Offer To The CEO

Chapter 275: The Press Reaction - Part 1

275 The Press Reaction - Part 1

Monday, continued …

To allow them to safely exit the court building the bodyguards provided a barrier for Hou Yi and Anna.Once they were outside cameras were snapping and every member of the press was speaking so no one could actually be heard.

Hou Yi pushed Anna's wheelchair away from the entrance, to a space where the bodyguards created larger space for them to address the press.Once they were organised, Anna called out "Ladies and gentleman of the press.We will make a brief statement and will take a few questions, before we need to leave.Please calm down and listen."

That prompted the press to quieten down until there was silence.Anna then commenced speaking"In relation to what has happened in the court, we will only be making this statement.The Court has made a number of orders as to the penalties imposed on Mr and Madam Lu.They will in due course be releasing some information, including penalties and order of protection that was granted.We will not, personally, making further contact, and there will not be any comment from Hou Enterprises."

"Additionally I am guessing that you all want to know how my recovery from my injuries is going.

As I suffered a concussion from the events in the police station my treating medical team, are slowly increasing the time that I spend on crutches, and this will be reviewed weekly.Their intention is that I will be solely using the crutches to move before the cast is removed.They hope, but are not certain that I will have a walking case."

"I am asking you to ensure that I have space while I am recovering from my injuries, as the concussion was serious, as a knock could end up causing more injuries.Finally, before anyone asks, the woman that has accompanied my husband and I is my sister-in-law who came from Australia upon hearing of the incident.She is a highly qualified Nurse, who can assist in my recovery.As she is here for a specific purpose, please do not talk to her.We will take a few questions, before we leave."

Hou Yi pointed to press member "CEO Hou, we have been provided with a story from a Ms Du XuXu.She claims you had an intimate relationship with her in City A, and during a night of unprotected sexual intercourse she fell pregnant after you had verbally abused her, and subsequently you have abandoned all responsibilities for her and your child, who has not disappeared.What do you say about this, and how do you justify that in light of your claims to want to protect and assist women with your charitable initiative?"

Anna looked at Hou Yi, who shocked his head, and Anna knew he would answer that question."I do not know where you got that story."

"Directly from the woman in question, so answer the question."

"Gentleman, you have a mixture of fact and fiction.Du XuXu, is a distant relative on my mothers side, who I met by chance while in City A on business.She introduced me to other relatives there.She and I were never in a relationship, but given my frequent visits to the city I formed a relationship with someone there.I am not going to reveal her name, to protect her now husband, but as my wife knows that relationship ended quite badly."

"Du XuXu was the person who assisted me in uncovering the actions of this woman,She found out that this woman was using me to get business for her lover, and was intending to try to get whatever she could our of the relationship for her and her lover.Du XuXu, on the day that I ended the relationship provided me with the evidence."

"Given how I felt, I told Du XuXu I would catch up with her and her family on another trip, and headed to City A's airport.I was hoping that my pilot could get an earlier departure slot to head to Paris for an Intentional Conference I was attending from the following day.We could not get an earlier slot, and so I remained on the plane until we left."

"One important thing to know, was that Du XuXu and her parents, given our family connection, when I was not using a standing reservation in a particular City A hotel were authorised to the hotel staff to use the hotel room.I confirmed to the staff that I was not using the room that night."

"Three days after I left City A, while still in Paris, I was contacted by other extended family members, who laid out her claim, that I immediately denied."

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