Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 322

“For Hughes to be your father, Hughes should have had you before you were even born! Does that make sense?”

Of course it makes no sense

Anyway, after turning around, I finally realized this causal reversal. I didn’t know that the regressor would notice it earlier than Tyr…

‘It’s not impossible. If only the holiday existed.’


It’s strange. what am i thinking right now

‘Everything has an explanation. Even the mysterious power that brought back my heart to the point of losing myself. The beating of a heart that had stopped a long time ago. That’s something only I know in this era… If Hugh is the king of humans, if he represents all humans. Maybe I can figure it out.’

Tyr is oddly trusting of people. It’s not because they’re stupid or naive, it’s because the old house has lowered its threshold to admit new guests. So, even in the abyss, I believed in all my nonsense, and I accepted and saw the knowledge that the regressor said. Even more so, I took Hilde’s words as if they were calling me father.

‘Apparently at that time, the monster whose blood smelled of rust said to Hugh. Are you the king of humans?’

Is that why? Tyr didn’t show it, but… Maximilien saw me and called me the king of men. to write now.

good. Now that I am the king of men, I can say that Tyr’s wisdom has shone.


‘Then it makes sense for that child to call Hugh his father! If he was born before he was born, he must have been born by the previous human king!’

Why are you convinced that way!

‘Nothing. How could someone with such extraordinary abilities call Hugh his father out of nowhere? He must be the son of the previous human king.’

Misunderstandings are going in an unexpected direction!

Until now, I tried to watch him while reading his mind because it was funny to see him shoveling alone, but now I can’t. It got to the point where I couldn’t solve the misunderstanding. Misunderstandings must be resolved before they get further twisted…

‘A strange ability to transform into another human being. There is a difference, but isn’t that power similar to Hugh? When Hyuuga turns my heart back, surely then… Hugh became me. Although the appearance did not change like that child. I definitely felt it.’

After reading Tyr’s thoughts, I hesitated at the sudden inspiration.

…Hmm. for a moment.

I read people’s thoughts. But I can’t predict what he will do. This is because human ideas collide and rebel against each other, creating completely unexpected and outlandish possibilities.

That’s why I can’t be a prophet. As an observer, I just watch the possibilities they create.

The possibilities Tyr has uncovered are worth watching.

good. Let’s get it wrong for now.

“now. Let’s stop this useless age debate. What if there is less and what if there is more? Shay, who doesn’t even have blood on his head anyway, goes around talking squeaks with no manners, up or down.”

“What is this child?”

“Look. To be honest, father is better than being called this child and that child. At least you have respect.”

“that’s right! ‘I’ is calling you father with respect and reverence!”

The regressor put on a tired expression.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen it. Respect and respect…. What if the two of you want to play like that? It’s none of my business.”

“If you want to wear it, talk to me anytime, Mr. Shay. It’s okay to have two children.”

“‘I’ will specially call you Shay oppa!”

“shut up! You guys are playing, don’t force me into it!”

While I was teasing the regressor, I heard Tyr’s thoughts.

‘If Shay’s son Hilde is a daughter… Hehe. There is only one seat left.’

Tyr intervened, clearing his throat, scolding the regressor.

“Shay. Don’t hit the wall too much. We’ve been seeing each other for quite some time, so shouldn’t we get along well?”

“I’ll live without seeing your face if I’m going to fit in that way!”

“…is that so? Too bad.”

“I don’t regret it at all!”

In the meantime, there was a rattle and the cataphract came to a sudden stop. Aji, who was on the roof of the cataphract, barked, ‘King!’ in surprise. I couldn’t see the outside from the inside of the cataphract, so I asked the driver’s seat.


There was no answer. The golem behind the steering wheel, or rather, a structure that roughly imitated the shape of a golem, did not react and continued to drive.

I was patient and calmly called the messenger.

“Captain Dizzy, signalman.”

As I spoke and tapped, the response finally came. A crackling voice echoed through the harsh speakers.

[Jik jik… This is Dizzy, a military communications officer…. Did you call him…]

“Why did you stop?”

[Checking. Jikjik… This aircraft is currently stopped. Waiting for the bridge to cross the meta conveyor belt….]

“Ah. If that’s the case, that must mean I’m finally out of the inner circle.”

A land that flows like a river. The meta conveyor belt winds around the country and flows. Like a river, it offers tremendous benefits when moving with its current, but is quite tricky to cross or cross. Especially in the case of a vehicle, if you just try to cross it, it will most likely roll over.

The special-purpose golem driving the Cataphract said in a dying voice.

[That’s right… I arrived 2 minutes earlier than the scheduled arrival time, so I had to stop because I was embarrassed…. Please wait a moment…]

“Okay. Let’s take a look outside.”

As I opened the lid of the Cataphract, I felt something heavy. It’s because Aji is sitting on the lid. I said knocking on the lid.

“Oh! Get out of the way!”

“Woof woof?”

The feeling of weight is gone. I flipped the lid back and poked my head out to look outside.

A flowing meta conveyor belt stretched out in front of the vast land.

The way the land ripples and flows is still spectacular. A large container is floating like a flotsam on the earth-colored tributary. No matter how strong the Cataphract was, it didn’t look like it would survive being hit by a darting container. Well, if you get on top of it, you won’t bump into it unless you hit it.

