding, but…”

However, when I saw the voice that followed and the rocket that embroidered the sky, I narrowed my eyes.

“…groan. But why is the Juggernaut coming? Even outside of camp? Does it work too fast? anyway.”

Just then, a rocket flew towards her. But this level doesn’t give me any inspiration anymore. The regressor moved his wrist briefly, and with that trajectory, the rocket split in half and exploded.

It must have been intimidating. A thick mass of metal flying at high speed and potentially explosive. It was a weapon and a means to threaten her life.

But now, it was just one of the minor problems with countermeasures engraved on her body.

Even the owner of that rocket.

“You can dig it up and ask.”

Regressor Shay muttered dryly.

A cycle of heat and explosions. heat wave lord. Even if you listen roughly, it seems very hot-tempered. Considering that unique magic is subtly influenced by personality, I wonder if it will explode even if I touch it.

His personality is also his personality, but it bothers me that he is carrying a bomb. A person who is more dangerous than hot-tempered is a person who is hot-tempered and uses a bomb that resembles Ji. The former kills himself, while the latter kills others.

Killing yourself is nothing to know, but killing others is something to know. It was the time when I, full of fear, closed the tent and tried to sit-in.

The captain pushed back the tent and ran out.

“Don’t be rash! The opponent is a hot-blooded master!”

Standing tall in the middle of the street, the captain shouted loudly as he stopped the fleeing people.

“His direct subordinates are all equipped with heat blast propellers! You can’t run away anyway. Resist here!”

Perhaps his words were the most rational response. Explosions are menacing and loud, but not as dangerous as you might think. The explosion spreads the divergent firepower in all directions. If you know how to do even a little qigong, you can offset fragments or hot air to some extent with the principle of anti-tank qigong.

It’s not the rockets that are really dangerous… it’s the crazy people riding them. Against them, it is several times more advantageous to resist them as a group than to be caught while running away separately.

But human beings are clumsyly rational.

“Do not be ridiculous! you fight I’m going!”

If everyone joins forces and resists, we might be able to fight even against the heat blast lord. But if I run away while others resist, I’m sure I’m safe.

Because of that dilemma, the camp’s wildcats all chose to run away. Thanks to this, the camp’s wildcats were defeated before they could even fight.

With no one to fight for her, she couldn’t even secure her own safety.

“Everyone to the north gate!”

“Then why are you heading to the south gate! You’re trying to use it as bait!”

“shut up! You can go out through the nearest door!”

Flashing wits are used only to fool each other. The clamor turns into a shout and turns to the opponent. Even in the middle of the day, the appearance of taking his things as much as possible and running away is consistent.

The alchemists who opened the stalls started later than they did. The leader shouted at those who were belatedly trying to pack up and run away.

“You fools! don’t go! It’s the safest here! here is…!”

‘Here is Jannokhoeju! The alchemist’s nemesis!!’


Just then, a rocket rips through the tent and lands right in front of the leader’s nose. The alchemists scattered in confusion.

The leader can also hide, but Peru is behind them. In order to block it with his body, he blew air into the tent and took the lead.

at that time.

“…in front of me.”

The flame burning in the wick died out.

And that’s not all. An igniter that created a spark. A brass cylinder too. It could no longer hold its shape and crumbled. Fire turns to ash and smoke, and steel rusts and corrodes and scatters.

While everyone watched the scene with open mouth, Peru walked out of the tent and came out into the street. Standing as she stepped on the broken steel, Peru murmured in a low voice.

“…nothing shines.”

Broken and rusted rockets in an instant. The alchemists who saw it groaned involuntarily.

“Jannok Huiju?”

Conflicting emotions flashed across the faces of the alchemist merchants after the arrival of Peru. One was the relief of living, the other was… the fear of permanent loss.

It is a fear that has reached the end of understanding rather than instinctive fear. The alchemists hesitated, embraced their possessions, and stepped back.

The reason is simple.

Jannokhoeju Peru’s power is because it makes the wealth of alchemists… precious metals or objects ‘unusable’.

In many countries, ‘cannot use’ has a slightly different meaning. As long as there is alchemy to freely transform objects, metal is always worth its weight. If you don’t need it, you can use it again.

But Peru annihilates even the value of weight.

Leaving only remnants crumbled with rust that can’t be used anywhere.

“I lived to live… but…”

“That… ability is…”

Whether to protect one’s life or property that is no different from one’s life. In the midst of the difficult problem, the alchemists of the upper house were troubled over and over again.

what the. I’m hungry. I never thought I would worry about putting my life and money on the scales. I’ll give you the answer.

“hey! there! I can’t praise you for helping us…”

Let’s scold him sternly and drive him into a cannon fodder for me. It was time to choose what I would say next.

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