I was sitting on the wall and staring blankly at the scenery while a pitch-black parasol suddenly rose along the aisle. When I moved away, Tyr, wearing a parasol, came out and sat beside me, watching the river flow.

“Hmm. It sure looks difficult to cross with this dull wagon. Where do I pick it up and make it move?”

To move with a cataphract weighing in tons. After all, if there is power beyond common sense, there is no need for tactics or devices.

However, in other words, if there is a strategy or device, there is no need for power beyond common sense. I said, pointing out there with my finger.

“I don’t think that’s necessary. The bridge over there is arriving.”

“A bridge arrives…? You mean your legs are moving?”

One hundred words are not enough. I looked at the five containers approaching side by side from the other side of my field of vision and the steel planks on top of them. Tyr was also curious and looked closely at the place I was pointing at.

Until they approached, the container was just a square flotsam. But as we got closer, things changed.

A few golems popped out of nowhere. Shortly thereafter, the structure of the container changed. clap clap clap. The sides of the container split apart and transformed into an arched metal bridge. The tip of the container is freed from the meta conveyor belt and fixed to the stationary ground.

Goo Goo Palace. In an instant, like an iron bird spreading its wings, a bridge was built across the meta conveyor belt.

The golem standing at the edge of the bridge saluted and said.

[Fidget Captain in charge of Meta Conveyor Belt! The installation of the bridge has been completed as of the current time!]

[Jikjik… I’m Captain Dizzy, a military communications officer. Bridge installation confirmed! Hurray! We’re leaving right away! Everyone, please hold on tight!]

Kururureung. The Cataphract started moving again. A huge body weighing more than tens of tons moves swiftly over the bridge. The bridging supported the cataphract with unbelievable durability.

[Mission accomplished! I leave the work after Dizzy!]

[Confirm! Go ah ah ah!]

Kur tomb. The Cataphract ran close to top speed even on the bridge. Cataphracts ran wildly, leaving ᄄᆞᆼ flowing downward. The iron plate rattles.

Tyr showed a lot of curiosity towards the bridge that had been created in an instant.

“Whoa. Sophisticated. When I said bridge, I thought of Baedari, but I never thought I would make a bridge this way. Is that what those puppets did?”

“that’s right!”

Hilde, who came up before I knew it, sat down to my left and grumbled.

“Is it really a huge perk? How many communications soldiers supported one person this much? It’s a luxury that even ‘I’ have never received! If I had known this was going to happen, I would have recruited a communications soldier!”

“Then why bother to build bridges? Wouldn’t it be convenient if you put a strong bridge in advance?”

“Guess who!”


Tyr was quite interested in this question and answer. I straightened up and answered Hilde’s quiz.

“Looks like there will be trouble if you put your legs in advance. Didn’t you build a bridge to prevent someone from crossing at will?”

“That’s half the answer. Even though the meta conveyor belt flows like a river, the land is the land. If a person decides to cross, he won’t be able to cross!”

“Hmm. I guess so. Oh, are you afraid that something big will pass under you and hit your leg?”

“That is half the answer. However, since most of the containers are standardized, there is no chance of colliding with the bridge. Containers are still passing under the bridge, right?”

“You are very strict. If half the correct answer is twice, then when combined, doesn’t it make the perfect answer?”

“This is a quiz. If you don’t give the most important reason other than side benefit, I won’t accept it as the correct answer!”


Tyr’s moan grew longer. Seeing that nothing similar to the correct answer comes to mind, it seems difficult to guess in a short time.

And unlike ordinary people, Tyr is a human being who can easily deal with a problem for about ten days. You may not sleep and try to find the answer to the problem.

Should that ever happen, I’ll have to mind-read Tyr’s thoughts all day long. Even for my mental health, it was difficult.

“Can I give you a hint?”

Tyr gladly replied to my suggestion.

“okay. I will gladly accept your favor. Not because I couldn’t match, but because I can’t refuse your favor.”

“The meta conveyor belt is a land that flows like a river. However, everyone is confused by the word land, but the meta conveyor belt actually plays the role of the river. Moving transport…”

“Yes. I see it too. But aren’t you asking why you don’t have legs now?”

“Tyr. Just imagine. If the meta-conveyor belt is a river, it flows around the military country in one big turn, right? What do you look like?”

The trouble was short-lived. Because Tyr knew the answer well.

“…a moat?”

Tyr said with a slight reluctance.

“answer. What are moats for?”

“To prevent us from approaching the castle.”

By us, you mean vampires. I fully understood why it was called us.

Running water is considered one of the vampire’s chronic weaknesses. Although she is a vampire who can be fine even if she is cut by a gun or a knife, the distinction between outside and inside is so thin that she sometimes mistakes river water for her own bloodstream. It’s not just a cut, it’s a horrible feeling as if your body is melting away, so vampires instinctively avoid flowing water.

“Of course, it’s not just for vampires. Moats cause trouble even for ordinary people.”

“In other words, to prevent the enemy from entering here?”

“yes. Of course, the enemy can build a bridge, but in that case, as Tyr said, you can pour over a large container and knock it down with a bang!”

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